>be burgers
>so insecure that without pic related can't get naked.
>be burgers
>so insecure that without pic related can't get naked.
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They're to stop the water from spraying out onto the floor....
>Be Korean
>Can't afford shower curtain
>commit seppuku
i think its more meant to keep the water from getting on the floor while showering. I've never pulled the curtain shut while taking a bath.
Shower curtains are not for privacy, they are to prevent water splashing outside of the shower/bathtub and onto the floor.
Be korean, replace bathroom drywall every month.
I could care less about someone seeing me. But without a curtain its cold n water gets everywhere.
>be niggers of Asia
>Don't know what showers are, let alone a shower curtain
>Smell like rotting garlic nonstop
I heard you guys can have water on the floor and wear sandals in the bathroom. Maybe that's why you don't get what shower curtain is for. In western countries, we try not to wet the floor
u gotta realize some of these gooks be living in puddles and shit so theyr'e used to that
Be gook, only shower when it rains doesn't understand why we want to keep water off our bathroom floor
>getting naked in front of other people
Absolutely barbaric
Yeah but do you have other people walking around in the bathroom? Probably not.
>not caring if people see you naked
Fucking barbarian
Jesus, Kim, do you really not know what a shower curtain is for? Some of us don't like mildew growing on our tile floors.
I also don't want anyone to see me naked that's fucking embarrassing
you people are retarded savages, do you think that in the privacy of a room with a locked door something like that is meant to do anything like that?
i suppose if you took a shower at some point you'd realize how useful they are as you slip and break your neck
>He thinks rooms within houses have locks on them
Burger education everyone
>living in a 3rd world frozen wasteland where no one cares about privacy or safety
>get a shower curtain to stop water getting everywhere
>leave it hanging outside the tub so the water runs onto the floor instead of into the tub
Privacy in your own home? Do strangers fucking waltz in and out of your house or what, playful dick flopping and nipple pinching with daughter everytime
Privacy is way more respected here than burger land dumbass. America is a literal third world shithole. Enjoy being degenerate
We don't have communal baths here, each and every bathroom (that's right every single one) has a doorway, can you believe that? And get this, one person at a time uses the bathroom with the door closed!
my white dick is small
No one time my girlfriend walked in when i was in the shower and i screamed and put my foot up to block my dick and it cut my food on the glass edge.
Because pale and firm tits are a rare commodity?
>glass edge
Why the hell is there glass in your washroom? Did you put the mirror in the bath?
Why do you live with an unmarried woman?
Why would you care if your girlfriend sees your dick...
>Why the hell is there glass in your washroom? Did you put the mirror in the bath?
My shower is just a glass rectangle like pic
>Why do you live with an unmarried women
I didn't. I had a family gathering and smelled bad so I went up to have a shower quickly without telling anyone and my shower hallway has two doors so it blocked the sound so she didn't know i was in there.
Because that's embarrassing especially if im the only one naked and she's fully clothed like that's just weird.
my shower curtain, praise kek
digits confirm
HAHAHAHA what the fuck? Literally just paying for a glass cube lol seriously why?
What if you wan to take a bath?
It's better to smell then to risk a woman who's not your wife seeing you undressed
Pic is From a Hilton Gardens hotel room. The room is a suite.
There's a tub right next to it
more or less
What's with the bathtub faucet at the bottom of the shower? Do you actually fill that thing and sit in 3inches of water?
>What if you want to take a bath
I have a bath besides the shower. Besides it came with the house
>It's better to smell then to risk a woman who's not your wife seeing you undressed
I honestly never expected it to happen. I thought the worst would be everyone thought it was weird I took one in the middle of a gathering
Yeah that isn't actually my bathroom, it just looks a lot like it.
Get out of here with those baby ass shower curtains, at least get some that are artistic.
I have no idea I don't have it in mine
You are missing out, it keeps the heat and steam trapped in with you. Very comfy.
I didn't even notice that
>be korean
>use dead dogs for shower curtain
>shitpost on Sup Forums about how burgers need a plastic one
Every bathroom in America has locks for the bathroom door, as do most bedrooms.
Stupid leaf
Fucking leaf
>at least get some that are autistic
Do non-Americans actually do this? Who the fuck wants to lay in a tepid pool of their own filth?
water goes all over the floor you dumb gook
>replying to leafposters
I don't think I've ever been in a house that didn't have some sort of lock on the bathroom door.
Stop using fixtures designed for closets on spaces where you want privacy, Canucks.
It's for homosexuals and women.
It's all autistic, but better than that pre-school shit.
that is the exact face i make whenever I see an interracial couple in a commercial
if you showered more than once a year, you'd know that the inner liner goes inside the tub while the actual curtain doesn't.
i use a transparent shower curtains
They usually have two layers, one near transparent one that's draped inside the tub and another outside layer that has designs on it. They're usually attached on the same hooks and there are these things called families that sometimes use the bathroom simultaneously and don't want to wash naked in front of anyone else.
