World leader

world leader
>a fucking manlet

What's this going on about discrediting putin? He is the most pol aligned leader the world has seen in our time.

ce plm
what 666 means for kek anyway?

lol is that Malkin?



haha guy on right 6 feet, putin five 10 hahaha!!!

obama 6 foor putin 5 ten hahaahahahaaaaaaaa!!!!


>right 6 feet
>putin five 11


It's CIA counter-hacking team named: COZYEAGLE.

gib transylvania



I would watch your tone sir.

Terrifying. I'm sure Obama is a badass deep down. -_-


Based putin carries an ankle knife.


Into the oven it goes.

>ridf pulling out their half naked pics of putin

oh shit here we go

got the one of him lifting weights without a shirt on too faggot?

you must be pretty fucking retarded to think that this manlet faggot does all the things he is praised for
He likes to intimidate other leaders with professional photographer taking pics with him

The liberal-left hates Putin because he violates the "human rights" of (((journalists))) and bumdrillers and because he is a Russian nationalist.

Can't wait until we pull the Marines out of Mihail Kogalniceanu and the Ruskis come """"Liberate"""" you

Is that picture real?

totally real, amerilard

> haha this dude runs a country but he's not tall like I am who the fuck needs to do things in life when you're tall haha

Wafflebro. Go cry to Junker or something.

Post more tiny Putins please

hold up

Napoleon = manlet
Hitler = manlet
All the best are shorter than 6 .

Yea like someone will actually counter-attack him
Fuck off with your propaganda shit

Tall = Badass is guess.

Seems to be working with how much the king of romania slurps his nuts at every opportunity

HArd to believe this isn't shopped

God I love the manlet rage in these threads

Sorry I assumed you were Belgian because Romania's flag is very well known. Putin could help with your vampire problem.


Time is getting shorter.

Midget Putin is adorable I want one

Why is this even a concern?
His fucking height?


Sure looks like it to me, leaf. Fuck the penguins.

Kek i fucking love this image. Their amused looks and Putin's smugness makes it perfect.

Our king is a tall guy. I think this picture doesn't make any sense.

holy lol

>what media tell to people on soviet channels

It's a big deal to gypsies and other primitive cultures since shorter gypsies are better at stealing and as such get ostracized and clubbed to death by taller gypsies.

All this could have been avoided if they had an alphabet and other basic civilization things

Whether you're a midget or a normal sized person, your arms will reach the middle of your thigh.

Putins arms in this pic reaching only his hips, is just a sign of a poor shop.

I will not support poor craftmanship, thus, FAKE AND GAY

>tfw shorter than Putin

>violates the "human rights" of (((journalists)))
if that were the "liberal-left" they would be protesting on obama's doorstep
These are progressive socialists.

is that even possible?

Does Sup Forums support leaders who became filthy rich by stealing from their own country? Or killing his political enemies?

Then Sup Forums is retarded and low IQ and shouldn't be followed on any issue.

Putin is shorter than both women. Must suck to be him, he must be on pills to cope with that feeling, 2bh.

That's why he always has that carefree attitude, he must be on something.

where the cyka posts at?
Seems like they do hate him

How many nukes does Romania have again?

>P90X Granny Lift

4 u

how many russians die of hunger every year?
Ok i get it we die of hunger too but because we're fucking stupid and poor not because we praise a piece of shit to lead us to a shitty lifestyle,hunger and thinking that we are number 1 in world



As many as the US was permitted to clandestinely forward deploy there in the last year or so. Just saying, there could be quite a few nukes there. Which would prove that Romania is led by the insane clown posse. If there are nukes there.

Otherwise you are correct, they are weak, rather than insane. (Or both? Or something else...)

actual photo, not photoshopped

Do you have a picture of Obama not being a complete fuckup?

Same, the manlet memes crack me up