there is literally nothing wrong with the herbal jew
get out of here with this no-content shilling you stupid faggot. Sup Forums does NOT need a weed thread every fucking minute.
I can't handle Marijuana
>this drug is better than this worse drug
But drugging yourself is still for losers
lol there is no chance you arent addicted to pharmaceuticals of some kind. your kind cant survive without daddy pharma to numb your already disabled mind.
It's true. Alcohol is pure poison.
And yet, ganja gremlins are often retarded libshits who can't stop speaking about their green jew, how do you explain that?
Alcoholics are just depressed fucks who just work during the day and drink the liquid jew at night, tobacco addicts constantly smoke their herbal jew but don't talk about it all the time. Why is that?
Projection 101
Aside from NSAIDS, don't be salty because you like drugs
libshits are the ones who use the green jew.
lol i dont need anyone to grow a plant retard, im a man.
sorry that you fell for the "drugs" meme.
You know what an NSAID is right? Its what you take when you work a job that actually uses your body
This. Stopped smoking it around age 21. 28 now. Shit makes me very uncomfortable. Will stick to booze.
yeah, except my dad used pot and aspirin instead. maybe you should go LARP about not being a nu-male on reddit or something, you arent convincing anyone that isnt completely hopeless here.
Or you could do neither you degenerate fucks
>not being straight edge
Literally no one dies because of marijuana
The difference is that you don't HAVE to drink so much that you end up with your head in a urinal. You can have one or two drinks and everything will be fine. But if you smoke one joint you'll be laying on the couch eating chips all day.
>the marijuanas are safe
Literally wrong
mexicans and niggers shooting each other over drug deals doesnt count. they shoot each other over SNEAKERS.
Damn I want weed that good
Also, those people that kill each other over drugs do it for coke, not marijuana
Make up your mind whether you're pro or anti drug, kid
>Eating something that you should smoke.
no, they do it over anything, thats my point. i've seen niggers kill white teenagers over pot.
return to reddit NOW
I mean, OP's pic is true, but it doesn't mean that abusing weed can't really fuck your life up (it just doesn't fuck your body up as much as alcohol)
Must be some american thing then.
i stopped smoking it as soon as i finished highshcool. It just wasnt pleasant and calming anymore. I turned into a sheep that is scared of people. My own family felt like other people, i would avoid them.
Then the uncontrollable dark thoughts, thinking how i literally cant deal with every day situations the same way anymore.
At first i thought its just a phase or some shit, the unnecessary tripping would pass but it didnt.
I started hating weed so i stopped. Best fucking thing i did with my life, seriously. Although i still drink like a moron.
If i decide to quit getting drunk at least once a month, i will probably start gambling or some shit.
NSAIDs interfere with your bodys ability to heal. Stay away from them.
slavs are fucking subhuman and this is proof. maybe its just the balkans cus ive met russians that smoked pot without turning into fucking nutcases.
Sometimes weed effects people differently, just like any drug. You should still respect his opinion because he's not telling other people to stop smoking just because he had a bad experience with it.
you arent even worthy to get a (you) from me
weed makes you stupid and gives you brain damage
tfw getting drunk as fuck and high as fuck this entire weekend
i fucking love 4 day weekends off work
>>Be me
>>Smoke errday for 10 years
>>Be me again
>>Only smoke once every two weeks average in the last six months just to prove I can, also drug tests for job applications
>>Can't wait to get a job so I can smoke erryday again
2017 resolution - SMOKE MOAR
the most anti-weed posters ive seen have balkan flags. it cannot be a coincidence.
lazy fucking degenerate
Ugh, the problem with having a job is you can afford to smoke but never have time to really enjoy smoking. It's rough.
Smoking the herbal jew may be less degenerate than drinking the fermented jew, but it's still degenerate to smoke it regularly.
eat shit faggot im celebrating jesus and the new year
Weed + alcohol is great though
Alcohol has more euphoria though
fuck m8 its even better with a job, i mean when i worked i smoked on the job with my boss cus framing is cool but all that work makes sitting down with a fat joint so fucking euphoric.
when you're stoned you pull up weird or insightful thoughts, and you remember those thoughts. so a percentage of your learned experience and opinions can come from drugs. since pot makes you question intangible structures like governments, corporations, and see the meta of it all, they don't want those realisations becoming ingrained in your psyche too much. keep making them think they rely on you by prohibiting access to this thing that makes them question you
Better headline:
>Retard Death: Retarded Teen Does Retarded Thing, Drugs Blamed
>tobacco addicts constantly smoke their herbal jew but don't talk about it all the time
probably because it's legal
if you hate stoners talking about their herb all the time, just legalize it so they can stop talking about it and treating it like its edgy
>if you get drunk that means you throw up and have a bad hangover meme.
with weed I sleep late, but with alcohol I wake up early with no hangover.
I know a weedfag may not know this, but there is a way to drink without overdoing it
Eh, depends on the weed. Alcohol only really causes euphoria when you're at just the right stage of drunkenness, after that it just numbs.
some days i'm more Julian
some days more Ricky
Same. Quit at 19. Booze only please.
The marijuana didn't kill him, gravity did.
>when i worked i smoked on the job
>when i worked
>i smoked
>ruining a good high by getting drunk at the same time
Do everyone a favor and mix xanax and alcohol.
and then teens will have to re place it with something that is.
Fuck Off Trudeau.