Shower curtains stop you from covering the entire bathroom with slippery water
I've never seen a bathroom in a home with a lock. Only in public places do they have locks
Just reading that makes me cringe. I have autism and literally can't be seen naked. I don't know how I would take it.
Well I'm normally alone so I never thought I needed it.
>who the fuck wants to lay in a tepid pool of their own filth?
India :^)
It's for washing pets.
Leave the ``shower'' curtain in the ``bath'' tub when you take a bath.
There are probably two curtains in that photo. An inner waterproof curtain that sits inside the tub wall and reduces splashing, and the outer decorative curtain. Why do folks use a decorative curtain? Fuck if I know. Why do woman put towels in the bathroom that aren't meant to be used for drying things?
>They're to stop the water from spraying out onto the floor....
exactly. and having the edges hang out over the edges like in the picture is just as worthless as the water runs down it and out of the tub. dumbasses
Ancient Rome is barbaric by superior modern standards.
There is literally no reason anyone should see you naked except for your doctor and your wife.
Maybe get out of the native reserve and to a civilised city
dont be so afraid of your own body
>except for your doctor
This is why i don't go to the doctor i don't want to be seen naked
>your wife
Nope, even once i get married my wife is not seeing my dick. I will turn off the lights before i get undressed so she can't see my dick before sex
LOL no cities are degenerate cesspools.
Well i guess canucks like people walking in on them shitting. Never seen a bathroom without a locking door
>muh fear
Literally no different than an SJW
>you don't like immigrants because you're scared of them
>you don't like gays because you're scared of them
Fuck off with your degenerate worldview.
Do you have an outside toilet too? Doesn't that not have a lock either?
I don't care about people seeing me naked, I don't want water all over the fucking place that I have to clean up before it damages something you muppet. we take showers here.
It's still desirable to use shower curtains in Asia because high humidity means the water that gets all over the rest of the bathroom takes a long damn time to evaporate.
OP is larping faggot who's never been to Asia.
It's to stop water from spilling out onto the floor. Plenty of American showers have a glass sliding door, which is transparent as you can imagine.
Are you fucking joking? I just said how I will not let anyone ever see my dick. EVER. I would have a lock but don't know how to install one
No my toliets are inside.
How do you not care if someone sees you naked.
Is this your bath?
Help, it is only getting worse...
Not to mention the public toilets...
>Be Korean
>Come home
>Take off shoes so you don't get your floors dirty
>Put on watered down piss and shit covered Bathroom Sandals
>Enter room with bare concrete floor with a single grated hole
>Squat over shit/piss/showering hole
>How do you not care if someone sees you naked.
Are you a woman or a man?
Don't they have gym class in your country?
Don't they force you to take a shower with everyone else after the class?
>a fucking leaf
IDK man, you live in a city so are you enjoying it here?
>don't they have forced gym
Yeah but you never had to get naked, just charge shirt and pants. I would change in the normal bathroom for that so no one could see me.
>Don't they force you to take a shower with everyone else after the class?
>getting the floor wet
>getting towels wet
It's almost as if you to fall.
>shower curtains
Seriously? There are people literally squatting in designated shitting fields right now, instead of doing the poo in the loo.
we just close the door here in civilized society
Yeah but someone could walk in.
I like it just fine
Hardly. Go to any gym in North America and you won't see too many people insecure about nudity. In fact, just the opposite. They're running around the changeroom rubbing their cocks on literally everything.
As others have pointed out, the curtain is for stopping the water from spraying all over the floor. Your country will probably get them in about 2030. You will probably call them gangnam style.
That looks exactly where I live.
dont you have simple door locks?
Not true. I literally don't want anyone seeing my dick ever.
I used to live right around the corner from here, closer to Yonge St. Nice area.
Hey retard, do you see any tiled walls, glass walls, or shower doors around that old fashioned tub? There are even modern tubs that people don't put in sliding doors so curtains are the 2nd best option if they want to shower and not get the floor wet. Curtains have two linings, one transparent one that hangs into the shower and the decorative one (if it has one) hangs outside to look pretty or to match the decor of the room.
I know some of you fucks just wet the entire room over in Asia because you have a drain on the floor but we aren't animals here.
That's why there's an internal curtain for water deflection. External is decorational.
Toronto gets a lot of shit but uptown is okay, the suburbs are gabagre worse than downtown. Markham, Brampton and Richmond hill are a lost cause
Nice trips.
Also, there are exceptions, like you. Most people don't care about being nude. As long as some guy isn't scoping you out too blatantly.