Sup Forums will defend this

Sup Forums will defend this..

>enough firepower to stop an army
>i need it to hunt rabbits
>i want it to make my dick longer

how do you faggots justify tupperware firepower?

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off commie

Fuck off back to your treasonous hug box.

>Pistol for hunting rabbits
It's already designed for shooting at other people, what the fuck does it matter to you if it has a drum magazine?

because of pic related, now stop posting

Nobody said you had to have one, faggot.

>enough firepower to stop an army
i hope so. this is against tyranny.
you dont think tyranny will ever happen here?
two possible answers
>for republicans
>for democrats
who ever the oil goys are

what does it matter if I use a bolt action rifle or an ak47 to hunt my rabbitmeat?

none of your business.

sounds like a commiefornian. fuck off. go pay your taxes so illegals can keep getting them benefits under half a dozen different aliases

mate, if someone is gonna shoot up a school, whether they have drum magazines or not isn't going to be a deciding factor.

Dude if you went up against the average marine unit with that you might be able to hit a couple guys if you're lucky before they take you down with precision. More bullets doesn't mean deadlier.

5" is normal tho

t. 4"

>tupperware firepower

I consider myself to be a gun-grabber, but I seriously want one or two of these.

>a kike
top kek

you are supposed to be the greatest ally chaim!

>To stop an army

Someones never been in combat

Wouldn't that be a little to heavy to aim properly? In fine with people owning this I just don't see the tactical advantage here.

In case you need to hunt an army of rabbits to make your dick longer.


Irrelevant. You have the RIGHT to have it.









From the anti gun side.

Too bad Obama fuckie it all up.....

There is a growing need for those

This illustration should be proof enough.
There is an army to be stopped.

Its not enough, it is not full auto.

>how do you faggots justify tupperware firepower?
To shoot faggots like you who want to take it away.



Someone do me a favor, save the OP image, open in image editor, set tolerance to 1 and fill the bottom right corner blue, then repost image.


Steel > tupperware

stay mad glockfags, hk fanbois, s&w mp shit tier, s&w sigma series bottom feeders and the rest of you polymer polyps.

>enough firepower to stop an army
>a 50rd drum of 9mm
>tfw no aimbot Aug on brain.

Take a ten foot dick in your ass faggot and get the fuck out of America and go to some shitty third world socialist shit hole you degenerate piece of trash.

People like you is the reason why we need a civil war.


Look at all them good boys, doin nuffin in Fergiland

the old Sup Forums, the Sup Forums I remember and love, this thread would have got two replies, both telling OP he is a faggot and sage.

this is the new Sup Forums and I like to fuck with them, cause they are faggots.

>b-buh yuh don't neeeeeeeeeeeed it
what if I want it?

fuck off newfag

betamags are notoriously jam prone

>>enough firepower to stop an army
>>i need it to stop and army
>>i want it to make an army stop

Bill of rights not bill of needs you shart gargler

been here since 09, and still a newfag..

welll sheeeeeitt

it's cool

>i need it to hunt rabbits

No, we have a constitutionally guaranteed right to own the weaponry needed to overthrow the federal government or to stop an insurrection.

Wouldn't all the extra weight on the pistol affect a person's accuracy?

Bait is tasty grandpa, get with the times.

>short range
>low powered
>awkwardly weighted with the drum



Nice story faggot.

>shart gargler


It's a silly thing to put on a 1911, but it's not any faggots business due to 2A. Wipe the jizz of your chin, son, and read the constitution sometime. HINT: it doesn't have anything to do with "wabbit-hunting".

We needs it to kill waves of niggers. Because any place that doesn't have these will have waves of niggers. like the malls this past week.


please expatriate for all our sakes

I'm inaccurate. What business is it of your's how many shots it takes me to defend myself?

Have you ever tried shooting shooting a rabbit with a hand gun while it's running? You'll need a lot more ammo than that.

Also you obviously haven't experienced the gains you gat from hanging a 45 with 100 rounds of ammo from your dick. I'm up to almost 6 inches now.

