Ok guys. Which one of you did this?

>OUTRAGEOUS: Chandler police arrived to a family's home early this morning where her Menorah sculpture was turned into a swastika. The investigation into this trespassing is ongoing.

Seriously though this has gotta be self inflicted right?

So newsworthy

that's not a sculpture, that's pipes connected in a shape.

r8 my abstract art.

>self inflicted

Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin?

Hey rabbi...

Oy Kek

>jews get harrassed
>whites get harrassed

>Seriously though this has gotta be self inflicted right?

Probably, the time and tools it world take to do this aren't worth the risk. Plus to rearrange the pieces like they did looks like they needed to buy additional parts and pieces.

This would mean the person who did it would have had to examine it close enough to figure measurements of the pipes, the right parts he needs, go to a hardware store, then go back and rearrange it. All without being seen.

It takes allot of hate and dedication to pull this off, and I don't see it being worth it.

Now that's a unique redpilling.


The same kind of person (at least in the same state of mind) that burned that church in Mississippi.


Leaning towards bullshit on this one, taking that thing apart and putting it together without anyone noticing would be a bit time consuming.

Most common folk know if you spend any amount of time in a strangers yard fucking around, you are liable to get shot in the USA. their timing would have to be perfect, it also appears to be under a streetlight... Idk I suppose it could be done you'd have to know the occupants habits quite well.

And noisey.

oy vey reminds of the time the 6 million Jews died in the holocaust! don't don't deface the 7 million filthy goyim!

H-he had enough pieces to make it symmetrical but the fucking autist had to use every single piece!

thats fuckin' funny
good job mystery nazi artist
>rabbi didn't do it this time

Who ever did this is a genious even though i totally condemn it.

Verry clever !

hall hiller

Remember the 16,278,000 OY VEY

Reminds me of this

Self attack for sympathy, most likely.

I bet 2017 is going to be a big year for fake hate crimes. The left still has not recovered from Trump's victory and they will be looking to virtue signal like never before.

What you doing there, rabbi?

That rabbi that did this is pretty funny at least.

That's actually fucking hilarious.

This is the one time I think the vandalism might be legit, Jews aren't funny enough to come up with shit like this.

new on Sup Forums?

Burgers will be paying reparations to the "victim" for this.

>This actually happening

Pick one. No one does this shit in Chandler.

>grab it
>put it in the back of your truck
>get home a block away
>decide to turn it into a swastika
>return it an hour later
I stole my neighbor's car once, and parked it in the alley right behind their house because that's literally the last place theyd look, and it makes them look crazy

>a swastika

Am I the only person that read that as Chandelier Police?

Because that is one fucked up chandelier.

While the idea of someone sneaking into their yard in the dead of night and stealthily reworking their menorah into a Swastika with only his pipe wrench is hilarious it also obviously didn't happen.

Happens all the time here

What? In Chandler? Dude I never hear anything like this happening in Chandler. Maybe Glendale or Peoria.

>That last one
How the fuck do you even screw up that bad? We live in a time of smart phones, none of these retards just pulled one out and bothered to google "swastika?"

Of course this would have nothing to do with the leftists who love Palestine now, would it??


that was a good spastika thread

This is really really funny.
Anybody who was a guy in highschool knows how making things into schwattys is funny. Hell The jewish kid in my group of freinds in HS would write them everywhere. Some edgy HS kid did this becuase he thought it was funny. Theres no hate behind it, just some kid having a fuckin laugh. Probably even more so now that it has national attention.


I know this is probably a "Hey Rabbi?" kind of thing, but 9 times out of 10 they fuck up the swastika so I give them points for trying.

>9 times out of 10 they fuck up the swastika

I'm starting to think that it's intentional in the same way that they spell God as G-D. Drawing a proper swastika is (for lack of a better word) equally verboten.

it's a porygon transforming into a pidgey textured with this meme


here's another i just made

What is he fucking retarded? You can see it hurts his mouth to do it so he tries just holding it slightly off so it doesn't hit his mouth, how stupid can one nigger be.

Testing out a new camo pattern I see.

>getting the metal box on Super Smash Bros

Does this menorah celebrate how the Nazis miraculously burned six million Jews even though they only had enough gas for one million?

They found a house with 40 bodies or something hidden in the walls rumored to be tied to cartels.

anudda shoah

ebin :----DDDDDDD

damn those kids are ugly

Chandler is red pulled as fuck

left eye dominance. He's trying to use his left eye to shoot right handed.

Kek, autists doing vandalism

literally glorious

the struggle is real

why wouldn't he shoot left handed then?

>why wouldn't he shoot left handed then?
Because nigger.

I see the hand of the jew in this. kikes will play you. the jew scream in agony while they hit others. Stay focused. ultimately we want the rat kikes out of our nation too.

Don't really have many here, just foreign students, so wouldn't know.

When I do roofs I nail swastikas under the shingles, no one will know for 20 years, can't wait for it to be news

the jews have an unlimited supply of the traitor at the gate and using their goys to shake down others for shekles.

Well everybody will know it was you.

Nope, 20 years goes by. Most people forget who did their roof 5 yrs afterwards plus I work in a large crew :^)

How will they find out who did the roof 20 years ago reliably?

wacha doin rabbi?

Your country is the fucking expert on that one. More cameras than in the whole eu combined

Haha, I found a swastika on a floorboard at home when I had the carpets changed. Made me giggle. You don't do floors too, do you?

Agreed. My autism was triggered immediately and the level of effort it would take to pull this off isn't on the prank level.

He was obviously doing an artistic blend of the swastika and the emblem of the 14th Panzer division.

I'm kind of impressed.

Those poor jews, they deserve our unquestioning support in all things!

Nobody keeps a receipt for that bloody long. And residential areas away from city centres don't have many cameras if any at all.

That would explain how them pakis get away with minor rape.

And our assholes. We should bend over and offer our assholes to poor victinized Jews.

Nah, that's explained by the fact that everyone in this country is petrified to death of accusing Muslims of anything.

Who is "her" in the posting by FOX. It goes from family straight to her. I would would begin my investigation with looking for this her person.

I remember this exact reply from a similar thread this morning. What is going on?


Yeah I never understood why people are so afraid of being called racists.

Simply pointing at the fact that many of these attacks are self inflicted. Post Trump election and post Brexit there was a huge increase of racist attacks and it was subsequently discovered that the victims were lying.

If it was re-affixed with pvc glue I would say it's legit. If it's dry fitted it's the work of the Hebrew

It loses you pretty much everything. In the current SJW world it can make you unemployable.

It's pipes, looks like threaded water pipes.

>It's pipes, looks like threaded water pipes.

The kind they use in showers?

I disagree. I think it's PVC pipe spray painted gold.

>self inflicted

Well, obviously, A Jew would never ruin a nice menorah. These were just used pipes.

Number of days without Jewish tricks = 0

hey hootler

Keks out.


((Theyll)) be on the news suing the government for persecution tomorrow.

It's way too well made to not have been planned. I can't even picture a dumb nazi Sup Forumstard making this thing.

>before /pol
>after Sup Forums

What? How can someone get away with this? Did this take like 60 seconds to go from Menorah to Nazi?

That's what I was thinking too. How the fuck would they do that without making tons of noise?