What makes Iq so important to be at a specific range? Jews on average have an iq of 110, Asians 106, and whites 100. What makes 100 the sweet spot for a better society?
Iq and society
when talking about how whites, white people never mention the following :
1. Europeans colonizing, enslaving, killing off entire populations - mostly in the Americas - and using the resources of the Americas to enrich themselves. On the flipside, the Chinese when they saw other less civilized nations, their 1st thought wasnt 'lets kill everybody off and take everything they had" but "they are less than us, so lets leave them alone"
2. Chinese civilization > European civilization for most of human history until the 1500s. \
3. Mongols saved Europe by destroying the Golden Age of Islam.
after a certain point IQ becomes less important than other factors like individualism and high trust, both of which are important as well. Jews and Asians may have higher IQs but are more collectivist than whites which seems to retard their ability to build the level of societal trust and efficiency seen among Europeans, with the exception of Japan and South Korea to a lesser extent.
> invites rhis bitch
I am done with him the show is only click bait at this point
Cool it there, dog breath.
A lot of Jewish people are white though, they aren't a race
I want to see Stefan stick his enormous cirumcised kike schlong into Lauren Southern's widened jew pussy
They're a race when it suits them, a religion when it doesn't.
Funny how fluid Jewish identity seems to be.
Rappel quotidien que le Québec est a 110 comme les kikes...
Actually whites average higher than 100 in newer tests because the mainline average of 100 is being brought down by POC
>Hurh durr
We wuz compassionate and sheeit
Mongols tended to pile the skulls of their victims into trophy pyramids, they were extremely brutal and bloodthirsty. The chink's weren't particularly nicer, and the japs, oh the japs, we had to nuke them to curtail their barbarism.
Just see what happens daily in asia, and you'll see the chinks and gooks are merciless to each other. Heck, try doing business with the chinks, they will outjew the jews in being underhanded, backstabbing pieces of shit
When I applied for the boiler makers union in my area I had to take an aptitude test. Involved all sorts of questions ranging from pattern recognition, math, space relations and shit.
The final score sheet they gave me had my IQ on it. was like 105 something, slightly above average, passed that.
Then they gave me a straight math test, almost failed. I didn't get in.
Bottom line, IQ tests are pretty much worthless, but test a persons ability to apply academic and real life 'on paper' skills.
>mostly in the Americas
disease, my man. Tragic but not genocide.
>Mongols saved Europe
thx I guess but desu the Golden Age of Islam is a myth, 90% of everything they "invented" came from Greece or India
She literally was getting horny part way through. Probably had to change her panties when she got home.
>The final score sheet they gave me had my IQ on it. was like 105 something, slightly above average, passed that.
>Then they gave me a straight math test, almost failed. I didn't get in.
Tellement horible pour un blanc j'ai un 121 de Mensa, Bubba..
Now you're done with it? This was the final straw, not the fact that he's a pseudo-intellectual cult leader? No, seriously, he has his own little cult of useful idiot followers that obey his every retarded command. The guy is a known narcissist as well. I don't understand what anyone sees in his videos, they are almost always filled with conjecture and hyperbole, which is hilarious considering he says he is a "rational" and "logical" person. He's just another retarded Ancap that has been blown out far too many times to count, so he just invites edgy contrarians onto his show to discuss political bullshit these days to get youtube bux.
Not true, a lot of good shit came from Muslim scholars during the period. However, the majority of them were ethnic Persians and not really arabs per say. It was really more of a Persian Golden Age. Though the Arabic language and Islamic framework definitely increased efficiency of output through a more interconnected scholarly community; similar to the churches in medieval europe.
Kek, has this actually ever happened ?
But weren't they taking all the passed down lit from the roman empire?
Yep, it's surreal when he starts to get pissed off with his guest
>1. Europeans colonizing, enslaving, killing off entire populations - mostly in the Americas - and using the resources of the Americas to enrich themselves. On the flipside, the Chinese when they saw other less civilized nations, their 1st thought wasnt [sic] 'lets kill everybody off and take everything they had" but "they are less than us, so lets leave them alone"
I don't know where you get that second part from. They just were not capable.
Anyway....is that on the plus side of Europeans? You know, inventing all of the things that went into being able to do that and more, with such intensity and pace that is was stretching the moral boundaries before taking pity and helping the victims to rebuild.
like the industrial revolution that the Chinese envied and killed off swathes of their OWN population to try and emulate Mr.PigIron? And don't tell me the Chinese have a higher "Emotional Quotient" . Only when they are pretending to be westernized Nips.
p.s we literally had to invest and make international pop stars from a nation of people who look like (you?) to build up a sense of aesthetic value and "mystic aura"/ "Inviting difference". That is why you all pretend to be Japanese/Korean.
