Our Greatest Ally™ is at it again!
Jews trying to weasel their way into the Alt-Right movement
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click "show more", and then screenshot, you fucking idiot
They could work together if Israeli nationalists were AGAINST destabilizing the Middle East for Israel's gain.
well see, that looks much less like bait and much more like something to talk about, but I 100% guarantee that further along in this thread people will look at the OP pic without clicking on the video and complain based upon the desc.
Who is the that person in the pic?
nvm I see its Benjamin Judah.
There's other articles regarding this issue and this interview:
(No I'm not screen capturing the entire fucking article)
>Reactionary Jew is a prominent, although presently anonymous, money-lender, cultural critic, and Talmudic scholar based out of New York City.
can one person be more of a meme
Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.
The main issue here is why jews want to do this now, when they're winning. I don't believe that they even consider the alt right as a threat.
Muslims aren't exactly known for their love and acceptance of Jews and perhaps (((they're))) learning that the hard way.
I think this is fucking great honestly. I love Jewish culture, Jewish people. Alt-right doesn't have much diversity in it, Jews would help a lot.
read the rest of it. that was satire.
zionist jews and the alt right want mostly the same things.
ethno states where they can live among there own people in peace.
Israel is a civic nationalist paradise. God tier ally in a region littered with primitive shitskins. I literally support Israel and you fucking low t islam lovers would never have the balls to literally bulldoze muslims proper.
>jewish culture
>murdering babies
>drinking blood of baby dicks
>milo kike
>cernovich kike
>Lauren southern kike
>rebel media kikes
They already have and the ones who aren't kikes are little whimpy faggots like Gavin Mcinnes and Paul Joseph watson.
Yes goyim I am your greatest ally.
>proceeds to stab you in the back
>proceeds to steal shekels
>proceeds to sacrifice babies to moloch
as long as we allow christianity to be practiced in white countries, we will always have this problem
the religion needs to go, plain and simple.
Look if Jews just wanted an ethnostate in Israel and were cool with us doing the same in Europe/USA then I don't have a problem.
The reality is, however, every nose saying we need more diversity is a wealthy Jew who can either flee to Israel if SHTF or lives in a gated, diversity-proof neighborhood.
These people aren't the alt right, Jared Taylor or Kevin MacDonald are, even Spencer is more alt right than those you're talking about.
fuck off jidf shlomo zionist jews want to destroy us with degeneracy and race mixing. they aim to make white males faggots, manchildren NEETs, drug users, cucks etc and you know it
>Alt-Right movement
They knew this when mass immigration started at the beginning, what has changed?
The alt right has nothing to do with jews, until now at least.
I will not have you bash Reactionary Jew, one of the only truly redpilled Jews. Go fuck yourself OP.
I agree but normies don't even know who those two are. They know those kikes and faggots I posted, though. They already infiltrated and made thier faces recognizable of being leaders of the alternative right.
First it was the Christian right and when it was apparent that wasn't going to work they changed tactics to the Nationalist right
Fuck the Alt-Right
There is only Kek
Fuck this shit makes me so mad. Jews get out! REEEEEE!
>"Reactionary Jew is a nationalist who wants a strong ethnostate for his own people, which isn't bound by foreign aid, isn't a fulcrum of Western foreign policy, and exists alongside successful, homogenous, high-trust, traditional white countries as part of the broader Global North. His new publication, The Jewish Alternative, along with its sister podcast, The Skype Chat, hopes to encourage Jews to support European nationalism, be stronger nationalists for their own kind, move to Israel where they belong, and serve as a bridge between right-wing Jews and the White Alt-Right."
Sounds pretty fucking based to me.
>OP is dumb since he doesn't trust Jews
Yeah okay.
>Money lender, cultural critic
That's all I need to know
Fucking archive it then faggot
I've never seen a person on here identify as Alt-Right anyway
Kikes gonna kike
>move to Israel where they belong
More excuses to genocide Palestinians. With Jews you lose period. There is no based jew.
