How can a country with the most Nationalistic anthem of all be so cucked?

>What happened to the Scots?

O flower of Scotland
When will we see
Your like again
That fought and died for
Your wee bit hill and glen
And stood against him
Proud Edward's army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again

The hills are bare now
And autumn leaves lie thick and still
O'er land that is lost now
Which those so dearly held
And stood against him
Proud Edward's army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again

Those days are passed now
And in the past they must remain
But we can still rise now
And be the nation again
And stood against him
Proud Edward's army
And sent him homeward
Tae think again

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Look at the cucked players not even singing.
If I was Scotish I would sing the fuck out of this.

Honestly? It boils down to these points.

1. Scotland has been exposed to very little consequences of mass immigration, the difference in opinion between an Englishman living in the East End of London and a Scotsman from Paisley is vastly different.

2. Labour gave Scotland it's own parliament in 1997 with control over lots of shit including taxes. Not only that, the power of the parliament was increased by subsequent bills in 2012 and 2016. Labour gave Scotland and Wales their own parliament because they thought it would be an excellent back-up, if they lost control at Westminister they could fall back and continue to legislate in regards to devolved issues. However in Scotland that's not the case now.

3. The SNP have claimed that Scotland was the most affected place by Thatcher over and over, this has caused a lot of people especially Glaswegians to resent the UK and Westminister specifically.

4. 1 million of my countrymen fell for Krankie's shit and because of FPTP distortion, elected 56 cocky 20 year-old MPs on the basis that people in Scotland hated the Tories. This isn't the first time this happened, the Tories were completely kicked out of Scotland in 1997. Labour were actually called "Red Tories" during the 2015 campaign, it seems fucking LABOUR of all parties were too "racist" and "xenophobic" for most Scots.

Pic related, planned SNP council cuts. North East of Scotland (voted to remain in UK, most marginal in the EU referendum and has largest UKIP vote outside the Scottish Borders) gets a whopping cut of 6% while the SNP stronghold Dundee gets half of that.

Thanks for for the explanation

Is Nationalism and Patriotism frowned upon in Scoland?
Why do your football players look like they don't really want to sing the anthem?

It's taboo now because it's been politicised by the pro-independence lefties. If you sing along to it, people will think you are an SNP/Green fucktard and if you don't then you'll be ostracised as a Tory/Labour bigot.

We're cucked because we currently have nobody to fight. Hell hath no fury like a Scotsman. Give us arms and a cause and we'll tear down the world.

what in the fuck are you talking about you detached moron.
fyi this isn't true

A few of them are busy trying to cuckold themselves to the EU for some reason.

English accomplishments and Scottish failures have led to profound hatred resentment towards everything south of Hadrian's wall. in reality, Scots have no national consciousness, they just do the opposite of what England does, which passes for nationalism. This is why Scots are masters at double think; they pretend to be nationalists to oppose English nationalism while simultaneously supporting mass immigration and the EU because the English are against those things. It doesn't make sense unless you realize it's just knee-jerk reactions to English habits and opinions.

Wow really made me think. Fuck off frog cunt

Scottish Nationalism is dumb, we're a non-country.

t. obvious Anglo poster masquerading as a Royal Scotposter. Different flags when


Please don't confuse Scots with the SNP. They treat the people of Scotland as if every single one of us voted SNP. They're anti-english fags.

I'm from Livingston

I know that's you DemonEggy.


you are such a coward cunt caring about how people think of you. get the fuck out of Scotland and go felch english arseholes you obsequious little bitchboy. your type of Scot fucking ruins Scotland you utter cunt. if i knew where you lived i'd fucking rek you as a lesson for being such a fucking embarrassing beta

I heard SNP cunts hate Aberdeen and the North East for swinging to the Tories this year.

I wouldn't sing that dreary sheep-shagger pish, that bitch with the plastic hairdo is a Paki-loving whore with an office in an open-air gypsy camp known locally as Govanhell, and she wants to allow pedos to have access to every kid in Scotland.

inb4 any arsehole tries to post Braveheart pictures

t. SNP blowhard

Stay butthurt 'mr alpha male' that we're never going to be independent.

We haven't had to deal with the racial tensions and the islamisation present in the rest of the Western world.

The vast majority of scots still live in all white (scottish) areas.

