please vote for "Er ist wieder da" , its a movie about hitler

Other urls found in this thread:



This would make my day.


>bumping a thread that is less than 15 minutes old.

Sup Forums thread

You do realize threads that are less than 15 minutes old cannot be bumped right?

Last thread

Ok, someone did. You made my day, user!

Will anyone every stop those pesky russian hackers!?

>living in a third world country

it needs to be 1488 amounting to 88%


>a childfucker from a noncountry wants to be on our board

>88,170 per capita income

Germany: 45,620
UK: 38,160

Get fucked new fags

>are new
>don't know how bumping works
>shitpost instead of lurk

>the oil jew is bragging about wealth that he has only because OUR countries allowed him to have it

lad i dont even know where the fuck your country is

Jean-Luc posted it on a neo-nazi board. Ich kek mich weg.

How would a country that has a higher per capita income than ((first world countries)) be considered a third world country?

So you're new, and you're dumb, go back to the donald you cretinous mongoloid.

of course a polack had to fuck up the comments:D

rip jean-luc, clemens and beckmann. you will be missed

>admitting ignorance

Ah, there we go again



I never called your country a third world country, I called it a noncountry. Learn to read you fucking autist, jesus christ you are fucking stupid.

He should have targeted only jean luc because of the obnoxious SJW name.

>not using a proxy to hide that ugly flag

Lmao I remember that book because my old facebook page was mentioned there. It was caled "Organización Anticomunista" (Anti Communist organization"). Fucking kikes.

t. Salimba El Shabaik Muhummad Islam Adbul Kafir

Looks more like some faggot from leftypol could not keep it's mouth shut. That is why all commies must hang. No exceptions.

You agreed with the brit bong, I'm just correcting the record, goy.

I will in the future inshallah, mitqab


jean-luc is confirmed french spy

>joining in making fun of your country means I agreed that it is a third world country

I specifically say your country is rich in, which you replied to in this very post I'm replying to right now so I know you fucking read it. You are genuinely one of the dumbest people I have ever seen on the internet.

Could someone comment there that the names the one faggot mentioned aren't real? Or at least say that Sup Forums is not a "neonazi right wing" website? If some stupid as fuck 100 yo german grandma of a teacher reads this, those kids are really really fucked. Believe me, they'll be expelled

we need to hit 1488 goys


Careful now

aka Jean-luc luc's clan

>I'm just correcting the record, goy.

>What is sarcasm

You're embarrassing yourself.

OP here, nah its fine

OP was clearly underageand did really fuck up with his screenshots of whatsapp...
but i agree tho, jean-luc is fugged :DDD

You again. Wenn ich Deutsch spreche, ist das in Ordnung?

To the German student that made the Original thread: Time/Date for when we will be updated with the reactions?

And what Topic (to search for in catalog)

>How would a country that has a higher per capita income than ((first world countries)) be considered a third world country?

when its full of childfucking arabs

So what? Failing your Abitur and becoming a low life working class guy builds character and maybe life in an Arbeiter-Plattenbausiedlung, outside of his beloved Rotweingürtel will redpill Jean-Luc.

allahu akbar to you too

What are the kelegri files? I want to know to drop this on people. I cant find it but i see much allusion to it.

Du solltest vorsichtiger sein. Du weißt doch, wie behindert unsere Lehrer hier sind.

(I just told OP to not underestimate the stupidity of German teachers)

>when its full of childfucking arabs

[citation needed]

>Jean-cuc knew his stuff

>sand nigger posting on Sup Forums

This, please tell when you will post an update on what happens

Using a special keyword so we can catalogue search is a very good idea

In my time:
>Raise your hands if you want to see this movie

>Hurr, we need an online poll so I can share it on Facebook.

>young kraut goes to prison for rigging the vote with the help of Nazi sympathizers
>In the same day Abdula Amin Mohammad has charges for raping a little boy drop because Abdula does not understand the word Nein

Now that's just inappropriate.

I'm proud of my heritage!

Dunno when our teacher will be adressing this, but ill post it as fast as possible


Will you stay in Kuwait?

If you actually believe OP was legit you're dumb.
It's just some German shitposter. The class doesn't exist.
His story doesn't add up and he didn't give any details, and specifically avoided questions.

I am afraid I am not memeing. He wouldn't need to go to prison, but maybe they'll forbid him to take part in the Abitur (final exams) because of his "immaturity"

You may feel like you are doing a reductio ad absurdum, but this is unironically how Germany rolls these days.

At least make up a searchable topic

and make the thread in the evening/night

My final resting place will always be my home

Listen to this Austriabro

what did you expect from a 14 year old kid?
the whole story is so stupid that i believe it

I asked about the time while you are alive. Nice try to dodge though.


Try reading the sticky next time newfag.

hopefully that will happen today.

>reading that shit

Spotted the real ultrafag

I've visited Austria before if that was what you are trying to ask.

Occam's razor, just like said, it doesn't make sense for them to make an online poll. Completely unnecessary.

When asked for details all OP said was ''gymnasium'' as if that explains anything.

REEEEE stop touching our women

>reading makes you a fag


No probs with visiting. Where were you? Hope not in Vienna. Terrible place that does not display Austria anymore.

Gymnasium=grammar school. So what will you do about that information now?

We did it Reddit!


lad please stop posting


Enjoy the cock cottage

Nothing. It doesn't mean anything or explain the situation.

>class 30ppl
>voting 2k+ ppl
you do realise you are just going to get btfo'd by your class right?

Ok, this doesn't feel like fun anymore. It seems like you take all that literally. We are just horsing around


So, why did you even ask?

Are you retarded?

well a "stufe" in germany can reach about 100 to even 200 students, so there would actually be a logic behind this poll. maybe some edgy """programmer""" told the teacher that he can do an internet poll and the teacher was okay with it

>new fag instead of newfag

Unfortunately your heroic effort will be in vain, mate.


It was Vienna, although this was back in 1997, so I'm not sure if it was "real" Austria at that point in time.

The Kunsthistorisches Museum was lovely!

>victory song
Inb4 (((this video is banned in your country)))

Lurk moar

Who is to be blamed if you are really asking about details when this polynesian basket weaving forum WAS always about chaos and not "oh, how are you, what is your name, your haircolor xoxo"

>A German telling me that I take things literally

Have I gone that far?

Sup Forums hat eine WhatsApp Gruppe?
Würde gerne beitreten, falls es noch möglich ist

Not an argument

You have. Stay strong

This is what liars like OP do. They leave it very vague and people like you who want to believe fill in the details.

OP did not explain anything, so you fill the holes with your imagination.
You see this done a lot with ''psychics''.