>Trusting a person of the same species with a similar IQ and an almost identical worldview
And the only other option is for them all to voluntarily climb into ovens, right? How fucking sad do you have to be to have unabashed hatred of an entire race, however shitty it acts in the real world?
If the Jews all over the world went to Israel and set up a strong ethno-state that was allied with white ethno-states in Europe and North America, why the fuck would you have a problem with that? At that point they're contained: they stopped being an international people who try to fuck with everything. It's the perfect solution to the JQ--stop globalism, save the West, and get an intelligent and sophisticated ally in a backwards part of the world.
>Settlement and fighting is genocide
Like what you guys did, right? Might makes right, Palestinians have done fuck all for anyone.
lmoa who cares about those losers, racial realism is retarded
an ethnostate will never work, you're all wasting your time
As if you have a right to talk.
>lacking this much self-awareness
Our situation is nowhere near perfect, but the entirety of Europe--even Germany--is either laughing at you or crying on your behalf. You are in absolutely no place to tell any European country, let alone Britain, how bad their situation is.
We don't have a Muslim mayor, limey.
There are many great Jews involved with AmRen. There's nothing inherently wrong with Judaism, nor would Jews physically stand-out in a white country.
The only people opposed to Jews are autists; people who outright deny the Holocaust, read too much MacDonald, those sorts of clowns.
No, but you do have a feminist foreign policy.
That doesn't even mean anything. Britain is objectively worse off than Sweden.
I believe you. I have heard a lot about how Sweden is actually stopping the immigration and recalling the kebab. Can't say that for Britain or Germany.
Or even us. ):
>Britain is objectively worse off than Sweden.
You're deluded m8. I'm not even trying to argue this for the sake of arguing, I don't think you quite realise how bad your situation is as a country with the things that you are saying. You can ask any Sup Forumsack who's in the worst situation in Europe at the moment, the most common answer, if not the only answer, will be Sweden.
>Reading the comments
>Literally delet this
I would say yes, but ONLY if they recognize the over representation of Jews in the Hollywood, the US government, and the media in general (and why it's not a good thing).
If they refuse, they're trying to subvert.
Red Ice is pretty based. Havent watched this, but they usually point out jewery pretty fast
Hmm, well, this Jew makes me happy :)
Anybody who unironically uses alt right deserves to be gassed
Not even close.
Oh Juden...you will never stop trying to rule us will you? You are so crazed for power that you would even try to lead a moment set up specifically to exclude you.
The fact that at any moment muslims could just invade Israel.
They probably prefer having the entire world full of people indifferent to them, than having it full of people who outright hate them.
What the hell are you talking about? That ship sailed literally years ago.
Daily Reminder: The right wing is the jewish wing.
All republicans are liars.
ALL of them. Always. Never forget.
Jews and "Alt-Right" both want to see Muslims stay the fuck away from civilized society.
The "jews are evil!" thing is just a meme. Sure they're pretentious and get too much money from us but in the end they aren't muslim terrorists and if they could have it their way, Muslims wouldn't exist
>Jewish nationalists want greater Israel
>European nationalists don't want Islamic immigration
These ideas fundamentally conflict, so I'm not sure it's possible.
They are worse than Muslim terrorists in a way. I mean, at least Muslim terrorists don't try to subvert us through mega corporations.
>Guy who constantly disclaimed himself from being Alt-Right
>Guy who the Alt-Right disclaimed from being part of their movement
Funny how that turned out.
Someone needs a copy of Culture of Critique.
Correction: jews only care about genociding every non-jew from the middle east and are now sucessfully cvcking the everliving fuck out of whites in the west to help them do it.
All of humanity will regret this alliance. But history is nothing if not an endless cycle of the same mistakes over and over again.
>But history is nothing if not an endless cycle of the same mistakes over and over again.
Tres bonne analyse pour un gros Bubba...
I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, I think we all recognize that Israeli's are not like American diaspora. Your average Israeli is far more like us then their leftist American cousins. The 20% of American Jews that are conservative and religious voted Trump. George Soros, et al. want to take out Israel as much as they do us.
