Now that the dust has settled, do girls, in general...

Now that the dust has settled, do girls, in general, prefer swarthy and masculine Mediterranean Europeans over pasty northern bois?

Tell me what you genuinely think without biases, if possible.

European girls prefer East Asian men

Girls prefer the first post because it is the best post

Hi Riley.
i hope you get cancer

Mediterranean men can cuck every ethnicity on this planet, from Northern Germanics, to subsuharan Africans and several Mohammedan tribes
The Southern European is literally an overall aesthetic breeding machine, with the body of an Atlas and the face of Apollon, no one can compete
Remember, I am not stating that Notherners are ugly, furthermore they are very handsome people, whether male and female, but they mostly lack masculinity

t. A cheeky nip

all women are whores, and go for "different, exotic" guys because they're bored of their own kind. Mediterraneans tend to be far more romantic and aggressive than their frozen dicked northern cousins. Swarthyness is linked with "bad boy" types, something all low IQ dumb bitches love. Blonde hair blue eyes pasty skin on guys screams innocence, which is unattractive to most women.

>but they mostly lack masculinity

Why are northern men so submissive?

There is a strong correlation between brown eyes and masculine facial features in European populations according to a 2010 (IIRC) Czech study.

Brown eyes obviously reach their highest frequency in Southern Europe and are at the lowest frequency in Northern Europe.

Attractiveness is subjective but I think it's fair to say that masculinity is, on the whole, regarded as attractive by women.

The cold. The closer to the equator people evolved the more aggressive they are. Explains niggers, arabs, and beaners, and of course southern europeans.

Girls in poor shitholes like guys with cash, nothing else matters

Girls in rich shitholes don't know what they like until they're 30 and start panicking, after which they catch a cuck via a child that's probably not even theirs

Chang pls

women are programmed to lust after foreign seed to guarantee healthy genes.

What a meme map

Google "male actor" if you want to know what women want.

Girls in brown-haired countries like blonde boys and girls in blonde countries like brown-haired boys.

That's all there is to it.


The lack of testosterone and intelligence
The Mediterranean men, being literally created by God's ideal, has the superior facial structure and cognitive capabilities to completely dominate the opposite gender

Most of them are Irish or Scots Irish.

Why is this German cuck always in these threads?

what is the evolutionary explanation?


uhh no. northern men on slightly more intelligence than southern men

The prettiest girls I ever banged were non-Nords, so presumably I'm more attractive to Meds.

I just assumed it goes the other way, as well.

A general feature that women of all cultures are attracted to is height. Northern European men are on average the highest people on earth.

Because I love the imagination of a strong Southern European bull that impregnates my wife with his superior seed, while she sensually moans and smells like olive oil afterwards

Stop. It's embarrassing.

Kys syrup nigger


Tfw we're the highest AND tallest people in the world :^)

>tfw dark curly hair, dark blue eyes and a swarthy complexion

Perfect combo.

egyptia medmasterrace don't need gay asf faceial wtf to dominate your blonde hoes, lel


>dark blue eyes

so grey?

No, some Italians have dark blue eyes. Like the colour water have if you look down from a bridge or so.

Like these?


I think dark features in men are more attractive, precisely the opposite is true for women. Intuition tells me there is some link between testosterone production and your pigmentation, but I don't know for sure.

Lots of east asian women seem to prefer me.

>green eyes
>182 lbs/training for a marathon

Seoul is the promised land tbqh

It's true that men of the same ethnicity are always slightly darker than women of the same ethnicity.


But his face looks retarded tho like he's taking a big shit

>wide rib cage/10
>no traps/10
>downs syndrome face/10


What's the opinion on anglos though? They're like a med-nord hybrid, more or less depending on where in Britain you are.

what did kek mean by this?

Elliot please

mixed race mutts

Amerifat ur a fucking nigger, dont u dare discuss sacred Evropa


Go back to your vodka snownigger

Burgers are anglos too, retard. So are Australians.

I am not though

What are you?

So you're a nigger then?

Superior Med

Dark blue eyes often look brown in poorly lit interiors. They can also brown from a distance.

White girls love huge black dicks.

Muh dick

The English are primarily descended from the Anglo Saxons and Celts. Anglo Saxons have red or blonde hair, light eyes, and are generally taller and paler.

Celts have darker hair, light or dark eyes, and often have darker skin.

Keep in mind that the "vikings" had the same genetics as the Anglo Saxons, both those groups looked the exact same.

i assume more celts lived there. the caledonians were described as being Germanic;tall and redheaded, and caledonians lived in the middle of scotland.

Go back to your shithole.

Ur just jealous because a BBC cucked you...

Well I have brown hair and brown eyes but other than that I look Anglo as fuck. Grandfather was Irish though.


