Brit/pol/ - Timmy Want Milky Edition

>Why it would be wise to call an early election

>The media finally catches on - Voters are now divided based on cultural attitudes, not economics

>Corbyn as a populist figure?

>Inside Britain's strictest school - It's succeeding, yet it's full of Pakis and niggers. Really makes you think

>2017 - Year of the Milkman

>Kosher May? Autistic PM defends disgusting kikes' land grabs, attacks USA for anti-Israel speech

>News from Rotherham - Nonces still run amok; the constituency that had 1,400+ children groomed by Pakistanis and ended up voting Labour even more than they did in 2010 has learned nothing

>From The Mouth Of Joe Owens: Winning Hearts & Minds

>Corbyn to Theresa: "You're not Henry VIII"

>Why is Labour so worried about a crackdown on voter fraud?

>Tories lack the courage to acknowledge the scale of leaving the EU

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imperial lather


Lads how do I tell my parents that my GF is a Civic?

Barnið á aðstæðum


Send them this.
They'll know.

Bongs, have you ever met and talked to a german? What was it like?

Not that I know of.

in a rap song

>labour eventually won with a slightly lower level of support than when Blair was leader
>John Smith would certainly have yielded a majority of over 100 and not bled support over Iraq.
>Blair will forever be credited with "modernising the party" even though all he did was ensure their period in government would be almost utterly inconsequential* and their period out off government quite possibly permanent.

Ramsay MacDonald was betrayed and in turn regarded as a traitor.
Attlee was a revolutionary.
Wilson was a moderniser
Callaghan was an honourable man.
Blair was a murderer.
Brown was sabotaged.

Miliband was hopeless (but his brother equally so.)
Corbyn will get the blame if the party is to die without ever taking power again, but no matter how Tony scrubs he won't be able to get the blood off his hands.

*there's the immigration thing naturally, but that's really just a natural part of neoliberalism, hence why Cameron and May are keeping it.
Labour's plans for a multicultural society were universal failures, if we assume they actually had any sort of positive ideological vision for it instead of using it as a cover for a cynical economic maneuver.

I have, he was okay.

>Go after the Poles instead of Paki rapists

My favourite UKIP meme!

that's a shitty translation
also stop

>No comfy post apocalyptic peasant life in a rural England being slowly reclaimed by nature

Met a girl in Germany waved my hand to her goodbye then she pepperpsprayed me calling me a nazi.

I went to Niedersachsen earlier this year with my school. German birds are fit as fuck

But muh Minimum Wage!

Njóttu þýðingu góða

mjög lítil orka

i worked with a german guy once. he would come in at 8.30, say good morning and work solidly without talking until lunch, chill for 15 min then work more until 6. he wouldn't socialise apart from a 'hello' or an odd sentence until 6pm. Every day. fairplay to him he was doing pretty well trading his own funds

I owe my exp. of meeting a british - well he was scottish. He was a genuinely interesting person with lots to talk about with him. Hard to understand his accent though.

My first experience of cuckoldry.

She was all up for it, gave me her details. Look her up and

>In a relationship

reposting because you cunts have been avoiding this for far too long.

why are the brits such utter twats?

>any sort of positive ideological vision for a multicultural society
>not just jews doing jew things

>In 1995, a new blind trust, known as the Labour Leader Office Fund, was set up by Mr Blair's friend Michael (now Lord) (((Levy))). It has been estimated that £2.5 million was raised. This allowed Mr Blair to run the biggest Opposition office in history.

>Labour 'sent out search parties for immigrants', Lord (((Mandelson))) admits

>Immigration Minister Barbara (((Roche))) is alleged in the book to have taken extraordinary steps to increase net migration, going above and beyond even that requested by Mr. Blair. Another civil servant remarked of Ms. Roche’s personal mission at the ministry: “It was clear that Roche wanted more immigrants to come to Britain. She didn’t see her job as controlling entry into Britain, but by looking at the wider picture in a “holistic way” she wanted us to see the benefit of a multicultural society”.

>The programme's producer Martin (((Rosenbaum))) said: "What we show is there is an English backlash but also self-doubt about England's identity. Home Secretary Jack (((Straw))) is worried that nationalism will manifest itself in violence and wants a positive English identity created which will beat off the unpleasant side."

