Name a more Charismatic leader

Name a more Charismatic leader

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This Chinese guy (Asian father + White mother AMWF) is going to be the next PM of Canada

6'5" of nationalism


that is funny based on my post here because Wilders is part-Asian

my guy really does look like castro

It's highly unlikely that Chong will become the next conservative leader. He's the last Red Tory in a sea of Reformers.


Name a bigger retarded faggot

The sheer charisma!


We get it Quebec love your hometown boy ... enough already it's fucking embarrassing us all.

Historically, what do we know about Hitler's sex life? Is there any sources on the subject from the era or is it all speculation?

If he was a Leftist it'd be cool to call him that, but c'mon dude. Respect Conservatives and call him by his real name, whatever it is.

Why the FUCK anyone would know something so private even about Hitler?

are you even trying leaf

true to caesar

No, that is his actual last name. Next you're going to call me racist because the most Libertarian of the leadership candidates has Bernier as his last name. Or being anti-elitist in naming most populist/anti-elite candidate Dr. Leitch.

I don't know, haven't read any books about the guy before or any primary sources about him. Figured Sup Forums of all places would know.

Hitler has been linked to a number of possible female lovers, two of whom committed suicide. Another died of complications eight years after a suicide attempt, and one made a failed suicide attempt.

Apparently they couldn't live without his dick.

tio jej

read mein kampf you little faggot

Post a picture of a leader first

Quebec is where he is liked the least. We remember what his dad did to us.

Fidel Castro, his Father. Trudeau's charismatic genes have been diluted

How do you think Merkel was born?