10 men each with their own gun and one bullet


1 man with one gun and 10 bullets

who wins?

That is goofy, tacky, and will jam. Mags like that are range toys.

10 men obviously.

See that infinite shaped magazine? that means unlimited ammo

I need it to hunt 50 rabbits at once, they travel in herds and if I don't have a high cap mag how am I going to get them all before they scatter into the brush?

You have the right to bare arms, NOT the right to bare as many and as many and as powerful arms as you desire. Having a tiny pistol or two that you can fit in your fist fulfills the 2nd Amendment. Gun control isn't trying to make it illegal to own any weapons at all and the 2nd Amendment doesn't say that you can own any and as many weapons as you like.

uhh, the coolness factor?

That's not enough!

There's no limit to freedom.

I wish you modern americuck would understand that. Your country was build on the notion of freedom. I know that it's frightening to live free and to be accountable for your own action.

You can submit yourself to islam if you don't like freedom...

>be held accountable of my own actions
>it's my own actions if i get killed in a shooting

not sure what difference having 2 guns, 10 guns, or 50 guns makes if you're only going to need one for a crime.

You can also be run over by a car or hit by lightning.

Life is dangerous...


>not wearing a plate carrier everywhere
It's like you want to die from a gunshot

That would be crazy unwieldy and hard to properly aim. Someone with a normal pistol could stop them easily.


Yeah, it's a hair under the average here.

5 inches is average faggot

And we attempt lessen the possibility of this stuff happening, cars with safety features to protect pedestrians, lightning rods. Doesn't it make sense to put up more background checks and similar things to make it harder for people who would do shootings to get guns.

AK47 is terrible for rabbits senpai. Unless you don't want to eat them after.

Explain to me why it is not acceptable to have this weapon in the event of a non-Muslim terrorist horde attacking me.

Oh look another lefty bed wetter that's afraid of a firearm. Go back to /leftypol/ faggit.


I don't justify shit. Guns = power to resist persecution by both criminals & tyrants.

OP's pic is ridiculous though....i presume op never fires a weapon either.....

OP please move to Mexico City, Pyonyang, Oakland or Chicago you will be safe from guns there...they have a lot of laws ......

We need it for people like you to cry over it.

Hahahahaaaaa all hope of new gun control laws have evaporated with Trump!


fuck off kike.

i know this is b8, but that literally is a rabbit hunting gun.

If the same weapon carried 3 bullets would you feel safe?

that's not a .22 you can clearly see the centerfire primer on the bullets

>enough firepower to stop an army
That looks grossly unbalanced and would not help at all against an armed police officer carrying a 6 bullets .38 revolver!

Seriously, why would anyone use such a shitty weapon accessory if not for non-combat uses such as hnting rabbits and shooting for fun?

>pistols sacrifice power, range AND accuracy all for portability and concealability
>hey guys lets put a fucking stupid huge bulky-ass expensive magazine on it and piss away the only advantages the weapon had

... he's right, this isn't very easy to justify.

that's 9mm, cityslicker.

>he thinks inner city types don't know what 9mm looks like

What's it like living in a place that's not a shithole? Must be nice.

What shitty weapons



It really does make my dick longer though.

How am I supposed to impregnate my wife without it?

These mags suck.
They jam, quite often.
Ask the bitch ass theater shooter.

>dick longer

OK, I have asked this numerous times, and not once have one of you limp waisted fanny bandits answered.

I have a large gun collection, as I'm a collector and instructor.
I also have an extremely large dick. My wife calls me 'Jack the Rippest'. Every girl I've been with has commented about it.

So here's my question. Do I have to sell my collection, or get a penis reduction?

Looks like a good time, why are you so salty? Fellow Anglos would kill for such freedom!

>enough firepower to stop an army

That's kind of the point

Field strip the crossbow!

But seriously, how many times have you been challenged about that photo?

most of those are either shit or meme tier.
seeing as you brag about that bullshit collection, going to assume your dick is bullshit too