Yeah it is getting like that huh. Laking creativity like the Chinese, just rubber stamping it out.
Empathy I'd imagine.
At some point too low you're too low to really process that other people are people and feel pain and harm. At some point too high you're evaluating the value of rampant empathy as not worthwhile. It's not a coincidence that sociopathic distribution falls low and high on the IQ spectrum.
>They just were not capable.
China explored the seas centuries before Columbus or other European explorers during their "Age Of Exploration"
>like the industrial revolution
Industrial Revolution happened because of the natural resources/riches of the Americas which provided the 'fuel' for Europe which China never had access to.
Look up "smart fraction".
The proportion of smart people is what matters.
two reasons
the first one is on the civic level of the entire group, as more people have a better ability to plan out their mid-long term utility and wealth creating activities, as well as as having the ability to acquire abstract education as STEM fields faster and more effectively
the second is due to leadership, since it's much harder to run a meritorcatic society when the brightest are only on par with what other societies consider average
when it comes to a normal bell distribution, having a small difference in mean values still means out a massive difference at the tails. consider finding a dindu with an IQ of 100; isn't that difficult, as it's just slightly more than one standard deviation above their average, so about 20% of black americans would score 100 or more
however, finding a black man with an IQ of 140 is statistically thousands of times harder than a similar white man, even considering how hard it is to find a white man like that. the result is that there are far less highly intelligent people in dumber socieites to man the most sensitive positions, which is why so many third world nations are run by semi-retarded despots that simply have the allegience of some armed force
Please! I never stop telling my minority friends about how Genghis khan saved the world from Islam. And honestly I mentioned the brutality of colonialism to anybody in the street who will listen!
Alt-right tards: genetics = IQ
>muh Germanic race
Forgetting that transplanting the way we measure IQ today for let's say 2000 years ago would yield results of the germanic people having subpar IQ of 70ish or so - borderline retarded barbarians.
The flynn effect is caused by superior nutrition. If IQ isn't genetic, how do you explain its very high heritability?
Yes, their access to classic works was important. Just as it was very important for Europe's development. Nothing is ever created in a vacuum; of course we take what has been done and develop it further.
wow, Lauren Southern already looks like a tranny, and that's WITH makeup on.
Imagine what she will look like in 10 years. Jesus fucking Christ. We're talking Ann Coulter-tier, potentially worse.
Jews are so smart, that they got kicked out of every country they were ever in and didn't see it coming a mile off. A bunch of autistic left brainers might be smart with numbers but are clueless to social dynamics.
Plus if you understand people you would figure out we are ONE species and what benefits the one, benefits the whole.
>selfie stick
If that's you, kys
Funny you say that, because Jews are rich as fuck and occupy a load of high position in society. Almost as if they won and are smart af. They are also succeeding in destroying the white race with leftism so I'm pretty sure they are in tune with social dynamics, goy
Je viens de faire ce test d'entrainement de Mensa...résultat:117
You actually don't have to go back 2000 years.
Whites in 1900s had an iq of 80 or 90? if you use the same standards we use today.
Generation after generation our IQ increases, but I believe its to do with superior nutrition and environmental complexity instead of purely genetic/racial.
The real differences of IQ between races will be apparent in the future, perhaps in a couple of decades when the developing countries GDP will start to achieve parity with that of the west.
>that they got kicked out of every country they were ever in and didn't see it coming a mile off
they changed tactics and occupy positions of power in media / finance. with the media, they can brainwash the masses and with finance, they can pay off politicians.
>after a certain point IQ becomes less important than other factors like individualism and high trust, both of which are important as well. Jews and Asians may have higher IQs but are more collectivist than whites which seems to retard their ability to build the level of societal trust and efficiency seen among Europeans, with the exception of Japan and South Korea to a lesser extent.
You're speaking out of your ass.
Taiwan is as first world as they come and its populated almost entirely by ethnic Chinese many of whom came over as late as the mid-twentieth century.
Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai (to a lesser extent) are all highly developed and populated mainly by ethnic Chinese.
The rest of the country is fast catching up.