Give us 5 years and we'll gladly help you all in the kebab removal.

One positive thing about the Brits fucking up my country is that you left some qt's behind.

to all the coward Scots itt : i will literally fucking fight you and knock some fucking sense into you bunch of servile pussies for selling out my fucking country to the english. you do not fucking deserve to breathe the same air as me. post your fucking address if you think you're hard enough

you sound so pathetic. go to the gym

Why don't we just compromise for an independent City of Glasgow? Hell, we'll even throw in North Lanarkshire to shut you up.

Well...that is a fucking shame.

You're a poof with Paki spunk dribbling out your arse, wanting to sell out to the EU. Away back to your hostel and buzz the gas, you can't fight, you're a mooth

yah, *I* sound pathetic.

and you're a fucking simpleton if you believe any of that shite you just spewed onto your keyboard you fucking waste of flesh. 200lbs of hard muscle awaiting your puny little skull to crush

go suck an english cock you little gayboy and leave the grownups to talk. you utter fuckup

I'm fine with England


I understand now why you guys are fucked.
Cannot aggree on the color of shit.

Go take yer "hard muscle" back to the gym, you raging faggot.

"No True Scotsman"


Makes sense

You're a non-town

The jobcentre is calling, junkie scum

fucking kek. Are you trying to be a caricature of an SNP voter??

Because Scotland's national anthem, like the rest of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is actually God Save the Queen.

Flower of Scotland is something we like to sing at rugby games before losing in the last twenty minutes.

yeah it's boring as shit, thank fuck i'm only here for the holidays

>implying i'm poor
i make more money than you can count, mummy's boy
naw i'm trying to be the caricature of your swollen face after i beat the shit out of your ugly mug you trojancunt

I just can't imagine anyone that's not an SNP supporting benefits hog hating on England.

Fuck are you on about? No one cares, sing it all you want. We are a bit cucked though, had to deal with a guy at work saying everyone voting brexit was racist. Had some fun being smug with him at least.

Away and beat yer Paki boyfriends dick ya walloper.

You calling us cucked?

Holy fuck, you literally voted for your own rape and murder at than hands of a raging pack of niggers

>let them have a vote or there will be civil war and we might get hurt and lose monies!!

Worked out well you daft cunts,

that's because you don't realise how they hold us fucking back in manners pertaining to trade, investment, government strategy, and competitiveness. england is a subversive drain on the wealth and talent and industry of Scotland
>bluepilled will cite economic figures rather than discuss chronic issues
fuck the lot of you simpletons

The only thing that'll be swollen about me will be the cock that's in your mum's cunt.

We voted for our own rape and murder?
When did this happen?

That,was, awesome

Staying in the Union will let you have all the pakis you want pal, there are already more non whites in England than there as Scots in Scotland

b b b muh Queeeennn!!!

The English will drop you as quick as hot shit on their bagels if it suits their purposes - al la Northern Ireland (((staunch)))

The UK has had its chips mate

I think they do us more good than bad, but a) they're complete cunts and b) independence is inevitable, good idea or not. So many holes in the SNPs plans and they barely lost, someone competent gets an economic plan together and we're out.

lol there it is again blaming westminster. You SNP fgts are like the ex that never changes, constantly thinking everyone else is the problem.

Around 10 thousand whites murdered by niggers - mostly farmers - since the vote and 10s of thousand of rapes/assaults etc and it is not over yet.

I don't care if you criticise England. I'm just tired of the SNP retards who pretend England is our greatest and only threat.

I voted Brexit, I don't want the entire Warsaw pact over here, selling the Big Issue - never mind thinking kebab shops, car washes, Turkish barbers and shops that unlock stolen mobiles will fix Scotland.
I USED TO vote SNP until they went globalist. All Krankie says now is "Our Eeeuropeeean parrrtnurrs".
Now this "State Guardian" thing...


they go into the country and go "I AM SCOTTISH, HEY EVERYONE THIS IS WHAT SCOTLAND IS" and the whole world sees and hears them

and if you don't beat them up and make them leave the whole world forgets who you are

I really wish they had the Scottish flag on here, just so I could see who is saying what.

