He appears before you. You have 1 question to ask him.
What's your question?
He appears before you. You have 1 question to ask him.
What's your question?
Why did you support the jews in getting an own country?
>You know you should've stayed dead right?
Would you please wait until 1946 before attacking the ussr?
Did you fuck your niece?
where the fuck am i?
will you be my ai gf?
What does it feel like to be a god among mortals?
>leaf education
Are argentinians white
When are you coming back to save the world?
Assuming I'd get an honest answer, I'd just ask why.
Do you agree with Trump?
Are you gonna try again, my Fuhrer?
What is his opinion on track suits?
Erm, half of them are runaway Nazis. Of course they are.
You wasted your question.
You irreparably fucked up Europe, how does that make you feel.
Hello, Isak.
Who was phone?
I'd ask him what Die Glocke did.
Why did you have to attack Russia? You signed a pact, dammit!
How do we bring you back?
Was getting caught part of your plan?
Did you do anything wrong?
>What's your question
Who was phone?
Based island paradise!
Was your grandfather a jew, or not?
(Something he feared so much to possibly uncover, he struck the village from the records)
Is this an Sup Forums thing? I'm sick of this.
do you actually have a piss and shit fetish?
Why didn't you attack Moscow in the summer?
>Not all heroes wear ca-
I guess there used to be a guy from Greenland whose name was Isak, so people always assumes that Greenland is always Isak beacause it's a rare flag.
Why didn't you start the invasion of the USSR earlier and allowed greece to take albania temporarily?
how does that picture disprove "not all heroes wear capes?" is Hitler the only hero in the world?
>implying I wake up in ~1933?
"Might I have a few minutes to convince you that we should have a longer talk about how we can prepare Germany for the upcoming years?"
He might be interested in initiating some meetings for me with von Braun, Zuse, Krupp, Porsche ...
If I were to start the Fourth Reich how should I do it?
So they could stay there and not be in our country
Greenland is uncommon, not rare and what people don't realize is that a lot of young people study in Denmark, using the Danish flag to shitpost.
If you had the chance to kill more white people, would you do it?
Never analyse the meme too hard, man.
sanda! :D
I'd ask him how to get to the hollow earth
Can you take me with you to agartha?
>is Hitler the only hero in the world?
Kek confirms this.
Do a lot of people move to Europe after studying, or do they go back?
Hitler appears before you and asks you to pull a thorn out of his toe and in return he'll grant you 1 wish.
You're all fucking idiots and wasted your questions. Hitler doesn't understand English. You have to ask in German.
One of the problems is brain drain. The best educated stay in Denmark and in turn we get incompetent Danes who can't get hired in Denmark. A bad circle.
Warum hast du die Masuren für einen sinnlosen Krieg weg gegeben?
Wo ist die opinion on track suit?
>is hitler the only hero in the world?
Yes, society proves this
Who says he didn't know English?
>implying he doesn't know english
how the fuck do you think he made deals with the Brits and Americans before the war started
>shart education
That sucks but I guess it makes sense that not very many people want to stay in Greenland, it really doesn't seem like a pleasant environment nature wise.
What you doing here
Kaffee oder Tee, mein Führer?!
Translators, stupid leaf.
Ok. huuhm
Wie fühlen Sie sich der Juden?
are there really ayyys in Antarctica?
Why did you succumb to dark occultism? Why the order of the black sun? Why not tell your fellow aryan man the truth?
>but hey, it's like "the" german thing.
Ironic coming from a Finn, your winters are as harsh as ours, the darkness just as black and with Ugric genes you have to have severe social issues.
Was die fick. Warum Sprechen sie nicht Groenland meine freunde
does fapping to traps make me gay
No. 100% straight.
Warum hast du uns in den Untergang geführt?
He didn't you stupid moron
Lol @ Froggio
Would be funny to hear him speaking a bit.
How did you do it?
Why is it "not surprising Hitler didn't speak English"?
He loved the British and our culture, it was our fat drunk cunt jewish-controlled PM who wanted war with him.
wow, Adolf Hitler was so handsome. i can't be the only woman who finds him attractive.
Danke schön, ich habe bestannen (barely) mein German lektion im die 3.g
That was back in 2009, I can barely manage to pull sentences together now.
Have you seen what happened to Germany thanks to your autism?
What can I do?
Hitler is a 5/10 both in Germany and in Scandinavia.
am i white?
HOW DOES IT FEEL that THIS IS your legacy?
Will The One arrive shortly?
I'm dying on the inside and I don't know when He will come but you said He would and I don't see any signs, sir.
>bitch about cherry picking when he post some solid 5 dumb slav neo nazi cunt
really made me use to ole noodle
Are the Japanese also true Aryans?
Yeah, but I suppose we do have more plant life and such to cheer us up. Maybe you guys have similar attachment to your surroundings.
doubt it. Pretty sure Hitler only said that because of their alliance. He always spoke about the evil "asian" barbarian hordes when referring to jews or russian
tits or ass????
are you jewish `?
So in hindsight...
What did you learn about Russia?
What is your advice for the white race in 2017, My Führer? The Jews are still fucking us over.
he stole our german spirit.
He even organized trains to get them to israel, retard
fist me daddy