The greatest civilisation of all time had no problem with homosexuality and was considered normal to have sex with other men.
homophobe's btfo, how will they ever recover?
The greatest civilisation of all time had no problem with homosexuality and was considered normal to have sex with other men.
homophobe's btfo, how will they ever recover?
Other urls found in this thread:
homosexuality didn't exist back then
just dudes chilling, stop labeling shit you fag.
Hence why it was destroyed
>hairless bodies
>faggy greaser hair
>why priests can't wed
not even once
They embraced homos the same way Muslism countries currently do, and infact operate in much the same way.
Young men beneath you are raped to assert dominance, all done in quite. You were still expected to have a wife and family.
Eventually there decadence triggered a cultural meltdown, where the previous native culture was abandoned as the State had a melt down and barbarians sacked city after city.
Sound familiar?
I don't support degeneracy
Fine with gays and all that, but I'm not for it.
not going to say anything nice about it, not going to say "good job fucking that other guy in the ass". it's just a thing that exists that I rather wish it didn't.
>Rome - the later years
The empire has been in decline for 500 years. There was a brief moment where homosexuality and raping of children were considered OK by the general Zeitgeist. It's literally the definition of degeneracy.
This didn't happen when Nero or Caesar were in charge.
stfu Satan.
>Degeneracy ended up being one of the reasons for their undoing
>Literally nothing wrong with degeneracy
Wanna rephrase your argument?
whoa a leaf made the post I wanted to make
nice job
While waking up to buttfuck your boy slave isn't good, I do think it's a shame that male closeness and companionship have died. You look back even like 80 years, and you still see it as a normal thing for guys to hug and kiss one another and to not at all be gay. Guys just used to be able to be that good of friends and able to share thoughts and feelings in that way, and it was normal, and not at all damaging to masculinity.
Yeah and it's great that the Roman Empire still exists to this very day.................... gay.
I think it was all that "get in touch with your feminine side" that is to blame. Talking about feelings became associated with femininity and so men stopped doing it, no one wants to look like a sissy.
I figured it was more that actual gayness has become a normal and accepted thing. Particularly the really fruity, flamboyant fags.
Straight guys don't want to be seen as gay so strictly non-romantic male closeness and bonding died as a result, because suddenly homosexually is mainstream so you can't hang out with your friend and hug and kiss after winning a sports game or something like that, because you'll be thought gay.
Not true. Homosexuality was rare in ancient civilizations because people didn't put up with that degenerate shit. Yes, there were some rich pedophiles and the like that managed to get away with it, but only by staying in the closet.
>muh Ancient societies had no problem with homos
This is the worst history meme of all. And also one of the worst arguments for modern day homosexuality.
Here is a little fact, you probably knew but wilfully ignored: In ancient rome, much like in a lot of other ancient societies, homosexuality was for the most part pedophilia.
And it's fun that out of all societies you'd pick the romans as an example, because the romans had a very specific approach to this. To be more particular:
If you did it to a free roman kid the romans would nail you to a fucking cross.
Yes that's right. They didn't give a shit if you buttfucked a slave (big surprise) but if you did that to a free roman you were fucking dead. Not even questions asked whether the boy did it on his own will, nope. You were dead.
Of course regular homosexuality also existed, but if you think that the common man didn't look down on it as a form of decadent behaviour you are also awfully misinformed.
Besides, if you actually were a bottom in such a relationship NOBODY would take you seriously. As a man in society you were pretty much dead at that point.
It was pretty much the same in ancient greece. Only even more extreme.
Also satan trips so just close this thread and go masturbate to your prefered homosexual material and let people discuss politics.
>considered normal
Learn your fucking history christ
In Greece it was normal, in Rome is was heavily frowned upon. Any degeneracy was shunned in Rome. It happened more frequently in the the later empire but it was never "considered normal".
The fact that Hadrian was a secret fag was a very controversial topic.
You want that level of closeness? Join the military. We all took showers together, changed around one another, and where just generally closer than I have been with even my blood brothers.
Jesus christ you sound like a fucking faggot
>Greatest civilisation of all time
Wrong. It was the first great civilisation. Our current civilisation has dwarfed all others.
homosexuality is symptom of biological retardation, not the cause though.
cause is radicalized individualism, hedonism, rationalism, which triggers self-destruction via retardation of culture to protect genes
I don't personally want that level of closeness, I want that level of closeness to be a regular thing like it used to be.
Go be a faggot somewhere else.