At the close of the 2nd world war South Korea had a gdp per capita below that of Kenya. Now it's one of the most developed countries on earth but North Korea right next door is still one of the poorest countries on earth- hell, North Koreans are on average 3 inches shorter than south Koreans despite being seperated for only some 60 odd years.
There's a lot more at play here than the "collectivist vs. individualist" culture that gets bandied about here so often.
We speak english around here, syrup nigger.
Shape up or GET OUT
> They "explored the seas"
how cuuute.
> Industrial Revolution happened because...
Made possible because of the previous industrial revolution. You know. The one with the GIANT SHIPS as opposed to the little pirate boats.
> which provided the 'fuel' for Europe which China never had access to
Japan didn't have access to the resources it needed either, you should have shared.
Either way i hope the Chinese can wrangle some power from the government and to the populace before they lose their chance develop vernacular expressions that aren't just Globalist pop-trash like the shirt your boy there is displaying... Probably made one just like it.
Well North Koreans being shorter is definitely a result of lack of nutrition.
You can think of IQ as general mental ability (problem solving, pattern spotting, memory retention etc. etc.).
The higher general mental ability you have the further you're going to be able to go in specific disciplines.
Its easier to be a doctor with a 120 IQ than to be a doctor with a 110 IQ (and it would be impossible to get into an American medical school with an IQ of 80 no matter how well you could compensate in other areas i.e. will power, work ethic etc. etc.).
IQ is not the end all and be all to intellectual achievement but it is pretty damn important- to paraphrase Charles Murray having a high IQ is prerequisite for thinking heavy professions (i.e. engineering, being a doctor, etc.) in the same way that you have to be tall and heavy to play as a linebacker in the NFL. Just being 6'4'' and 280 lbs won't guarantee you a spot on the team but if you're 5'2'' and 110 lbs you're not getting on no matter what.
>how cuuute.
You didnt actually read the article did you? It is amazing how uneducated white supremacists like you who think human history only started when whites started to dominate. Even Hitler isnt as stupid are you :
"Pride in one's own race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them."
The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler, Note #5, (February - April 1945)
>The one with the GIANT SHIPS as opposed to the little pirate boats.
Again, you didnt read the article. Chinese ships >>> rinky-dink ships that Europeans have. Nevermind the invention of the compass by the Chinese was the main reason why ships could navigate the seas / oceans in the 1st place.
Why are talking about the 1800s?
Exactly and that's just more proof that Japan and SK aren't inevitable exceptions to much of East Asia's lagging progress in the modern era. The rest of the pacific rim is catching up- some quicker than others. And its not all due to cultural differences between honorubu kimchi eating Samsung workers and Chinese garment sewers
>blacks have lower IQ than whites
Ha-ha, those stupid niggers. This proves that they are racially inferior to us!
>whites have lower IQ than Jews and Asians
B-but we are more creative and have more empathy! J-jews and Asians are just a bunch of autists amirite?
100 is NOT the sweet spot.
140 is the sweet spot.
Your anecdotal evidence doesn't mean shit nigger.
Go read a peer reviewed study and lrn2statistics
>hurr durr something happened to me that suggests IQ is not important so I'm going to generalize that to say IQ tests are pretty much worthless
u dumb nigger
chinks are special
check what 'white monkey job' means
Yeah, they have that in Korea too.
While most of the teachers are westerners most of the performers (think like Cinderella at Disney World back in the states) are Russian because they're white/cheap.
Hagwon quality varies quite a bit. At my last school I was explicitly encouraged to be an entertainer first and a teacher second (I was told to buy cookies for my students with my own money, show funny videos, etc. etc.). I separated from that place after two months.
The hagwon I'm working at is much better. I feel like something of a hybrid between a tutor and a teacher, I have a lot of autonomy over my curriculum and overall its a pretty good gig.
But its a little painful that the parents don't seem to know or care about my 780 on the verbal SATs, my 172 on the lsat or the rigor of my undergraduate education- far and away my main selling point is my blond hair and green eyes.
Still, its a pretty dope job. I'm living on the 34th floor of a new officetel high-rise (paid for by the Hagwon). Its a pretty baller lifestyle and definitely not one I would be able to emulate in the states- at least not without a good 5-10 years of additional work.
100 isn't a sweet spot, it's just the average. If people were a lot smarter, the average IQ would still be 100. A 100 IQ was chosen as the average intelligence like 100 Celsius was chosen as the boiling point. The other values are scaled from 100.
je viens de faire ta mere.