>British MP Charges ‘Jewish Cabal’ Is Guiding Tony Blair

>Labour Friends of Israel in the House

So what happened to (you)

Come home white man

Remember these lads?



Haven't been getting enough ARYAN BLOOD lately

Replaced with dots.

only oldfags remember (you)

It's too cold and the heating always gets too warm and makes your nose itch.

I remember these had candy watches on some of them.

So is the Queen dying?


Can confirm.

Germans not really socialise at work, atleast the higher educated folk. It's a holocaust-guilt thing, take it easy on him.

Are you black?

the sad thing is that people actually believe if they've been here a week or a month or a year that they're an oldfag

I had a chav lad stop me in the street tonight. He was trying to sell knives.

Why would I buy some Chinese soft-steel shit when I can buy a proper knife from shops a few miles away? I'm not a fucking teenager. I swear a lot of youths want to be niggers.

>Are you black?



Who is Karen and where can I find hentai of her?

fair enough. how difficult is it for a white south african to get citizenship over there? i hear you're only taking in niggers.

oh chip

There is NO hentai of Karen ANYWHERE because Karen is PURE

We posting quintessential sweets at kids parties?

Never ate the bastards, just flicked them all over the classroom and playground.

I used to play in a band, and one time we were staying in Plattenburg (I think it's called) and the local shop charged me about 40 DM for a snickers bar.

Also, the cannabis was of extremely poor quality.

Nearly all of it is UNPURE as well and so shouldn't be posted or else it would ruin her image

they weren't even nice
90% of sweets aren't nice tbf looking back

It can't be that hard because my whole bloody office is full of white saffers. IT guys, mind you.

>Buy knife off chav
>Rob him with the knife
>Get your money back and a brand new knife

Seems like a missed opportunity tbqh

Where is this money coming from though? Ireland's hardly an economic powerhouse. Surely we'd end up in *spending* money on them, like we do with the Scots

Yeah not in person a Sup Forums browser from far northern Germany. Sup Forums was his main board but he sometimes came to Sup Forums. He got some pretty nice numbers a while back
But I'm not sure about the legitimacy of it as he did show some evidence. Not completely sure on some of his political stances I have received some vague responses from him but it boils down to us just talking shit about each others countries immigration problems. Alright dude for now to be honest even though I still know little about him.

KIDS parties?

oh shit no

There's loads of you here. I doubt you would need to try hard.

If all else fails just say you are mixed.

>like we do with the Scots

Scotland is a net contributor to the UK economy, the only economic zone in the UK outwith London which is so.

Scotland has kept England afloat for decades you inbred bucktoothed nigel fuckface.


Kek, how do you remember his fucking post number

Reminder for bluepilled plebs

>how difficult is it for a white south african to get citizenship over there
As hard as it would be for anyone else non paki or nigger

You should come to the Netherlands instead though
It's safer, there are way less browns, and you can speak English here and understand Dutch if you're a proper Afrikaner like me. You need to live here 5 years though.

>Atlee gave us the NHS, no further comment necessary
>Wilson ended the death penalty, reduced censorship, kept us out of Vietnam and gave us a variety of technical schools and the open university (and from a left-wing perspective, legalised homosexuality.)
>B-Blair gave us MUH-inimum wage, h--he singlehandedly lifted children out of poverty - it was him wot done it, not an economy that was already steaming ahead thanks to the runaway train of globalism after the USSR collapsed

I've actually been in a room with Labour MP's who've given us this shtick nearly word for word. It's a sight to behold, standing up and admitting that each progressive Labour government gets more and more useless. (With exception to some cultural elements, I think Wilson/Callaghan had the sweet-spot personally, Atlee was good as a one off table-flip but you can't exactly create a second NHS.)

There's no way to make Blair sound good. It's wonderful. Even if you accept the minimum wage was good:
>Blair was in power for 13 years (won 3 elections) and gave us muhinimum wage, all it cost was the Iraq war, civil liberties, an immigration time bomb, rocketing inequality, total disillusionment in Scotland...
>Wilson was in power for 8 years (won 4 elections, suck it Tony.) and gave us the stuff I listed above and more, and Labour had no outside forces directing it to oblivion at the end - Labour MPs, not members, chose foot.
>Atlee had what, 6 years and two elections?

