Gonna try this again, the only reply I got was "fag", which is not really discussion material

Gonna try this again, the only reply I got was "fag", which is not really discussion material.

>The religious: Atheism is Blue pilled.
>The non-religious: Atheism is Red pilled.

Since Atheism has no religious doctrine outside of "There is no higher power that created the universe", it has nothing that makes it any type of pill. It's the people, their actions, and their morals that are either blue or red pilled. Yes, I understand neutrality is a rather foreign concept for you Sup Forums, but it does exist.

Feel free to discuss, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:



And I'll ask again, how am I a fag?





Most atheists are libcucks except Dawkins

For crying out loud, Sup Forums! You have to have something better than I wasn't even done typing! As I was saying, if your only argument is to call me a fag, I might as well consider myself correct in my assumptions. That is, unless you finally come up with real arguments.

But does that actually make atheism itself bluepilled? Or is there another source for this blue pilling?

>action & people & dildos are redpilled

the root of action is the moral, the root of morality are the ideas, you stupid fucking INBRED

you are operating on the idea that ideas are not what people mean when they describe their worth

doesn't fucking matter what you think, the doctrine or lack of it is not important



God is fine, its really a choice, he exists only when you think about him, like a starving african child or homeless person or your mother who will die in her sleep tonight if you dont reply.

The problem is religion. Every religion. Higher power isisabsolutely absolutely plausible. But a higher power that sets bushes on fire, forbids delicious bacon, and who watches you masturbate...grow up.



Humanism is blue pill cancer.

Any atheist humanist is blue pilled. Delusional atheists are the worst.

digits that are consecutively identical confirm

Humanism = the biggest load of cuck bullshit

Humanism is what most self described religion hating atheists prescribe to these days.

>the root of action is the moral

And the moral is decided by the individual or by society at large. Your point?

>you are operating on the idea that ideas are not what people mean when they describe their worth

I'm operating on the idea that atheism has only one idea that is not inherently either red pilled or blue pilled.

>doesn't fucking matter what you think, the doctrine or lack of it is not important

When claiming an entire belief system to be either red pilled is important, I believe it is.

I have no idea what humanism is, but if it has something to do with equality, I think I don't like it.

I guess you are right, but i think atheism does not redpill because you are an atheist, more like redpills you because you do not believe in god. Existence of belief in god could be the red pill.


.... the enemy

>>The philosophy or life stance of secular humanism (alternatively known by some adherents as Humanism, specifically with a capital H to distinguish it from other forms of humanism) embraces human reason, ethics, social justice, and philosophical naturalism while specifically rejecting religious dogma, supernaturalism, pseudoscience, and superstition as the bases of morality and decision making

Most modern atheists are secular humanists. This is where the social justice comes from.

Social justice warriors are mostly irreligious, self-described atheists or agnostics.

Who gives a shit? Just don't be a piece of shit.


The final red pill is to be released from the bondage of self.

i get your trying to start a conversation, that really cool. but, i just cant put my finger on why... i just hate your thread so fucking much.

I understand.

Now, i can't do that. I am too selfish.


Research. Search and you will find. Never completely draw a conclusion.

Problem is, you can doubt about god existence, but not denying there is a god because you would be sustaining your opinion on the same as religious, the "you can't prove it (doesn't) exists"

Agnosticism is the real redpill.

What is the name of Abraham's first son? Hint: call him Ishmael.

What did Abraham think he did with his first kid? Hint: He thought he killed him via abandonment in the wilderness.

If you were God, what would be an effective way to remind Abraham that he was an ass? Hint: if it were me I would say "Remember how you killed your first son? How about you kill your second son? ** dramatic pause ** Haha, just j/k now you know you were an ass. Be better like me." Fin.

There are so many layers to this shit it's almost like a demotivational picture misses the context


Homosex lover

>like a starving african child or homeless person or your mother who will die in her sleep tonight if you dont reply


it makes most atheists blue pilled, which means there's a correlation there that has to be considered. To be quite frank with you family, the very idea of undermining religion and the moral values and order it brings to society is in fact pretty blue pilled in itself.


Wait, I think we skipped a few sections. What was it that makes most atheists blue pilled?
>the very idea of undermining religion and the moral values and order it brings to society is in fact pretty blue pilled in itself.
Who says atheism has to undermine the benefits of order that religion brings? Who says they cannot accept the order and morality while denying the existence of a higher power.

Atheism is actually the lack of a belief in a higher being/religion. Nihlists are the ones that believe there is no higher being or "god".



bcoz u liek dics xdddd



Okay, these are actually kind of funny, I will admit.

Technically every time someone murders someone it's because a voice in their head told them too though.


>Atheists are just lost souls searching for a place to belong.


fuck you and fuck koth god i hate that fucking bitch nigger

i thought you were going to get back into playing magic and wanted to let you know that it would also make you a fag in addition to the fag you already are

definitely a fag


Atheists are fags, Religion is for fags

Agnostic is for the higher intelligence.