What is gay about being naked around another dude? As long as you aren't a queer that get turned on there shouldn't be a problem.
Only repressed faggots are so self conscious that they can't accept male comradery.
Greatest civilization?
When you describe it in vivid detail like you just did, you're a fag
Did you memorise the shapes of your "blood brothers" cocks as well you fucking poof?
>Only repressed faggots are so self conscious that they can't accept male comradery.
I bet you think "racists" are just insecure bullies too
An hero mutt
And you get to say yes sir! To everything....or anything ;) And your muscly sergent can yell at you and call you fithy names.
Sign me up soldier.
>rainbow is a sign of the Covenant
You call yourself a racist? I bet you have never broke a niggers teeth out. You are a fucking poser and you know it.
You are the one talking about dicks here. I never once mentioned them. Shows what you think about when to here 'naked men'
this man gets it. there's nothing wrong with bros being bros
you're in part right, because the lax and fluffy climate was ripe for the sandnigger pillaging
hating on gays is counter-productive. quit driving them into the dirty leftists. you should all be glad, less competition.
They didnt even last 15 years.
Stupid germaboo.
Go suck on some boobs. Maybe a giant log of shit or a nice rotted fish casserole
the greatest nazis of all time were nazis
they had no problem with being nazis and it was totally normal to have sex with other nazis
will jewish people ever recover?
Most of your time is spent trying to avoid your sgt or Lt. It you can't avoid it then you sham out anyway.
>Easy job
>lots of time off
>no sales tax
>lots of friends, stay in shape
>guaranteed pay raises
>free housing and food.
Very few downs
Back then men weren't of afraid of holding hands.
Now if you do you are basically degenerate homosexuals.
> There is no manhood anymore
> Everything is filtered through the lens of women and their perverse idea of what the brotherhood of man is.
> We are all degenerate for keeping alive something which wasn't a issue back then.
> Man can hug, hold hands and get naked with each other without being gay or remotely attracted to the same sex.
> Per definition we are keeping homosexuality alive by viewing manhood through women lens.
This. Work towards making fags vote our way.
T. A fag
Being penetrated was seen as humiliating even in ancient Rome and Greece.
I think it is caused by a virus, deliberately spread. Probably by design, the upper strata always seem to be full of homosexuality.
Not if he was butch and a freed citizen
lol no
Slavery, rape and pillage was the norm too
It's a gene ffs. Xq28. Let alone surrogacies now theyre making eggs from skin cells. Why did South Park do that Martian meme this season? Why are men "going" to be milked for their jizz by women?
>Just bros bein' bros
>just chillin
>Just fucking men in the ass
>Just desiring the male form above all
>Just viewing the masculine as pinnacle of art
>Just bein' a slavering cock crazy man fucker
>Bein' bros
In the Old Greece civilization gays were normal, assohole. Learn kucking history.
you're honestly so right
No it wasn't. Stop believing christian lies.
>They embraced homos the same way Muslism countries currently do, and infact operate in much the same way
So true
Dont you have to do whatever they say? What if you object to something what do you do? Your money, house, job ,maybe your friends, basicly everything depend on you obeying
They anally penetrated slave and orphan boys like in Afghanistan and the Middle East.
Lower class boys got molested and buttfucked.
This is how homosexuality became associated with pedophilia.
It was too dangerous for adult men to anally penetrate each other.. no modern medicine, antibiotics, etc.
Infections were the real deal. High class men did not get their asses gaped because infection could kill them and ancient hygiene sucked. If they did, it would be severely looked down upon.
they probably sucked ducks most of the time.
use logic and science.
Anal sex in the ancient world was 10000 times more risky than today.
It was only seen as a positive if you were doing the penetrating. It was mostly slaveowners and men in power doing the penetrating to lower castes.
>men wont have stable families
>men being faggots
>rome gets invaded and destroyed by actual men
the laws were different. The aristocrats could do what they wanted and the lower classes and slaves could not say no. They also had more leisure time... didn't have to work the fields.
ancient farmers were not gay or act on gay impulses because they worked all day long and had to sire kids to work their farms.
The higher classes were degenerate.
This is how Judaism, Islam, and Christianity got popular. They were populist. Anti-homosexuality was a populist movement. Plebs got tired of getting fucked in the ass by their "masters."
guess i can add this was sorta the case for the norse peoples too. people who were the bottoms were considered female and a disgrace. it however, wasn't outlawed until christianity came along
The gays then are very different to most gays now.
They died out didn't they?
