Obama Family

What will each of member of the Obama family be doing in 2021?

Cotton picking

hopefully 6 feet under.

Sucking dick for crack.

Nah, they are going to become the black Clintons. Barack is going to dick bimbos while Michelle starts to become a politician.

Barack - Managing street marches, race baitings, and fake activist "uprisings" with Reverend Al.

Michelle - Divorced. Lives in seclusion after a horrible interview where she finally speaks her mind after having to bite her tongue for the 9 years from 2007-2016.

Malia - Drops out of college. Drugs. Constantly being name dropped as a hook up toy in rap songs.

Sasha - Becomes a republican. Works a steady job. Keeps a low profile. All-around decent human being.

Weed, fried chicken, and purple drink; watermelon when it's in season and not too expensive.

Rotting in a prison.

Well Barack already started his own version of the Clinton Foundation called "My Brother's Keeper". I look forward to Trump launching investigations and shutting down the ensuing riots.

Also those long arms. Their ancestors must have been some kind of apes.

but they are house niggers

Yeah, humans.

One of the girls looks manlier than their other da-- I meant mom.


Leeching of ex president welfare i assume.





aging like fine milk


turn on the white side

Trump has a plan to be the most progressive president ever and finally give reparations to every single african american to show how much all americans care about diversity.

reparations: a free one-way boat ticket back to Africa

he will also outlaw racemixing to preserve diversity.

top kek your precious frumpf isn't even going to investigate the clinton foundation

top kek your """""""""""""""""god"""""""""""""""" confirms this

i know that girl on the right haha

tell us about her

>What will each of member of the Obama family be doing in 2021?

Each one of them still will be a nigger

sophomore at brown, pretty annoying, was the chick who caused malia to get caught smoking weed, etc. not much to say about her she's pretty uninteresting

I've never noticed how fucking weak obongo's hands look

did someone pay her to do this on a cam site?

this is in fact very plausible

dunno, but doubt that

what's that poking through her top?


>ctrl+f 'hanging from a tree'
>0 results found

Fuck neo Sup Forums


WAHHHHHHHHHH... There's no one being racist to validate my own racism. WAAAAAAAAAAAH