I'm trying to write them down so I can create an online memory book of the best year ever.
What were your favorite happenings of 2016?
Definitely bomb diffusing robot the police used to kill that police assassin.
May he rest in pieces.
I remember that!!! Thanks!
no competitor, the US election and the ensueing saltwater flood
pretty much this and Brexit
Oh fug ment for
holy shit I totally forgot about R2Dindu. What a year it has been
1) US elections rigged by Russian hackers
2) Nice truck accident
3) Turkish military-erdogan: simple misunderstanding and follow up reconciliation
4) David S. habbening, that white supremacist with links to the alt-right, who killed some 10 Germans
5) Brexit (sorry bongs, was totally expected, easiest $2 of my life)
Someone has to update this video
The biggest happening of 2016 has yet to come.
my personal favourites
1. Erdogan coup
3. East German elections
4. L'assasin
5. Sam Hydes return
Kek, how about when during the Turkish coup we were all watching the trajectory of Erdogens plane. That was fun.
Fuck I remember that thread. Good times.
Also, Malik discovering Twitter.
It's a close tie between Aleppo falling, Orlando club shooting and Trump winning.
Gawker getting BTFO
French assault truck happening was pretty great.
Faggot nightclub shooting in florida was good too.
1. Turkey coup
2. Trump victory
3. Shootout at the O-Gay Corral
4. Dallas cop drop
5. Nice Attack, dude
Nice attack how could I forget the most brutal.
The back to back series of terror attacks in france and germany over the summer were pretty fun
It's a tie between Trump winning and the Turkish coup.
When Hillary said "the ideology of Alex jones, Vladimir Putin, and Nigel Fair-age" and looked at the camera all scary like and then mentioned the alt right and someone screamed Pepe.
Damn right. -_-
Ankara assassination
Trump victory
Farage-Trump-Putin alliance (not technically a happening just a series of pics and tweets but the amount of lefty salt its caused has been godly)
So fucking rare pepe.
Have super rare pepe brother.
Wanted to say paris attacks but they happened in november 2015. Nice truck, Turkish coup and Trump's victory then. Would add some American mass shootings but they happen every few months which makes them less special.
Besides Trump?
Hmm I really enjoyed... fucking all of 2016
To me the whole campaign/election was the biggest habbening this millennial so far.
The Tsunami of Yuropoor butthurt on June 24th
You would have thought that Sup Forums the world over would be against the EU, but apparently not.
What film is that?
Very acclaimed.
never forget
he survived, i read an article that only the arm exploded
Why all the Facebook posts on /pol?
This was kinda surreal
Someone should make a montage video of all the crazy shit that happened this year while this this song plays:
What movie is that pic from?
I really enjoyed Harambe becoming a joke, I found the meme pretty unfunny and started hating it after a week but I'm so happy all those liberal faggots crying about Harambe getting shot became international jokes.
Orlando gay bar shooting
>Muslim walks into a bar.
>Barman asks 'what are you having'
>Muslim replies 'shots for everyone'
Omar "turning fruits into vegetables" Mateen
he even has his own Moonman song
anyone got the link?
Intense but too bloodless.
the Armenian genocide denier attacking the humble water filter salesman
When Sup Forums coordinated air strikes on sand niggers with Russia.
It's the new Bond movie: From Turkey with love
Socialist mistakes small bird for 700 delegates.
Can I get a rigorous definition on "happening"
Because nothing can top the election night. A year's worth of build up and it was worth it.
Who can forget Clinton getting tossed in a van like a side of beef on 9/11?
>I'm trying to write them down so I can create an online memory book of the best year ever.
trump winning
I believe the latest of Putin inviting US diplomats kids to a christmas event after Obama's salt was the best.
A neat closure to everything.
Fugg lmao I watch that YT video whenever I need a good laugh; never fails
Seems Turkish coup is popular. Was going to be one of my top picks as well. Semi-exciting night of watching the mild panic on that bridge in the middle of Constantinople through periscope and MSM looped the same clip of rebels getting out of their tanks. Some jet in Ankara doing a holding pattern, not to mention Erdogan's own plane which somehow managed to stay in the air.
The NC riots were fun here, too. Lots of dank memes like Black Bane (or Google Chrome, if you prefer), coinciding with the the birth of googles, skypes, and yahoos. Yeah we were mostly watching people walk around but it was a meme gold mine. Dindus doin nuffin, journalists getting culturally enriched, oh and that reminds me of that brief shit in Wisconsin where the tranny walked around and totally got culturally enriched AND hit on by your average horny specimen.
The Florida Hurricane was perty good, too. Kek even made a cameo appearance.
"PEPEEEEE!" at the shillary 'rally', not to mention all the great anti-CTR shit, that 9/11 memorial shoe incident, Martin Shkreli forcing hillary's body double to make an appearance. Fuck. The Hillary shit all year long alone was epic.