Scots unconditionally hate the English. This hate overcomes all other thought, making them tolerant to near enough everything else. SNP needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

I voted Brexit too

If you are worried about Poles coming to Scotland fine, but you have no concern about the massive numbers of coons and pakis they are shipping up from London into Edinburgh and Glasgow? and this is in addition of the rapefugees

Oh yeah it is all the SNPs fault

Get a fucking grip

Scotland has become a socialist cesspit...because of the SNP...the education system is fucked, NHS is fucked...people are being spoonfed bullshit here and the people buying it...

People aren't cucked desu, still many very patriotic people who believe in the UK greatly but SNP supporters are delusional...Put on Braveheart and they will call for another independence referendum...

Look up the acts of union 1707 and learn why Scotland joined England in union in the first place and why it was in the 18th century that Britain became major power...

Try 70,000 whites and 4,000 farmers

But when did we vote for this?

It was your cucked countries that put economic sanctions on us for decades with the aim of forcing black rule on us.

Most of us are deluded fucks.

Everybody is a deluded fuck...we all dream and imagine things that's why we are deluded lol

Have you SEEN Govanhell? Have you heard any criticism of the islamification of Scotland from the SNP? On the contrary - I have heard her praising the SNP for THIS fiasco:

Sturgeon does not care about Scotland. I will NOT let that plastic-haired whore hand Scotland to Merkel on a silver plate.

Thanks for the correction

And you voted it out of pure cowardice and greed, even the fucking jews did better and were prepared to fight for their land.

You could have fought your civil war and had a chance but you backed down from the worlds number one cucks. The rich could grab the gold and run, the rest of you have been left it the utter shit.

When the niggers start to genocide you for real, the yanks will not raise a finger to help, you can be sure of that.

SNP Are a means to an end. Soon as we're independent i'll vote for anything and anyone to stop globalisation. It's a fool who will vote against someone in westminster making his decisions for him then go and beg the EU to do it instead. One step at a time. Out of the UK. Await EU collapse. Voted for independence and brexit. Both of them can't come soon enough.

The problem with Nikolai sturgeon is that she wants Scotland to gain independence from England only to lose it to Brussels...Just smell the money...Everybody will be on benefits in no time...

Why is there such a stark difference between Aberdonians and Glaswegians?

Want to start a band called the Govanhill Jihadis 2bh

>dissolves UK and gets overrun with diversity now it can't use England as a buffer zone for it's bad voting habbits

Aberdeen and Glasgow are very different these days...They used to be the same...full of neds and sheep shaggers in the old days

I trust her over May/Corbyn any day of the week. I as said the coons are getting shipped up here as part of a UK plan.

You want the Union you are going to get even more of this.

pfffttt....Sturgeon wants immigrants but doesn't want them in her backyard.

Out of may/corbyn/surgeon I'd only trust May because at least she isn't a fucking champagne socialist

Maybe we WANT more instability so we can finally ignite the race war?

Well. I'm out, Happy New Year when it comes, even to that steroidfag. All the best, peeps.


If Brexit didnt ignite the race war nothing will...but don't worry...The fire rises!

Well that is option 2 - and an independent Scotland triggers the English in a way the mass rape of their kids by pakis doesn't.

There is a noticeable increase in pro English sentiment since the indy ref

Either way it is a good thing, and if the lefties help us achieve it, all the better.

The race war is coming, later than I expected but and someone once said, revolutions happen when you least expect it.

The most beautiful place and the best people I ever knew outside the USA was Scotland.

bullshit, nearly everyone who votes SNP actively supports their policies

scotland is not only cucked, but also a shithole

Clearly your limited access to genetic material other than your own family has affected your view of reality.

Yeah. If you've voting for someone you obviously believe in some of their policies. One such issue I feel strongly about is independence. I vote for SNP. Funny how that works isn't it? When we're independent i'll vote for someone else.

>also a shithole
>isle of man
Well would you look at that
take a look at that

>Lets vote for that party that wants to do the exact opposite of what we want! If we give them absolute power and they totally won't enact their extremely authoritarian left policies/ general cucked """progressive""" ideals and also rejoin the EU!
>This is what Scots ACTUALLY believe

There is no way you guys are this fucking stupid.

SNP are currently the only party with actual plans (whether they are going to enact them or not is a different matter) for an independent Scotland
There is no other choice right now besides forming my own fucking party

Thank you for the explanation

As an American with Scottish heritage, it saddens me to no end.