Even Callaghan with 3 years in power and no election victories was better than Blair. (It's kind of a shame the experimentation with Swedish-style consensual management between workers and bosses attempted under the 1974-1979 government wasn't continued, it was an interesting experiment. Thanks to globalism and neoliberalism it couldn't have lasted in pure form - it collapsed in Sweden after all. - but it's perhaps the best economic system there is and utterly compatible with nationalism.)

He sent me the screen cap I wouldn't be surprised if I got some pretty serious numbers like that I would do the same

Tell me where, you limey fucks, I'll 1776 you again.

Sure, why the fuck not?

Yeah, but no one actually ate them. You'd just use them like a catapult and fling them at each other. I think they got banned after I left school.

Do you see Foot as another useless progressive?

If anything, he demonstrates how thick the leaders are now compared to how they used to be.

You getting a job in the new year?

What are you going to do when your parents die?

Just tell them you're a nigger. By the time you get here it will be too late.

Nice try, but we won't make the same mistake twice


youll never get it burgercuck we will burn you cuckshed down again

Got room for one more really good county
So far Have got


Populism is a term used by communists to infer that democracy is a bad thing.

Populism is literally what any democracy is defined by.

Answer my question boy.

You getting a job in the new year or what? Or another year of failure?

Mummy won't be there to buy your turkey twizzlers forever fag.


Winchester ?

Popularists are people who change their principles in order to garner the most support, this is why our main parties are so center.

Nihilism is not profound or admirable

So you don't even pretend to be a Kipper now?


Hampshire then.

You have no idea what populism is

Whats a sterotype of dorset IE Somerset farmers and devon scones

Her full name is Karen Kujou
Type that name in plus a certain rule and you'll have it

Had a German guy in my lab while I was doing my PhD.
Could bantz like a pro, drink like a fish, and was basically my best bro for 2 years.
But he'd been living in Britain since he was 6 so idk if he counts.

Reported. May will have you in jail by the end of yesterday.

Why do you post this shit? Are you really this scared and feeble?

Most triggering thing about this post

On a semi-personal level (I mean, I've never met him) I like Foot. Clever man, good speaker in the commons, and to his credit did prevent the party having a left-wing breakaway to go alongside the SDP on the right.

It's a shame he's as maligned as he is by history. He was an unsung hero of the Callaghan government (which didn't have a majority.) as leader of Labour in the commons. If you want the sane and heroic compromiser who gets blood from a stone then you want Michael Foot in the 70s. (Even in the government's dying days, he wanted to try and leave devolution for Scotland on the statute books [the law technically said it should be repealed] until after the election in a ploy to save the government for a few more months by getting the SNP out of the confidence vote.) It's hilarious(ly annoying, depending on circumstance.) that he's portrayed by the right nowadays as the crazy CNDer who existed only to symbolise ideological purity.

He's definitely a good figure for illustrating how intellectual the leaders of the past were compared to now, for sure. Powell is another good example.
And to tie it all together
>Michael Foot remarked to a reporter that it was "tragic" that this "outstanding personality" had been widely misunderstood as predicting actual bloodshed in Britain, when in fact he had used the Aeneid quotation merely to communicate his own sense of foreboding

>1 post by this ID

t. Ahmed Ahmadinejad

I'm American, what'd you expect, a mummy?

What's your job lads?

UKIP should really be "Muh-arket", at least historically speaking.

And now I'm thinking about market-liberal cases for leaving the EU and wishing that we'd got WW3 around 1985 instead of living in a world where that's even a possible arrangement of words.


It's boring, but it's fine. Everyone thinks I'm a genius. I'm really not, it's just that fucking no one knows how to use a computer.

Are you teir 1 helpdesk pleb?


>He's definitely a good figure for illustrating how intellectual the leaders of the past were compared to now,

What do you suppose happened to these kinds of men and why? Has the media of today simply hounded them out of politics forever, in exchange for squeaky clean Blairs and Camerons?