German movie about a rich family which adopts a refugee and become best friends

German movie about a rich family which adopts a refugee and become best friends

How does this make you feel /pol?

If this actually happened in real life rich shits wouldn't be advocating for rapefugees.



>refugee from Nigeria

What? I thought the whole reason there was a refugee crisis was because all the people from Syria needed homes. Why are you accepting Nigerian "refugees"??

its shit but it will win every possible award because its about a refugee.
btw, Nigeria is at war right now?

Was there ever a time when it was not in a war

>refugee and migrant are interchangeable words

It's not at war, you stupid cuck. Merkel is letting in "economic refugees" now. Germany will let in every poor African until all the poor people have homes. What a brilliant idea.

Easy there Tyrone ,I'm not to fond about that either

I'm sure it is funded by tax payer money and negative reviews will be banned. Cuckmany JA!

send your winged Hussars and end us already

Chancellor claims this unironically
>Unser Staat tut alles, um seinen Bürgern Sicherheit in Freiheit zu gewährleisten.
how does it make you feel OP?

Is this based on one of many true stories that end up with a child being murdered?

France makes the same shitty """comedy"""" movies about (((tolerance))) with the same trope, a racist man and his family who have to live with human filth BUT THEY'RE JUST LIKE THEM IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT

The damn poster's basically the same too. Man on the right was once a very funny and talented actor, only plays EVIL HITLERS nowadays. I fucking hate this over-complicated era.

I bet he saves their marriage by you know how

Oh fuck I've seen this movie
What a fucking jew propaganda shitfest
All of his daughters marry everything but a French

Soon there will be civil war in Germany (ever wondered what happened with almost half of million refugees who dissapeard in 2015?).
Just buy a home in Poland and prepare yourself, soon we will have our racewar.

How much do guns cost in Poland?

My parents and my little brother watched that one, but this German one is way worse just from the premise

My whole family is Conservative though, even my sister.


You can't make this shit up.

Clavier only played one great role, in one great movie. Better than nothing, sure, but nothing more.

There is a lot of requirements to get gun licence (either you have to be member of hunter group or use guns in sport, which gives you access to semi-auto rifles), background check, you need special safe for gun etc. But in next year there wil be formed brigades of territorial defence, and as our ruling party members mentioned, it can make access to weapons easier.

and another propaganda movie