Richard Spencer is CIA FBI Illuminati Mason Blah Blah Blah Stop Beating around the Bush you are a Anti-White nigger on this Board.
Richard Spencer is CIA FBI Illuminati Mason Blah Blah Blah Stop Beating around the Bush you are a Anti-White nigger on...
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You're a fucking idiot if you don't think you need plausible deniability in your movement to not become shunned by the normies. We need the normie vote, and Trump won because of it, there was no direct link to racism to Trump, however when Richard Spencer says "Sieg Heil" on television it kinda fits the whole leftist narrative of making us look like neo-nazis. No real nationalist supports this retard.
Ok Mr Refugee
>hurr durr i have no argument
A argument on why i support someone that is pro-white ??
With that point you lost Mr Nigger man
You're calling me a nigger and a refugee and you barely speak your own language, fuck off you disgusting third world trash.
this guy gets it. spewing posts from Sup Forums irl isn't socially acceptable and gives lefties a reason to push """"sensible hate speech"""" laws and what other god awful things (((they))) want to push
Talking weird things in real life shouldn't make nothing.
That how you know you fucked.
So Be the Leftist Nigger Ok Nigger
When you can't talk and make your point of view is when your fucked.
>>No one is going to tell me not to say hail no one is going tell me not to say nigger this is what Sup Forums point blank period.
Why are you so illiterate? Hitler would've purged you.
That's your qualm you are a nigger love and you don't want to see and pro-white in play arbitrary to you're multiculturalism gimmick.
what did he mean by this
I'm not here to write a naval i am here to make this point.
>>If you hate pro-white your must be a nigger.
By the way you type, I can 100% guarantee you're at least 1/4th nigger. Also, Richard Spencer is not pro-white, he's an absolute idiot giving actual nationalists a bad name, or he's a plant doing the same, doesn't matter.
>That's your qualm you must be a nigger lover and you don't want to see and pro-white in play arbitrary to you're multiculturalism gimmick.
>>I don't have spell check bitch
>He's too much guys!
This guy sounds like a little pussy. He's probably some Muslim.
What the hell are you talking about? Why are all of you white nationalist spency-boys so retarded?
Pol would have to learn the art taqiya to infiltrate, subvert and whatnot.
>>Hitler will kill me i.e said the anti-white faggot
>Duh he's a plant.
God you niggerlovers from R_donald are cancer.
You're literally barely literate.
I don't even have a reddit account, compared to at least 50%+ of Sup Forums, you're full of shit.
I'm talking about you being a little bitch that doesn't belong here.
Sup, Richard. It's getting cold out there, isn't it?
also reminder Spencer prefers asian women over white women
>muh roman salute
Real funny cuck. You can go back to sucking dick now.
Fuck, that's brutal.
Not an argument.
Also, I'm no fucking mudslime you faggot, you wish you were as white as me.
Russian woman you mean. Nobody gives a fuck faggot. You like non whites anyways civic cuck.
I don't hate Trump for kissing The super Kikes asshole.
>>I just like to see Trump say on point with everything he told his voters.
and yes i will poke fun of the Trump and Super kikes shit show.
absolutely disgusting
boy, your white nationalist idol has some really good taste in genetics (not)
He's fake. I wonder what power spencer works for, all this alt-right publicity smells like shit.
Why's that your favorite meme? It's really retarded. I mean, I don't expect you understand the flaw of a simple meme. That tiny brain will overheat.
Yeah i'm sure you're getting pussy you fat nigger.
What's retarded about it?
This. Richard Spencer is a controlled opposition cuck, and so is Baked Alaska. Mike Cernovich is the one who is based and civic nationalism is the way to go. Read Mike Cernovich's book MAGA Mindset to understand how to avoid pitfalls that could be exploited by the hoax'n media
Stay on point
>>p.s im not Spencer i'm just microcosmic person that like to be pro-white
she looks like man
even if I was unattractive, which I'm not, I wouldn't go for a woman with such shit genetics
Greater men seek women that are out of their league.
Normal men seek women in their league.
And lesser men seek women below their league.
Spencer is a lesser man.
Nah. Also Mikes Cernovich is a kike.
>>Salty tranny penis is the true way of the white jewish man
Richard spencer has been preaching white nationalism for longer than Mike "Buy my books goy" (((cernovich))) has been a non virgin
Ok bud. You ain't got nothing better to do then talk shit about some woman he ain't even with anymore? Have some class, you probably never been laid tho.
You say he's been a genuine white nationalist for a long ass time. Why'd he get together with a literal mongol then?
I really like trowing Richard Spencer threads out it really Triggers the faggots.
you really gave me a chill motherfucker. Had to check, in case he was 87.
The standards on this guy lol. Well lets see your girlfriend?
Hey, you're actually trying now with the whole "English" thing.
I ain't posting shit on Sup Forums retard.