So everyone who gets fucked is considered bad, lower, even woman....yet we want them to let us do it to them. I dont understand this.
Syphillis is like STD rabies. Dying from it is excruciating.
Most of the old time STDs are nasty. Today, they aren't as big of a deal because of anti-biotics, surgery, vaccines, and drugs.
Adult dudes avoided anal sex with other adults. They went after "pure" boys.
Adult dudes probably just sucked each others dicks.
Yeah wernt they still manley? Like hercules?
I hear its not the gay part guys have a problem with, its the acting like a girl part.
This is sexist no? Are girls lower than men?
one group photo does not make a civilization
holy shit, great post, thank you for sharing.
personally never going to have kids but my best friend is about to start and i'll tell him to look into it.
Just Sucking dicks eh? Is that not bro enough for you op?
Jo, blow each other, theres frotting too.
Anal is gross.
Homosexuality was normal. Anal sex was not.
Just because they had a different view of nudity and modesty didnt mean they were a bunch of flaming fags you degenerate.
see, this is what happens when faggots like you have to make a scene about shit
you're just mad everyone else at the bath thinks your fat and dirty
>Anal is gross.
so is sucking some dude's dick. I can't think of anything more disgusting than putting another dude's dick in your mouth. baka desu senpai.
>based gorgeshitter with the truth
Said something similar in university and was heckeld by nu-males and cucks.
Japanese Samurai and their boyslaves were similar pedophiles but eh it's natural..
it was only that way towards the end. The empire was collapsing so instead of fixing the problem they instead decided to go down with the sinking ship. Hedonism was the religion of the day, and carnal pleasures was what they sought.
No, you are fucking wrong.
> Homosexyality while in service a legion
Gets put to death and executed by fellow legionaries
> Irrumator and fellator
Two of the worst insults
> Homosexuality as a public figure
Extremely career damaging, especially for a politician. Often used as a slander.
People either lived their lives under its shadow, spent a lot of time trying to dispel it, or just moved out of the city in order to enjoy homosexuality more freely.
Homosexuality was publicly shamed and condemned, like the vice it was known to be.
Romans were very understanding of the vices of man, but that doesn't mean they didn't treat them as such.
Feel like I learned a lot today.
>The greatest civilisation of all time had no problem with homosexuality and was considered normal to have sex with other men.
Nope, it was illegal to have gay sex with another free man. Slaves were okay to fuck regardless of gender( it's property so who cares?).
Yea sure But getting your dick sucked is another story. Not like im gna kiss him, now thats gay.
Fags get btfo because they cant into warfare
Its why Rome fell
Homosexuality was punishable by death in Rome.
Those civilizations have all gone extict. Wonder why?
hmmm, could those obvious signs of complete degeneracy be related with the decline and destruction of that civilization?
Not really, user, you know fuck all about Roman social norms, and it shows... it was considered understandable, IF you were desperate, and so inclined, to empty your ballsack into some male slave - but to be a passive recipient of sodomy was unforgivable.
One or two Emperors got away with it purely on account of who they were.
It was all object based sexuality. If you were a citizen you could sodomize a slave boy or a prostitute and it didnt matter. Alternately, if you were Alexander, you could fuck anyone because you were fucking king. Furthermore, if you fuck the son of a member of your fratry in the ass, thats cause for a blood feud.
Are you genuinely so young that you cannot try googling "illegal order"?
Or are you placing your desires on others?
Homosexuality is why that "greatest civilisation" fell.
>not the foederati
If I'm supposed to like myself why can't I like my gender? Maybe if I give of myself and date men I will be best-off
wtf im not a flag fag but this is rare, why is no one circle jerking this user?
very very wrong. in rome it was about giving vs recieving. men fucked, women got fucked. if you fucked girls or boys or men or women didnt matter, so long as you fucked. Men who got fucked were 'fags', and looked down apon
theres a record of a senator or other noble man insulting another, say "we know he doesnt fuck girls, and we know he doesnt fuck boys, but we know he spends time and money at the brothel, so what does that leave"
im paraphrasing greatly, but you get the picture
What? You country is being taken over by a less decadent more conservative culture as we type.
They didn't have sex with men, it was acceptable to have sex with boys
Calling Sup Forums the "greatest civilisation of all time" is a bit much, don't you think?
>Retarded disinfo and pleb psuedoscience
>Wow thanks for sharing! I learned a lot.
Stupid people were a mistake.
Nero had a fuckboi
the boys that were fucked were usually castrated
praise kek, checked
i see what u did there
t. gaylord