I put three in Soros

Obama's term is over
SPD is worse than Merkel
and who cares about that meme country

Shoot Merkel, Obama and sandnigger than beat Soros to death with the gun.

I force merkel to strangle obama, then force soros to strangle merkel, then shoot empty my 9mm magnum clips in to them both.

i'd shoot soros and merkel in the guts and them make them stand head to head and shoot through the both of them a second time.

Why shoot the king of saudi arabia? shoot the three traitors I say

We have this thread every day and it is never good. Stop posting it. I'm pretty I saw the last one get 404'd by the mods so hopefully they do the same to this one.

Why not kill the three men then rape and beat Merkel?

Merkle and Obama are puppets, there's no point even shooting them.

blow out salman's knee caps and rape him while obama jacks off to it

>based panama

Shoot Salman, resulting explosion should get the other 3.

my sides tho

Shoot any three and beat the last one to death with the empty gun.

You are the nigger who have always been complaining about these threads... Why does that bother you, you fucking retard?

I'd spare Obongo

soros, merkel, then kneecap obama


Obongo is not a threat. He served his masters well and now can be put back in his natural habitation place: jungle.

Shoot Merkel three times.

Since Obama is being booted pretty soon it's logical to just kill the rest.

everyone's got something to hide except me and my monkey.blown up png file

Shoot Soros, Obama and Salman

Pistol whip Merkel to death

Hawaiian golf jungle with his favourite Jew

>tfw you found an extra bullet so they put another faggot in your room

>C L I P S

kill the 3 men and rape merkel, love grannies and love germans so it's beautiful for me, also kill her afterwards :3

Yea I agree, she would just stand there in shock. I'd probably not rape her though, just beat her to death with the 1911.

Because it's blatant spam. Stop spamming the board. These threads are never good, are not political, and slide the board like all the other spam slide threads in the catalog right now. You just admitted there are multiple of these same threads over and over. Go shoot some little kid or something, favela monkey.

Sorsos, obongo, and salman.

I want to watch germany burn.

soros, obama, and salman. After that I would strangle merkel.

> le no fun allowed.png

Someone please shoot this liberal fag three times


What if Soros is right and we're the bad guys? What if globalization truly is the future towards progress as a species?

I'm the one who is always complaining about these threads you homo.
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>you only got two bullets you dumb nigger
>look at this crazy tweet guys
*sips tea*
>it's another Sam Hyde episode
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>$j.ew + tip
>what did he mean by this
*sips tea*

Soros, Obama, Merkel. The Saudis can be starved out easy enough.

holy fuck, the starvation is really fucking with your brain

The three that aren't my President. I may disagree with my President, but he's still my head of state.

salman DEAD
soros DEAD
merkel DEAD

the muzzy is on the way out.

the old sand nigger will die anyway soon

holy shit the only correct answer

I would shoot myself and achieve that sweet release of death.

go bounce a ball or something you simple mother fucker


I'd wanted that shit and now am become death too

pic related

shoot soros and salman
shoot soros again just to be sure
Don't let Obama and Merkel become martyrs

Hello FBI

They are all already doomed.

Don't wast ammo....

Line all three up then shoot one bullet through all their necks.

Why are you threatening to shoot FBI employees user?


obama loses power in 20 days, not gonna bother with him, and I want to see the salman suffer, but i'm dying of cancer so I'll never get to.

Shitty MS paint work. Best I could do on short notice.

>doesnt own any guns
stop posting

Although I have to agree with you in some respects, I believe that this thread helps us to have an idea of who is the most hated person. Stop complaining and give it a try, faggot

Why are mexicants so weird?

they waz aztecs

i wont


Shoot merkel twice for destroying Europe, and line up everyone else's head next to me, and hope that the last bullet can go through me and everyone else
Obama would be positioned last because he is the least relevant.

Second post best post
He deserves a painful death

sorry to hear about that user. Where is the cancer?

> live in a very harsh desert of continental proportions and hell-like climate that was once inhabited by roos and the niggerest of all niggers - the abos

> call others weird


>Where is the cancer?

inb4 where is it not

soros salmon and merkel

You should kill yourself with it


line soros and merkels heads together

blast them with 1 bullet

line up the heads of merkel and hillary together

blast them with one bullet

blast salman with a single bullet

I'd shoot myself because I'm white. Fuck white people and fuck Donald trump.

Just beat Obama, Soros, and Salman while Merkel watches... She'll figure it out real quick...

>leave the room
>go to bank
>rob bank, fire warning shot
>go to gunstore, get more ammo
>shoot all 4 multiple times

no idea who that is

good guy, good president


and? arent there like bajilion princes?

none of them evoke any emotion in me for killing
sorry, I dont visit often enough I guess

Can anyone, concisely, tell me what's wrong with any of these four people?


You have to go back

We could but you'll just call it fake news...



I'm open. I won't accuse anything as fake, as I don't have some ideology I'm trying to justify. I just don't understand why these people are hated. Been living under a rock.

>shoot Obama
>shoot Merkel
>shoot Salman
>beat Soros to death with the pistol since he's older than dirt

Any of them is not worth a bullet.

I shoot myself three times.

save obama

dump all 3 into soros and then beat him further to death with the pistol. The other 3 are useless puppets.

I googled soros

>Soros is a well-known supporter of American progressive and American liberal political causes.[13] Between 1979 and 2011 Soros donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes.[

so that triggers Sup Forums I guess

I have no idea what wrong he actually did, net neutrality? Being mean to israel? healthcare stuff? Charisma off the charts and he made USA likable again...

she is dumb and underestamated bit sand niggers, but seriously killing her emotion is beyond me..

dunno about him, is he wssaby extremist, is he the one exporting sunni mosques?
I read that saudi family is pretty meh about religion, hedonistic, but really I know so liitle

I would though put a bullet in to STALMAN, its called linux, not gnu/linux

Indivjul situation

Stand to their side and take all out with one bullet duh

Soros Merkel and Salman. Obama isn't nearly as bad as the other three and his term is over anyway.



line them up and shoot...its how nazis used to mass execute

I know Soros is a philanthropist. I know he's contributed massively to the Democratic party, and a lot of controversial liberal movements, including Black Lives Matter. I disagree with the movement, yet I can understand how someone could agree with the movement, be part of the left, and contribute to it without malice. I don't see what the problem with him is, aside from judging his every action as malicious based on his race.

>I would though put a bullet in to STALMAN, its called linux, not gnu/linux

Sup Forums you have to go back

>Obama is done now anyway
>we'll probably only have to endure merk for a year or 2 more
>shoot salma's cock off
>kneecap soros and pistol-whip him to death

I cant
they dont like when you dont suck stallmans dick

soros , salman, merkel.

I gotta say you dirty redcoats do have a couple of good ideas...

Shoot all 3 males as Merkel watches
Rape Merkel to death
Throw up and wash cock in bleach afterwards, seek therapy

2 in Merkel,
1 in Soros.
Obama is out, Saudi-Arabia will go back to heating with camel dung when they are out of oil.