You ain't got shit to post fatboy.
proof: your ass
>this triggers the autist
So much Israel and anti-spencer shilling on Sup Forums now. Just fuck off.
No, it's just that people are turning to more moderate positions now that Trump is as well.
"Cower before your enemy. It's worked great so far."
Do you think Trump would've won the election if he publicly announced "Gas the kikes, race war now"? Do you genuinely believe that? The attacks on his character didn't work because they had no basis, however if you give the leftists a loaded gun they will shoot, if you give them an empty one, they'll try to shoot but fail like they did in this election cycle, it's so fucking simple it hurts to explain it to you mongoloids.
Dude it's for after you get a Trump. We're trying to stop legal immigration now. Why would we wait?
No they are not. It's obvious that shills are doing this shit. It's not the first time exactly. It has not worked before and it won't now.
Moderation is faggotry and you are one big faggot yourself.
I'm not a shill and I'm agreeing with these beliefs. Israel is based.
>The Shill thinks Israel is Based
Dick "Cum Guzzler in Chief" Spencer can get fucked.
>Greatest Ally
Flag figures.
Western jews =/= Israelis
also, every nation has its share of white-hating leftists.
Neither quote actually appears in this section of the Talmud, these “quotes” actually appear in Nazi propaganda pamphlets, not the Talmud itself. That’s right, this is recycled Nazi propaganda, its not a quote from the Talmud, it’s a quote from Joseph Goebbels (Hitler’s propaganda minister) lying about the Talmud.
Heavy miscommunication on both sides, also you can't blame the Israelis for being on edge when they could be blown up at any second by Muslims.
>haha fuck non-whites, America is a white nation! but pls never say this in real life guys, be good goys and keep shut
> In May 1968, the Israeli government paid US$3,323,500 (US$22.7 million 2016) in compensation to the families of the 34 men killed in the attack. In March 1969, Israel paid a further $3,566,457 to the men who had been wounded. On 18 December 1980, it agreed to pay $6 million as settlement for the final U.S. bill of $17,132,709 for material damage to Liberty herself plus 13 years' interest.
Wow! all of that money that you got from aid from the US given back to them! how generous!
We were given aid since 1987
but most of it goes to R&D so the US still benefits from it
>Oops sorry about that goy!
Pedo Jews!? Yeah i'm sure the Nazis just wanted to make you look bad. #Pizzagate
Still, repaid in more than full.
You know, you're actually making this board look bad with how idiotic you are. The "quotes" are confirmed fake.
hello neocon shill
Whatever kike, we're gonna turn you into soap. No wonder you're shilling the Alt Right threads.
paleocon, actually, I don't believe in interventionism and severely dislike neocons.
You're equally as ignorant as sjws, you refuse to listen to logic and just spread your anti-jew shit. Yes, western jews are parasitic scum, however as a nationalist you should be able to tell the difference between those jews and Zionists.
Also I'm not a jew.
We're tired of hearing from you kike. You're a disgusting rat race that stabs everyone in the back. You need to die.
Where'd you even get the idea that I'm a jew?
>anyone who disagrees with me is a kike
i'm confused as to who I should listen to here
you're a shill, he's a shill, they're a shill, are we all fucking shills or some shit
He's a natsoc trying to argue against Israel, when ironically enough Israel is exactly what Hitler wanted. An ethnostate for jews. I'm a Paleocon arguing for it. Take that as you will.
He's pro Jew, I'm not.
"Yes, western jews are parasitic scum, however as a nationalist you should be able to tell the difference between those jews and Zionists."
Re-read this retard.
Cringe. Stop role playing you degenerate fat ass
I'll fix that bird peak you call a nose by grinding it into the concrete!
Shhhh. They still think Trumpstein is going to save them.
I see the point being made about plausible deniability and normie sensibilities, but I completely respect how free an autist like Spencer is to do this in America. When in the UK there's new hate speech laws being passed every few seconds it's refreshing to see someone hateful on our side being allowed to publicly air his hate, and his pride in being white too
Yet it brings in absolutely no good PR and has effectively split the movement into two, it's also given the media and leftists ammunition to fire against us. It brings literally nothing good to the table.
>I'm not a Jew I'm just pro Israel.
Nice try schlomo! How pathetic that you have to lie about it.
if you are an israel defender then you are a neocuck, simple as that
Okay, let me explain this to you.
want to live in their own country and not the West
hate Muslims
>Western/Globalist Jews
mostly anti-white, even though a large amount of jews voted for Brexit
parasites on the economy
Do you still not see the difference stormfag?
I'm a paleocon. Learn the difference, it could save your life.
Go be a Jew somewhere else schlomo.
there is no difference
Saddens me to see you so misinformed. Here.
Saddens me that we got Kikes shilling our Alt Right threads. You must have no life. Nobody cares about what you're into cuck, make you own thread.