Did Trump just commit treason?
Law experts are saying he could get impeached if this shit keeps up
What the FUCK is Trump doing?
Did Trump just commit treason?
Law experts are saying he could get impeached if this shit keeps up
What the FUCK is Trump doing?
Working with and complimenting another country or its leader isn't treason
Deleting thousands of private emails on a private server and selling out your country to the highest bidder is the threshhold for treason.
So when Obama kissed the Saudi kings ring like a dog, was that treason?
And there you have it. It's amazing how hard it is for some people to understand basic concepts like this.
I cant believe Trump didnt follow the narrative. What a fucking traitor to our lord and savior Obingbong
>Compliment a world leader
>"wtf TREASON!!!!!!!!!"
Fuck Americans are retarded.
Ignoring Hillary's crimes is tantamount to treason and we should exile and/or kill all the ratfaced fucks who have knowingly and willingly spread propaganda to protect that thieving child-fucker.
>Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Not even close troll.
Trump will be the first president to be hanged for treason.
seriously kill yourself, you are worthless
>Law experts
where were these "law" experts when Hillary was accepting "donations" to her foundation from foreign governments?
Oh shit, Alimony!
>whats the threshold for treason
selling arms to ISIS in Syria
>Did Trump just commit treason?
Not until Obama declares war on Russia.
>(((law experts)))
(((law experts)))
Oops the rnc had 2 million after their iraq bumblefuck and trump was elected in a possibly treasonous act so nobody cares. Blackmailed on his beauty pageant trip to moscow with lolitas more than likely. Some sweet tax returns. Muh birff zerdiffigatt. The tax returns things alone screams "end of the world". Fat Tony Para El Presidente
Mo, he didn't. Period. No further discussion necessary.
>adheres to their enemies
This could be loosely interpreted as treason based on that bit although I doubt you would ever find a judge who would prosecute on that alone
when can we in the US get rolling death squads to take out this liberal trash destroying the unity of our country?
We should kill them at least a generation of them, then open reeducation camps for stragglers or upcoming generations.
I really hope this level of delusion and desperation is present for the next 8 years, it's like Christmas started November 11th and hasn't stopped.
Hahaha this guy is a master troll. When will libs stop taking such obvious bait?
I love that movie
Ugh guys is the CA committing treason by disseminating misinformation to the public?
What safe space did you come from?
The threshold for treason is putting an unsecured server with classified information in your closet.
>not guilty of treason
>in a possible treasonous act
>running for president is now treason
Not destroying the world with nuclear weapons over an unproven conspiracy theory is now treason, apparently.
Fuck this nigger.
Whenever the possibly consequence of that action no longer outweighs to need for it in the eyes of the general public, otherwise you'll find yourself lonely warriors.
If you don't get police support you likely won't get military support either meaning it's even more likely you'll receive opposition from both.
A lot of Sup Forums wants a civil war but I don't think they've really thought what that means, there's a good chance we'd sustain enough causalities to put us on a down-spiral towards losing without at least 30% heavily-active military support.
>Dictator in chief starts wars
>People rise up to stop him
>Literally treason
We truly are living in 1984
>Law experts are saying he could get impeached if this shit keeps up
He could be impeached for a wide variety of things. Shit, I'm pretty sure the average president has enough dirt on him to enable impeachment.
We absolutely are. Our education is shit and our people are brainwashed. I'm still trying to escape the liberal ideology that is forced down our throats when we are born. That's what happens when you have two liberal parties fighting for control.
pretty sure deray has past it, inciting violence and being a domestic terrorist
>kisses the "ring"
>suction noises
Why didn't these idiots care when obongo and Hillary actually committed treason by arming the Mexican cartels and Isis
Why are these people so stupid?
Can someone ITT explain what the tweet was even about.
I'm out of the loop.
And taking bribes through a foundation
Dude, are you trolling? The fact someone thinks Trump is an asshat mongoloid doesn't mean they'd prefer Hillary. These people are both a hideously bad choices to look after anything other than their own piggy banks, let alone the largest Western nation.
Oops I meant this for
No one even talked about Hillary you stupid trump-tard. Nobody's comparing them two.
>What the FUCK is Trump doing?
Using his first amendment rights.
No because we're not at war with Russia. No if this was ISIS or some shit, there'd be an issue.
I did not know we were at war with Russia.
Trump suckin Pooty's cock with a side of grape jelly
I understand if people don't like him. But crying treason is retarded.
If Trump would've wanted to actually commit treason, he wouldn't have done it publicly.
This. I bet we could find hundreds of examples of former US presidents complementing leaders of other nations.
>haha he's just trolling right
no, he's legit autistic and will fuck yer shit up laddy.
Says the guy who taught a class in a big time university titled "In Defense of Looting".
I'd say treason is not enforcing your country's own border and immigration laws and selling California to the Chinese through trillion dollar trade deficits. That sounds like treason to me.
>Not at war with Russia
>Didn't join the Russian government/military
Hillarys toilet server was treason. Obama lying about her toilet server was also treason
Complementing a world leader is good business
Ctr is clearly still being funded
>deray mckesson
Like I would actually listen to a gay nigger with AIDS. He's definitely gonna be one of the first to hang
not a real name
>this is what niggers think is treason
>(((law experts)))
Fuck off, Deray.
>complimenting a foreign leader is now treason
Whoa, I guess Obama should be tried for treason as well
You're right, fuck Trump and fuck white people.
Same reason why Regan got away with it
What was the context.
Sup Forums, why are leftists trying with all their might to get a war with russia going?
>what's the threshold for treason?
ask obama, fucktard
>I love how Putin isn't taking the bait to start WWIII
But having the SoS being funded entirely by Saudis and the Chinese in exchange for weapon deals is not treason. I want to kill myself to escape this hell.
Sup Forums
Rate my fresh meme
everyone is related when you go back that far retard
The psy-op is immaculate.
Trump is 100x more qualified given his multiple decades of corporate leadership experience.
Snowflakes are just butt hurt
This is just one example.
Obama is chimping out and making a big as possible mess so trump can fuck up
He expelled all Russian diplomats so when trump lets them back in MSM jumps on him for being a Russian puppet
Putin has not expelled or done anything other then be cordial and easy going about it
Trump not going to war for ((them)) is "treason"
It is if the US goes to war in the next 20 days.
Notice how niggers and liberals have suddenly become very patriotic
>Muh emails
I can't believe you shills are still being paid. But with the most hated president in american history, I guess someone's got to make a (fake) positive presence for your orange abomination online, huh?
>law experts say
Putin said he wasn't gonna go tit for tat with the US and expel our diplomats. Trump said it was a good idea. Media is throwing a hissyfit.
It's like they really want WW3 or something.
He has hurt himself on his confusion
"Clinton" and "treason" are inserparable at this point. She was SoS, and almost just became the next President. If I hold a job and murder someone in the back room, that doesn't mean the implications of what I've done go away when my 2-weeks' notice is up. If we're going to play the treason game, let's begin with more obvious examples before we resort to splitting hairs over nothingburger tweets.
No I mean what was the context of the trump tweet in regards to Putin.
Everyones arguing about it and I'm sitting here not knowing wtf it's even about.
Isn't Deray one of Soros's fuckboys?
no puppet
no puppet
you're the puppet