Antarctica Google Earth search

opening (click image at coordinates) 66°33'12.32"S 99°50'20.59"E

Other urls found in this thread:

Strange shape 1 66°32'31.29"S 99°50'54.56"E

Strange shape 2 66°17'10.92"S 100°29'8.60"E

Giant 74°48'1.40"S 162°42'50.83"E

Claw 66°32'31.29"S 99°50'54.56"E




That isn't just ""rocks""

66°29'30.87"S 99°56'53.05"E


Wow, there's quite a few there actually.

yooooo wtf

oh look another Antarctica slide thread to distract critical thinkers from Trump and Russia




zoom out further, there's quite a bit there

Not to be a faggot but could this be possible chunks of ice cracking? I mean they look way to uniform and clean but I don't know shit about how ice behaves

meant for

have you never looked at a topographical map before? clearly just layering of the snow created by the landscape. that's why it all appears at the base or on slope of a hill/mountain

i really hope 2017 will be only for the antarctica misteries
Hope we will wake up smth from there or the hollow earth theory or smthsmthsmth
Pls kek

Straight lines are a rarity, but not impossible. Definitely a possibility


It's the lighting retard. Look a little bit higher up, you have the same coloring and effect

Antarctica was one land.

There must have been life on there. Perhaps intelligent that left something behind?

looks like merchant lol

I found a meme.


Its also close to the other "entrance"



Looks like an alien from Independence Day.

Delete this


The writings of Miguel Serrano, Savitri Devi, and other proponents of Esoteric Nazism have spawned numerous later works connecting Aryan master race beliefs and Nazi escape scenarios with enduring conspiracy theories about hollow earth civilizations and shadowy new world orders. Since 1945, neo-Nazi writers have also proposed Shambhala and the star Aldebaran as the original homeland of the Aryans. The book Arktos: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival, by Hypnerotomachia Poliphili scholar Joscelyn Godwin, discusses pseudoscientific theories about surviving Nazi elements in Antarctica. Arktos is noted for its scholarly approach and examination of many sources currently unavailable elsewhere in English-language translations. Godwin and other authors such as Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke have discussed the connections between Esoteric Nazism and Vril energy, the hidden Shambhala and Agartha civilizations, and underground UFO bases, as well as Hitler's and the SS's supposed survival in underground Antarctic oases in New Swabia or in alliance with Hyperboreans from the subterranean world.

possible meme fort?





I wonder if these are related...

Have you never seen a lake before from your cuckshed, Sven?

It looks exactly like a weather base. Antarctica is full of them. The layers farther to the center have that circle to contain the cold wind.

Look, a giant rock! That is impressive because it reminds me of my wife's bull's BBC.

>a fucking hole

Sup Forums sucks at being /x/. Go back to your containment board.


Fuck looking at all these pics while it is cold outside = freezing. I wonder if mom will let me turn up the heat in the basement. brb

>literally a fanfiction on the map of the middle-east

SS maps.

Did you know the SS thought the Moon would fall into Earth too?

Oh, look, it's fucking ice! In Antarctica! Who'd have thought?

>a fucking shape

That clearly looks like a hole, Björn. They are almost as big as the one Ahmed dug in your wife.

>a fucking ridge is now a road

Fucking kill me, Sup Forums. You're retards.

Seems to matter to you a great deal, you fucking favela monkey

Look, more ice.

Antarctica is so mysterious.

This thread just proves what Carl Jung said long ago: modernity is so devoid of mystery that men are in severe need of something amazing.


anarctica looks like shit on google because no one flies over it that often, and so they have spotty aerials of the fuckin' place.


I see a merchant

It really is happening!

it's le kangaroo boi, the latest hip meme for the kiddies to eat up

ook ook

you found out the truth, there be dragons

that's the cat dog bird from the last guardian

>vertical ice cave shafts into the ice pack/glacier

They're purposely releasing massive amounts of methane in Antarctica in order to accelerate refugee crisis across the globe.

why are you fucking computer apes so defensive about looking into antarctica

Can someone tell me what these Antarctica threads are about? What got everyone's attention?

63° 2'52.42"S 60°57'28.84"W

>it's a rock, user

>Antarctica threads distracting critical thinkers

Paranoid schizophrenia confirmed


It looks like pluto dog but couldnt find a pic


Let them come. Frostmourne hungers.

Keking hard right now.

-66.502957, 99.956770

Holy fucking shit
This is the most disturbing pic 'till now
Fuck this
I wanted 2 sleep

that's ice under water you tard

Are there any publicly available maps that arent Google, because they scrub theirs?

I don't get it. What am I looking at?

I hope you aren't implying there's some giant animal/monster frozen under the ice. It's literally impossible for something to grow that big.

Kek himself, encased in ice.

Come now, we all know why they`re really riled up.

Get your demonicas, boys

Answer me motherfuckers

it's fugging benis X---DDD

Do you not see the icekek?
Is this a big deal to you or are you retarded?

its just a nephilims football. nothing to see here.

what the hell, Antarctica is a spooky place

what is cencored?



You have to go back.




i need to replay smt strange journey in preparation for this

didn't know we had ayy lmaos in Antartica

theres no going back to russia



Another spooky Antarctica thread. Nothing truly amazing but still very odd stuff to be thought about.

This shit
Very reminiscent of "The Circles of the Old Ones" from Syria. Pic related.

clearly just a weather balloon

The Works* of the Old Ones

My mistake.


There's a comparison to be seen here. Odd odd odd.

holy shit that's a pepe