You guys are so aggro it's hilarious. It's like you don't even care that people see your pent up rage & anger as manifestations of your perma virgin tier sexual frustrations and latent homosexuality. You do you bb boi, it's 2017. Let it all hang out.
Canada, I expected you to know more about weed.
If you take a few puffs of the devil's lettuce, you get high for maybe a couple hours.
Oh and Vermont syrup is better than Canadian.
When I smoke just a little bit I become very creative and productive. I can process things more clearly and my mind is able to explore different solutions for complicated problems
When I drink just a little bit, I become even more social and engaging. I recently did a very important phone interview with a beer in my hand just to be at my best subconsciously
When I smoke a lot, I get very paranoid, very uncomfortable, very scared, and lose myself in a labyrinth of horrible thoughts
When I drink a lot, I become unreasonable, angry, mean, sad, and downright unpleasant to be around
I have cut both out almost entirely recently, but I am about to move to a new city and be on my own for once - but my office is in a baseball stadium in the middle of downtown surrounded by bars. As long as I don't make a fool of myself in the first 90 days I'm golden
fuck off, kike
>Oh and Vermont syrup is better than Canadian.
you should only buy as locally as possible anyways
Nowhere did it say that marijuana caused his death.
Headline might as well be "man drinks beer and jumps to his death".
I don't care if alcohol is more damaging, I HATE weed and weed users.
I do believe however that CBD has some medical applications, and potentially some really potent ones that need more study. I completely support that.
oi! fuck off, m8
not really if you live in the real world, outside of liberal nu-male bubbles. try it out!
the "virgin" meme is making a comeback, quick, someone post that image about how women argue on Sup Forums.
Honestly, I reckon if the Nazis won, weed would most definitely be used medicinally
I agree with you. Drugging yourself is for losers. Unfortunately almost everyone on earth is a loser.
I collect maple syrup for a living.
My Irish side of my family loves marijuana. The nordic side loves alcohol, and so does the Irish side as well. What is with these people and alcohol?
i smoke weed everyday.
>Lazy fucking degenerate
You're a lazy degenerate though, you spend your time calling random people names on the internet, you and I both know we could be doing something more productive than this.
>not really if you live in the real world, outside of liberal nu-male bubbles. try it out
this doesnt even make sense weedman
wtf i'm i looking at here? is someone about to shit on this baby
Thats his head dude
What kind of disgusting asshole are you?
That's a loving father and his child you sick fuck
alcohol is great if you stay on no more than a couple of beers
once you start drinking two fifths every weekend dysphoria completely wrecks you
>medical uses of compounds is the same as recreational uses of smoking a plant
I used to drink 6-12 beers a day, then I started smoking weed to replace that habit. I honestly feel better, no more pissing out of my ass and feeling anxiety from not having more beer when i ran out.
dont ever tlak to me or my wifes goy son
How much do you smoke per day, and how long have you been smoking? Why could you not quit drinking and not start smoking pot, or start using prescribed pills or something of the like which will have less side effects, though possibly with some collaboration between you and a doctor?
quit projecting you drug fueled trash
Personality-wise, the stoner is probably a nicer person to be around though. Fairly weak tbqhwy.
I used to be really against drugs in general - especially weed. But actually, once you learn to use it productively, you can feel like a god.
Do you honestly think Trump wasn't ramming down shit when he was against Hillary? Do I even have to remind you of when he couldn't stop sniffing because of it.
But enough of the harmful shit. Weed works amazingly with hypnosis. It increases your hypnotic response, meaning that you can hypnotise yourself to do almost anything you want.
Psychedelics are a pretty good meme too.
>dey fug ur brain xddd
People who believe this shit know fuck all about drugs and are just as brainwashed as the people who believe everything Buzzfeed tells them.
Psychedelics are literally illegal because they're too fucking useful. They've been used for thousands of years and for a good reason.
Also, what people experience are not "hallucinations". Psychedelics actually connect your brain together, enhancing your senses. You basically gain superhuman senses that give you a more realistic view of what the world is actually like, rather than being limited by our natural senses.
Yeah, for many years that put me against it. But actually, it's for the better. What shrooms literally do is help you find problems that have a negative impact on your life, which helps you deal with it. It's like having a fucking Psychologist get down to the deepest root problems that you would never even think of. For example, a bunch of faces made out of stone told me that I should be more proud of my British side, which was always something I hated because I had a bad experience growing up.
Am I a fucking hippie? Fuck no. Don't get me wrong, it's a really fucking Spiritual experience that I can't explain, but it doesn't mean you have to go full "PEACE DOOD". Bill Gates took LSD. Is he a Hippy? No. In fact, he attributed a lot of his success to LSD.
You've most likely got underlying psychological problems which the weed brings to the forefront. Might be redundant pointing this out considering where we are.
I don't actually know how much I smoke a day lol. I usually just smoke once I get important shit done. It's just nice to have something to look forward to and motivates me to get my responsibilities done. I use it as a reward. I probably could've quit drinking without the pot, but either way it got me off booze. And pills? Cmon burgerboi.
>For example, a bunch of faces made out of stone told me that I should be more proud of my British side
>Bill Gates took LSD. Is he a Hippy? No. In fact, he attributed a lot of his success to LSD.
Just about every cunt in silicon valley is micro dosing these days.
No idea. It just turns me into a retard that can't make simple decisions like, getting up and leaving the room. Turns me into a vegetable. No point. Does nothing good for me.