Muh dick

That is not mediterranean wtf. He looks like a literal arab.

so where do I collect my pale nordic gf? did I not receive the notice?

also stop posting super pigmented stereotypical meds

Not sweden

>posting a celto-alpinid creature
This is not the typical Med phenotype, desu

Stop posting half gypsies idiot. Nobody here looks like that. It's not our fault if your parents are pakis.

what do you mean by "anglo as fuck"? Descendents of Anglo Saxons and Scandinavians look obviously Nordic, wider jaws, squarer faces, oftentimes deep brows, etc. celts look different. "anglo" is a stupid Sup Forums term, the ethnic group of the Anglo Saxons, Norsemen, germans, etc is Germanic ethnic group. many irish have Germanic blood, although they are still mostly celtic.

he is just more progressive, the olive skin meme is mostly a, well, meme, most Italians while being dark haired/eyed are normally pale in equivalent weather conditions

>Grandfather was Irish though.

That might be it lad, where in Ireland was he from?

I'm mostly Welsh and fit the short, dark-haired, slightly swarthy stereotype.

>lack masculinity
>main sport is soccer

Greece and Turkey have a higher frequency of light eyes than most of Italy? The fuck?

I'm assuming Dublin but I don't know.

yup, I've been to wales many times and some of the people there look almost meditteranean, it's rather strange.
I believe the are two types of celts, Celts with dark hair and light eyes (almost always blue), and celts with dark hair and ark eyes. the celts with the blue eyes are usually more common in england and scotland, and the latter are more common in wales, ireland, britanny, etc.

Just like in northern Europe

I'm Welsh and I have dark blonde hair and blue eyes. Usually fair skin but I tan well.

They like handsome/rich men regardless of race

My dad is like you but I'm more of a darker Celt like my mum, I've got his dark blue eyes though, Wales is quite mixed when it comes to hair, eye colour and complexions, we have huge amounts of gingers yet lots of med-looking people too.

where are you from in wales? is there a history of anglo saxon or norsemen living there? i'm interested

yup, I'd guess that the redhaired people are from norse landing in wales and Anglo Saxons on the borders. i often find old anthropology books to discuss this subject, it isn't discussed much nowadays.

>where are you from in wales? is there a history of anglo saxon or norsemen living there? i'm interested

obviously had lots of English migration (among others) over the last 200 years

more italians were arab rape babies than spaniards or greeks

You're forgetting most burgers have never been to Italy/Europe and base being Italian off the guido New Jersey Silicans drenched in fake tan

proved right in record 12 seconds, impressive

Med men. Tall dark and handsome isn't a meme. Mind you back then tall meant 5'10" and up.
Very few women like blonde men, especially past the age of 25.(men)

Blonde boys on Abercrombie ads are handsome enough but don't age well and don't look masculine enough.
Women who are ovulating especially prefer med men.

>yup, I'd guess that the redhaired people are from norse landing in wales and Anglo Saxons on the borders

You'd be surprised, if you look at Norway they are far less red-haired then we are and the Vikings hardly touched Wales, the East Irish, North-East English and Islander Scots have the highest concentration of Norse DNA, I think us Welsh are probably the closest thing to being the true descendants of the original Britons around, especially in the West and North of Wales, but there's still a fair amount of Anglo-Saxon genetic influence here, probably some Norman too and bits of Roman and Irish (due to settling after the Romans left) too from antiquity.

>med men
>tall and handsome
There's a problem in your statement.

This looks like an Italian to me

best of both worlds

There's a problem with your reading comprehension.

Northern Europeans are taller than Southern ones though

Girls despise ectomorph lanklets

Meds have the perfect physique

Maybe because all the welsh bitches liked that roman dick. Know your history!!

he is, and has a more normal pigmentation instead of the stereotypical one

mmmm. possibly redheaded tribes settled in wales and ireland? i'll need to search up more.

They are. But of the Southern men the taller ones are more attractive to women. Comparatively taller med men are more attractive to women not on hormonal birth control than blonde men.

There's a point at which a man is too short (5'8") and too tall (6'4") for most European women, Dutch lankladies aside.
A six foot tall fair skinned Italian, Spaniard or Frenchman is the archetypal Latin Lover women dream of.

doubt it, the romans never made it into wales and they didn't breed much

Most Turks I've seen had brown hair and green eyes.

Very true. Irish and scots are a bit strange features wise. Seen to be a mix of medds celts and nords

>green eyes

was bist du für ein geisteskranker schwuchtel ? Bring dich bitte um du dummes stück Scheiße.

>tfw I have blond hair and light eyes but if I got a tan and wet my hair I would look this dark

German ancestry btw

would the sun bleach your hair?

>he takes meme maps seriously.