>sent out 1000 job applications the past month
>still no response
Sent out 1000 job applications the past month
How did you manage to send 33 a day?
What kind of education do you have?
same resumae but fixxes it depending on the company
Call them back. Ask why you weren't chosen. Most will tell you to fuck off, but if one takes the time to tell you - LISTEN.
Also, don't waste time with job boards. They're bullshit. They just post the same ads as everyone else, and most of them are ads companies have to post to the public, but are hiring for internally.
If you're just trying to get an office job, get hired on at every job agency in your area. Some of them will even help you with your resume, applications, and interviews. Most big companies only hire through agencies now for entry level and mid level jobs.
What field, and what kind of job are you trying to get?
suck it up and get a job at wal-mart, or just keep being neet, it really doesn't matter.
They've all gone to Ahmed. If you aren't a lefty retard, come to the USA. We be killin it.
I realize you're in Canada, but here in US, no one hires in December. Call them first week of January, best fits first. Good luck.
Yeah the process is really fucked. Everywhere I used to apply to they would tell me they're looking for someone more experienced, and I'd think to myself, "nigger, I'm 22 years old and I spent that time in college, how fucking experienced can I be? How can I get the experience whwen no one will hire me? Was I supposed to start working at 16?"
Eventually I managed to find a job through my father's friend and that's actuallly the only way you can apparently get one, through connections
We got your application but you're simply not qualified bud. We need the government to get us some temporary foreign workers because we can't get anyone with the right qualifications here in Canada. Really sucks for employers! Many such cases. Sad!
Great thing about TFWs is that their wages are subsided by your tax dollars which improves our bottom line
For American NEETs, consider a job in the government. Many decent paying jobs including TSA and most police departments don't require experience. A lot of them say you only need a high school diploma or GED.
Don't send out 1000 job applications.
Instead, find one company that you know is hiring.
Find someone that works there and ask if they give an employee referral bonus and tell them you will list them if you can use them as a reference. Free money for them and an in for you.
Make sure you qualify for the position, and submit one tailored, neat application and resume for that position.
Call them back every three days until you have an interview.
Keep hands on lap, maintain eye contact, and answer questions directly during interview. Two sentence responses unless they ask for a story.
For biggest weakness: I sometimes invest in things too heavily and have a hard time letting go. For example, I have (insert collectible here) from when I was a child which I just don't feel like getting rid of even though it is childish.
On a metric this makes it look like you will stay with the company a long time.
For strength: I don't give up easily. I like to persist until I can see the reward for my hard work.
Hey bud, did you try applying to timmies there? Always hiring, I see the signs every morning when I go get my double double before work. You might even make manager in a few years. Gotta work your way up bud, that's life!
Tim hortons dont hire whites where i live lmao
they likely do, but white people assume they don't so they can have an easy excuse to stay unemployed
>trying to get hired right before new years
user, are you literally retarded?
also nice blog post faggot >>>/reddit/
>have great job
>sent out 100 Tinder messages in the past month
>still no response
we all got problems nigga
This guy's on the right track. Target places you want to work at and personalize resume/cover letter to their company and try to get a reference who already works there. Sending out 1000 resumes, which I don't believe, means it's generic as fuck.
Never say never, bud! Gotta hit the bricks get in there in your knees and beg to clean the grease catchers and polish cutlery or something. Gotta start somewhere buddy don't make excuses!
should have thought twice before being born white
The fact that these sad sacks of hiring shit buy into these sorts of glib answers makes me despise the world.
i wish i was still in touch with my dad. getting a safe job in niggerville is basically impossible without connections.
>tfw don't have 5th generation white canadian family that loves hockey and says bud all the time
You have no social network. 99% of jobs are obtained by knowing people. Make more friends with people in your job areas and kiss their ass. If you dont know anyone you have to get to know them. You have to socially engineer this shit.
You would be surprised how easy it actually is to talk to even CEOs of companies in America. Find people on linked in to talk to, ask them questions, do a large amount of social bullshit and you will stay employed for the rest of your life.
Some are so bad that they won't even hire shitskins outside of the geographic region they all immigrated from and on the odd ocassion they do, the staff will bully the new hire until they quit
Indian women are awful
Try harder you poutine puckering pussy ass flamboy faggot.
bro you need to fill your resume with key words. its super important
>customer service
>visual basic
>et cetera
Also, use custom spacing, margins and font. Garamond is top notch.