But on the other hand, one wonders if American leftist diaspora would be less caviler with the social fabric of their host nations if they didn't have an ethnostate to flee to if everything goes to hell.
It also ignores the main problem: American foreign policy is beholden to a foreign power whose ethnic kin control most of the main mechanisms of power, whose most belligerent members have subverted our civilization, and they all have bought off most of our leaders.
As long as the Bill Crystal's and George Soros's are around, its going to be hard for this guy to make a case. I mean he seems sincere, but he's always going to have suspected motives sadly.
I'm pretty atypical for an american. I don't like this country. It's far too fucking jewish.
honestly, I think Israelis really care for america. as long as you dont bring up christ, and dont give him a reason for revenge, a jew will do anything for you. they're not the ones pulling the strings anyways. the roman empire is what controls israel, not the jews. the jews are controlled by the roman empire as well.
as long as i have breath in my lungs they will not rest peacefully
>Christian right forced into supporting Jews because muhhhh god and muhhh jebus
>Nationalist right forced into supporting Jews because muhhhhh Ibsreal
we cant escape these bloodsuckers
the alt right has always been a jew plot to discredit nationalists.
>If the Jews all over the world went to Israel and set up a strong ethno-state that was allied with white ethno-states in Europe and North America, why the fuck would you have a problem with that?
We don't have ethno states any more because of them (((them))) you kike loving faggot
desu he did go on to say "just kidding"
I don't care. Go full Zionist.
The Jews have a right to preservation as do whites. If Jews want to stay a cohesive group go for it, and go back to Israel while you're at it.
If we can get Jews out of white society that'll be great. They can have their own movement.
What no he didn't
They know they can't stop it, seeing as their media campaign did nothing but make it stronger, so they're going to try and get of the crosshairs. Maybe throw some of their Jew brethren (the diaspora kikes) under the bus to save themselves, just like how the Juden who served Hitler's Nazi party threw fellow Jews under the bus.
Kikes are predictable. Now all Sup Forums needs to do is manipulate (((them))) to where the "Final Solution" awaits them. Diaspora. Israeli. (((They))) all must go, or the cycle of them getting BTFO and recover to jew the goys once again will never be broken. This is it, Sup Forums. You only chance.
>not having their religion
Islam is judaism. The minor differences between orthodox kikedom and twice-removed kikedom are utterly unimportant.
Yeah let's just fight a few more wars for kike-land so the jews allow us to have real countries again. You're either a filthy race traitor or a fucking kike, back to the oven faggot.
>The Jews have a right to preservation
No they don't.
>as do whites
Not them either.
Sometimes a destructive life form needs purged for the greater good. Whites and kikes both need destroyed utterly and for all time.
Found the nigger. You shit-skins would all be enslaved by the chinks if white people didn't exist.
It was a great episode. Learned lots about Israeli politics.
Plz no bully.
If the kikes want to dig in and defend Israeli soil, while supporting our right to do the same in Europe, then I'm fine with it. I wouldn't trust them, but I think some of them are starting to see that lefties don't like Israel, and if they turn the west into a muslim, liberal shithole, there's not going to be anyone left to bail them out.
I'm raceless as I am speciesless. You will all burn and I will be the last.
Rofl you truly have no understanding whatsoever of the Jew. You think they fear their pawns? They're the puppet masters.
Right. They want nothing more than to kill us all, there will be no peace for whites, or for any race, until they are all contained permanently or exterminated.
Israel is a welfare state that can sustain itself. They need other countries to survive and therefor Jews infiltrate governments and western religious institutions to get as much money towards their Zionist plans as possible. There is a reason they have the biggest Jewish population in US, they simply don't want to live there. Jewish nationalism is exploiting other nations. This Red Ice episode is probably full of subversion and lies, Not sure if I want to even listen to it.
Jesus Christ you people are retarded. I don't doubt some Jews have a vendetta against the west but so do a lot of others. There is no conspiracy encompassing every Jew on the planet. The subversive elements are almost exclusively diaspora