Will there ever be another terrorist attack (done by governments or not) on the scale of this ever again?
Will there ever be another terrorist attack (done by governments or not) on the scale of this ever again?
>on the scale of this
Uh, yeah. That's a 100% lock. The scale wasn't very large, moron...
On long enough timeline, everything will happen.
Do people actually believe the official story?
Large enough to change the world's way of life
Probably but seeing how relaxed security was before this compared to now it's going to either be a much more complex attack or something like that. Also it will probably have to either be allowed by the government or even orchestrated by them as a false flag to bring us into a war or something.
When the kikes can't blame Mehmet anymore and people start getting fed up with the perpetual war over there they'll orchestrate another event and pick us another enemy
Being called a tin foil wearing nut is an easy way to dismiss people and make them sound crazy to those who could potentially listen
Nope, look at how it went down on 911
They brought down our defenses that day. Air Force simulating a hijacked plane headed for a building as a training exercise to dismiss the real reports.
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Of course there will. Probably within our life time.
That, to me, is the most disturbing and unexplained part of what happened that day. Most insanely powerful military in recorded history... whoops, we just happened to not have control of our own fucking air space that day. Any other military worth a shit would've scrambled some jets as soon as that shit started to unfold. For over an hour we had passenger airliners off course and not responding. What. The. Fuck.
I realised I'm a fucked person for making my own noise effects for this
ISIS is more powerful than Al-Qaeda ever was and it's here to stay. It doesn't matter they can't blow up something big -- isn't half of Iraq big enough?
you're a fucking idiot.
It used to bother me but if people can't connect those dots then we're doomed to repeat history
The majority is more consumed by what the Kardashians are doing or who Taylor Swift is dating now than to look at this and ask questions. I hate to sound like the stereotypical Sup Forumstard but the kikes have the system worked out and there isn't much we can do about it, society bites it hook, line and sinker.
nobody gives a shit about half of Iraq
they feed off every crisis and could size half of the Middle east.
No one gives a shit about iraq though
wait til terrists get their hands on nucular weapons
well, then probably they should blow up something
Yes, on January 1st, God willing
I think the attack was state sponsored and the US govt knows but gave Bin Laden a lot more credit than he deserved to protect the nation behind it. Who was behind it? I think Saudi Arabian royalty is the most likely ones.
Most likely , but it would extremely difficult to pull off, in the Us , near impossible
9/11 happend in part because bush did not think they could actually pull it off, unaware they had help from ((them))
It will most likely happen in France or Germany
>implying 9/11 happened.
I would not be surprised if we see bio warfare in the next few years. A sneaky man made virus could take out huge numbers
Sure, if some muslim with high IQ like Osama planes to.
So far the recent attacks in Europe have been made by low IQ monkeys incapable of killing more than 20 people.
its unreal how degenerate the average public mindset really is.
the question is if they will be able to pull off something actually complex instead of just driving trucks into people and knife rampages
how do you top the absolute freak spectacle that was 9/11? To have millions of people tune in to live news then have a second plane hit the tower is quite genious psychological terrorism? I guess a nuke is the only way to top that shit
Thread number two anout this. What are you planning you noses
I 100% expect a dirty bomb or a chemical attack in the near future.
A ton of fucked up stuff has gone missing during the early rebellion in syria and it still hasn't been found.
probably biological weapons, used during hour within bustling train station i dont know.
Pic related will be destroyed by terrorists in our lifetime
It's was obviously not dunecoons. Look at their triumphs since then.... The best they can come up with is mass shootings and driving trucks through crowds.
Extremely easy in the US with regards to aviation. Measures are far more lax than in the EU, which in turn are more lax than the UK. Israel is top.
Also, there is literally nothing stopping a mall attack except intelligence, and nothing stopping a marauding attack except intelligence and luck.
The latter is the most likely and very easy to pull off in the US. If I was American I would concealed carry.
I'll probably get shit for this too but Sup Forums mentality doesn't help either
I'm a spic and consider myself fairly redpilled but at the end of the day I'm just a spic in Sup Forums's (stormfront, alt-right, etc...) eyes. Redpilled white folks alienates potential a allies as their numbers dwindle and the left grows. I don't blame them for thinking the way they do, there is some precedence for thinking the way they do but I think things would be better if they took in any allies they could. If the day of the rope comes I'm shooting everyone, degenerates and minorities above all but will also indiscriminately shoot you guys, I have no allies.
I amaze that this clip is the only one showing a body hitting the ground.
Might be that Trump is Bush redux, might be. But no new "demolitions". That tech is not going to be used again in such blatant fashion.