Even if you don't know shit about sales or whatever the job calls for, you say you do. Then make some abiguous bullshit up for the interview. Everyone does it.
TL/DR - Pretend you know whats inside the job listing and make your resume reflect it. The shitbag Indian recruiters will be blowing up your phone in no time
I own a small business.
I receive this many, or more applications a month to work at my shop.
Scrub off your personal information and post your coverletter, resume and references (if applicable) and I'll dial down your exact issues.
Everything is done online now and not too difficult to complete.
Did you walk up to the manager, look him in the eye, and shake his hand?
Unfortunately, I wouldn't actually want to respond with these answers either, but the HR rep will be a woman and these responses are what they are trained to look for.
If you have actual charisma these responses aren't necessary because they will want to hire you regardless of how "off" their metric you get.
Forklift apprentice reporting in
It sucks here, there are jobs that they literally don't hire white males, pic related me.
i like the seriousness of the responses here.
>not looking white from dads side and being spic from your mothers so you get free tuition and 100% hiring certainty or you can sue for discrimination
You lost the lottery tbqh
germany got lots of jobs?
do you have any qualifications or skills other than being a shitposting leaf?
>it's real
holy shit
>it might help if you send them to different companies??
Aim lower. Richard Branson was once homeless and eating from garbage bins.
>get 3 job offers daily
>don't apply for any single one of them
I don't want to pay taxes for a country that hates me
suck my dick ferkel
how's the job market in Israel?
what's your profession or degree?
I'm kinda curious
>implying those stories are actually true, and not jews manipulating the masses.
Opinion discarded
>be me
>be lazy fuckfart who hates to work and wants to be a NEET
>people still hire me
listen to this guy leaf.
You're obviously making mistakes, try and figure out what they are by requesting feedback.
kek just noticed his reply was 2 hrs ago
I know how you feel in a way user. I quit.
*Puts on tinfoil hat*
yea iktf I'm master-mechanic(don't evengot a degree) and people still want to hire me all the time, but I don't go there
used to lead garage at my local porsche franchize, but didn't want to work anymore
and now I'm gettingmoney from the state for 4 months now which is pretty comfy
what were you applying for?
>2 hours later
>1 post by this ID
are you shitposting or do you genuinely want advice and help on how to get a job?
wtf i love canada now!
>that pic
oh gott!
I want to slurp every last drip off her milky-pale body
Is it red-pilled to be a NEET supported by your parents?
My dad worked hard all his life, if he wants to support and spoil his son then he has every right to do so.
HR guy here. I not only would tell you lies, I'd also blacklist you and tell other companies about you being a whiny faggot. Take your loss and move on, OP. Doing what this guy says is a surefire way to stay unemployed for longer.
>Is it red-pilled to be a NEET
if you're living in a wannabe socialist state like germany or sweden yes
>supported by your parents?
no, not at all
that's some manchild behaviour I mean you're not a child anymore
let your dad spend his money on his retirement, a new car or so
don't be that guy, sven
This is not a meme. I hire people and this goes a long way
Millions in Israel are Muslim and Christian.
Never seen anyone larping as an HR guy before
forgot to add you're taking advantage of you parents and that's gay af
you shouldn't exploit the kindness of your family tho
true, if want a job go there personally it helps alot
less than 25% of israelis are non-jewish actually and israel only has a population of 8 million which makes the non-jewish population 2 million at max
Hence why I said million(s) plural. As in 2 or more million.
Rob someone.
Easy come up my leaf
my autismus just told me you said millions a muslims(plural) and christian(plural)
that means a population of 2 million can't be millions muslim and millions christian
there aren't millions of christians nor millions of muslims in israel to be exact 1.004.600 millions are muslim or 17%(which is just a little above 1 million and not millions or the plural) and 138,000 christians in israel (which isn't close to even 1 million)
ps: someone plz kill me
I have a question for anyone who actually hires people here...
If I just wrote an honest application saying "I don't have any passion for your job I purely want to make money and I want to work to make that money" will it go a long way or shoot my chances dead