If I wanted to create an army out of Sup Forumsacks, under what conditions would you enlist?
If I wanted to create an army out of Sup Forumsacks, under what conditions would you enlist?
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A cause to believe in
What cause would you fight to death over?
That you kill yourself xDÄŽDDDDDDDD
>replying to a datamining thread
>le funny meme
this and credibility
btw i wouldn't care for remuneration if it's for something right
basic human instinct. get bigger bro.
free health program
because I and 90% of Sup Forums are overweight
You suck my dick
When we will cleanse Europe from shitskins, your country can NOT fuck it all up again.
I want a cool theme song, like the legion or the panther guard
42 virgins upon death
allahu akbar
I would need some sort of certification wherein I could never be prosecuted for any "crime" committed in civil, criminal, or federal court. I would become one of OP's made men who was untouchable after my service was up.
>when the premier post is also the grandest post
>under what conditions would you enlist?
Under the condition of a favorable likelihood of our victory.
Also, cool uniforms.
you don't drug test me
you let me play Swans in the humvee
gimme monies
The prospect of a loyal, virgin, white woman.
> automatic 4-star general
> 7 figure salary
> diplomatic Negotiation input
> group of 20 women Secretaries that are assassins so they are undercover body guards.
> not to fuck just to look at
> QT wife to Contiune my blood line that's loyal
> my own state after the war is done
Aww can't handle the meat gazers? Embarrassed about your tiny penis?
fuck you, Sup Forums is a board of peace
Anything that allows me to become a Holy Battle Wizard for Hitler
to be absolutely honest money, i dont give a shit if i have to fucking hunt people to survive or drink the blood of my enemies to not die of thirst i'll fucking do it.
all i demand is weapons and equipment and when it's over money
Immediate invasion of ziostan.
A nation
RaHoWa. With Jews you lose.
Good pay, no less than $100,000 a year
Loose ROE's
Rape and enslavement of our enemy is encouraged
I get spiols of war and can scalp liberals and sand niggers. If so send me a plane ticket.
Good cause
Good organization
Food and shelter
This. If signs of one country is slowly becoming cucked, they're given one and only one warning. Continued degradation will lead to occupation and elimination of the country inhabitants.
$20,000 enlistment bonus and a Government Issue waifu
no i like doing drugs
My current salary is 60k per year. You pay me 61k and I'm in.
Is dat u Stevie Miller? You know all Donald has to do is ask
Degenerates not allowed, if anything you should be shot. There's a reason druggies aren't allowed in modern militaries. Don't need you "accidentally" offing off the person next to you.
Nuke codes and a 72 government waifus