2016 was a helluva year for memes, gotta say.
I forgot that shit lmao. That was fucking hilarious
Remember the stream during the coup of some turkish CNN affiliate had protesters outside their building? You could hear them chanting and everyone inside was scared shitless.
Greenlandbro posts quite frequently, desu.
Nah I somehow missed that! Gonna dump some webms that I saved relevant to 2016 happenings.
>Brexit. Exciting night for sure.
probably the most popular clip from the NC riots
Trump election. Won 25 000$ on that bet.
>That guy trying to bike away who gets demolished by the pole coming down at light speed
Also NC. Underage b& faggots love this one and forget that these are dindus
That assassination was pure kino.
Elon Musk saying NO to Israeli satellite launch.
The highpoint of sleepy Bill's night at the DNC
totally not a military-trained shooter campaigning for gun control
asian drivers.webm
Dr Choc was also a good one by himself
What a year, lads ;_;
Trump supporter or not, you have to admit this shit is funny.
Tried to be a hero and pull a Tienanmen square.
Fucking hilarious.
Did you read the accident investigation report? It seems to me they would have figured out fueling by now.
When a refugee proved how "safe" they are
Jeb’s Turtles
Christie disrupts Rubot
Ghostbusters 2
Russian ambassador assassinated
Julian Assange and Wikileaks
Seth Rich
Sup Forums Pol
The Donald
Republicans against Trump
Alex Jones vs the Turks on Election night
Pizza Gate
Hillary Vs Pepe
Hillary faints
Riots and civil discontent, black lives matter
Trump 6 events in one day before election night, 31,000 ppl in michigan
Electoral College
“Russia Hacking”
Nate Silver
Milo Yannapoulis
Trump as John Miller
CNN stuttering in desbelief when Electoral Map Florida and Rust Belt get painted Red
Ivanka found a from hopping in Trump Tower
Jeb only getting asked questions about Trump and whe carries around little turtles in his pocket and how he cut his finger with $75 guac bowl
Benzo Carson went rogue about Saul Alinsky and Lucifer
Chris Christie dispelling Rubio’s rumors
BLM hijacking Sanders speech
Liz Warren’s trail of tears with Trump (pocahontas)
“All Talk no Action”
Discovering Japan has a high energy particle collider like CERN but called KEK, shaped like a 4 leaf clover where the workers where green helmets and logo looks like pepe
Professor Jordan Peterson talking about kek while wearing a frog hat
Alex Jones storming Young Turks and getting into a fight with Cenk
Trump going on a rampage at the catholic charity dinner
Trump honoring D-Day while Bernie and Hillary celebrate Ramadan
CNN cutting an interview and Cuomo ‘ooh that sucks’
Media’s 98% prediction for Hillary
Jill Stein calls for a recount, Trump gets more votes
Clinton wouldn’t show up for the Glass Ceiling speech and Podesta talks like a piece of shit and tells everyone to go home
Nate Siver’s face on election night
The Trump supporter hate crimes turn out to all be hoaxes
We find out there is an italo-disco song made in 1996 called ShaSay by P.E.P.E and has green frog on the cover and talks about warping reality
When Georgia’s scretary of state discovered the dept. Of homeland security tried to breach his database 10 times
Pizzagate codewords emails, artwork, immediate media damage control
Gary John having a heart attack about aleppo
The reported getting raped at Calais jungle while doing a stonry on refugees
We made Tay /our girl/
Hillary had Omar Mateen’s father sitting in the front row
When a muslim with free hugs sign turns out to be a suicide bomber
The Cubs won
Celebrities and everyone against trump
When Bernie shakes a baby at a rally and dies a couple days later from shaken baby syndrome
Redditors crying when they wasted money on bernie
John Oliver le current year man blows up on current year
Justin Trudeau is son of fidel castro
Hillary and Podesta practice spirit cooking
South Korea laeader Park Geuy Hye is part of a death cult and Sewol Ferry was a sacrifice to 8 goddesses
Everyone pledges to support eventual nominee except trump
Michelle fields claiming assault by ocrey lewandoswki
Cruz disastorous week leading to indiana loss. Fiorina crashing through floor, cruz smachinkg wife in face, ‘are you canadian’
The fall of the bush empire
Dnc didn’t have american flags at convention
Big brother moment at dnc
Email case opened 5 days from election day
Sanders buying a beeach house when he lost
Brave swedish katana warrior
One of worst parts of 2016
Turkish coup
Thought for real ww3 was about to start. Best haps i can remember
God I can't believe I forgot that happened. There's just no way 2017 can live up to 2016.
US election second debate
Turkish coup
Why is there still no /new/ happenings timeline?
Literally gamergate was doing this two years ago. You guys are low energy.
and just think this year just happened to be the same year a somolian spear fishing forum began worshiping a frog deity of chaos. coincidence?
Kek worship started in 2015