100 is the average for all peoples taking the test, retard. It's the baseline from the previous year.
way too many fucking comments for this to be finally said. ty
100 isn't the "sweet spot". Speaking just in terms of IQ, the higher the better. The difference is though that whites have a long history of individualism dating back to our past as hunter gatherers in the Ice Age, compared to the more collectivist history of Jews and Asians. The result of this is that whites have been pioneering thinkers capable of producing genuine beauty. Somehow whites have also had a large emphasis on morality, something you just don't see in other cultures. You can see it with leftists today, who are constantly trying to virtue signal about refugees, gay rights etc. The difference is what is "good" has been changed and isn't serving our interests like it used to.
Its not, single motherhood is more important
Stop stealing our women you small penis dirty chink
Actually no. It's not the higher the better. Consider this: an IQ of 70 is barely functioning in today's society, and IQ of 50 can't be left alone and will never function in social norms. Equally as dysfunctional are the 13o and 150 gifted and extraordinarily gifted individuals. They are nearly as likely to be independent and productive members of society.
fuck off back to your country Koreaboo
130 is known in professional circles as the closest thing to a sweet spot. Those with higher IQs are far less likely to graduate from college. Those with IQ of over 160 rarely even graduate from high school.
I'm probably going to do peace corps after I'm done here. Then law skool.
By the time I'm 27 I want to have lived on three continents, be at least bilingual, to have visited most of the old world pacific rim countries (the ones worth seeing at least), Israel, Buenos Aires, Santiago and, Mexico City.
Alright sure I get what you're saying I'm just saying white society wouldn't be any way worse if the average IQ was 110/120 instead of 100, it'd be better. Of course if everyone was a 160 iq autist it'd be worse. A society needs a solid body of "average" people to prosper. When this mass body of people are policed by cultural norms that uphold the society, like traditional white society, we see great things, when the cultural norms are warped to destroy society, like today, that's when we see terrible things.
The emphasis on morality and individualism which led to out of the box thinking is what made our society triumph. We didn't hit some IQ sweet spot just below kikes or anything like that.
nah, if everyone was a 160 autist then we'd all be 100 IQ Vulcans. But yeah, I'm with you.
>just have compulsive need to correct shit for no fucking reason
You retards are arguing about which statistical outliers of the "iq race" make a race better. Maybe you should actually help procreate and make those statistical "averages" go up by pursuing stem instead of shitposting on a polynese anime knitting forum
Speak for yourself jackass. I'm breeding with another high IQ aryan. Wtf did you do today?
At the very least, you should be using Sup Forums as a way of gathering empirical and/or anecdotal evidence for support of the alt-right ideology that the MSM seldom seems to cover. Jesus fuck.
Breed with asian qt(female, not male). Hbu senpai.pai
wtf what why no gtfo
it's not the specific range that's important, more IQ points is always better (which is why jews and asians make more money even in white societies) it's just that white culture is also very attuned to prosperity, jews are insular to a retarded degree and asians are collective to a retarded degree for example, which is why you could be born a black genius and your life is probably still fucked since you're probably born in some complete shithole
I found this, but I haven't been able to find much other supporting info.
Jews don't seem that special.
"the jews" have never been measured as a group for any IQ performance.
the closest thing is *pic related*, which shows they are a dumb as gypsies.
>religion is tied to above average IQ.
This should be fun.
tfw black with Iq of 160
tfw to smart for my own race
How about you shut the fuck up and let me finish reading the article?
male? Find an equally intelligent negress and breed king kong to suppress your kind. That shit is literal antimatter.
It's high enough to maintain a solid civilization.
Jews at the top is a problem, not so much because of the High IQ, it's the fact that they want to be a separat group ... They essentially use their advantage to take advantage of Gentiles. It throws everything out of whack.
Jews *might* be able to run a nice nation, but I honesty think they sacrifice certain attributes to gain the IQ... They seem as a group, to be neurotic in many ways that white Gentiles aren't... Thier IQ is a result of eugenic, selective breeding that favours intellect as a result of intense study of Torah/ Jewish law... But that same wacky religion selects for some really fucked up traits that probably aren't conducive to building a health pleasant society.
85 average for blacks is too low to have European level societies, but they are there anyway... it just creates a racialized underclass who aren't smart enough to understand they aren't smart enough... So they blame whites.
Diversity to me isn't a problem on a personal micro level, on a macro society scale level... It will probably be the recipe for total destruction eventually
>Jews on average have an iq of 110, Asians 106, and whites 100. What makes 100 the sweet spot for a better society?
I'm laughing
Save your people good sir