Paleocon here who supports Israel, AMA/debate me.
Paleocon here who supports Israel, AMA/debate me
We'd all appreciate if you head back to t_d.
you are what is wrong with this world
Do you really think billions a year and international instability for decades upon decades, not to mention tens of thousands of american lives, is worth having an aircraft carrier in the middle east?
Is it based on the fact that you hate them less than the other side?
Says the Spencer stormfag.
How so?
The US government chooses to do so, they're not forced to do it, so I don't consider it an issue.
No, it is based on the fact that I want jews to get out of the West and live in their own ethno-state.
>The US government chooses to do so, they're not forced to do it, so I don't consider it an issue.
Something tells me if the US government withdrew its financial and military support you would suddenly consider it an issue.
I really wouldn't care, I just support the state of Israel, I have no stake in it, as you are assuming.
this shitty ideology is responsible for the majority of the bullshit wars fought in modern times and completely destroying the Middle East
What shitty ideology? You're getting Paloeconservatism and Neoconservatism mixed up, look up what they actually mean before speaking please.
Neocons, paleocons, and neolibs are all the same garbage. All interventionist, globalist scum.
Why is that a USA flag?
Simply not true, I'm saddened to see you so misinformed friend. Here.
Regan is an adherent of this ideology:
>not an interventionist
wew lad, he constantly meddled in other nation's affairs
Yeah, he adopted some forms of it, I'm not denying that, although he definitely wasn't a full blown paleocon. The ideology is founded on the philosophies of the founding fathers which advocated heavy isolationism.
"Many paleoconservatives identify themselves as "classical conservatives" and trace their philosophy to the Old Right Republicans of the interwar period[20] which influenced the U.S. not to join the League of Nations, reduce immigration with the passage of the Immigration Act of 1924, and oppose Franklin Roosevelt. They often look back even further, to Edmund Burke, as well as the anti-federalist movement that stretched from the days of Thomas Jefferson to John C. Calhoun." This should clear it up a bit.
The law was primarily aimed at further restricting immigration of Southern Europeans and Eastern Europeans.[1] In addition, it severely restricted the immigration of Africans and outright banned the immigration of Arabs and Asians. According to the U.S. Department of State Office of the Historian the purpose of the act was "to preserve the ideal of American homogeneity".[2] But though the Act aimed at preserving American racial homogeneity, it set no limits on immigration from other countries of the Americas.[3] Congressional opposition was minimal.
also please explain why you support a Jewish state on land which was not the Jews' to take
Who has a better claim to it than the Jews? No-one, except for the Pope maybe, but considering the current, I'd rather that jews have it.
>not being paleo-Libertarian
I lean a lot more libertarian than you'd think, in fact when it comes to the political compass I'm almost in the purple due to my radical free market beliefs.
you can't just give all the other groups that have lived there for centuries the shaft because "muh chosen people need their ethnostate"
it's also funny that you say no one has a better claim to the land than the Jews which is true but only to a degree, the Sephardim have truly lived there for ages but the Ashkenazim(who claim most of Israel's positions of power) have not and are literally invaders on a land which has nothing to do with them
Who else do you think should hold the land then? Palestinians? Orthodox?
the Levantine Arabs who have always lived there Jewish, Christian and Muslim, not some Ashkenazim transplants
Sure, I can understand that, but those people already have dozens of Islamic countries to live in. Jews have none, except for the West, where they just cause trouble.
they still cause trouble while in Israel though with all their lobbyist groups in the US and their antagonism and meddling in Middle Eastern affairs
Trump's gonna ban forieng lobbyist groups, so that hopefully won't be an issue anymore. Also it's purely the US government's choice to support Israel in whatever they do. They could stop at any time.
>Trump's gonna ban forieng lobbyist groups
what does it matter when he is literally surrounded by Jews? both his financiers and cabinet
Foreign means foreign, my man.
but his cabinet is filled with Jews....
they don't need a lobbyist group when Trump's cabinet literally does the job
Jews aren't all collectivist, and that's politics, sometimes you have to pick people not because you like them, or think they'll do the job right, but to gain better opinion with people in their faction so you can have appointments like Mad Dog Mattis or the head of EPA, or the secretary of education.
I am going to wait for the first 6 months to see how much gets done but my hopes aren't that high. It's been nice arguing with you Czechbro but I have to go. I guess as long Trump is against any interventionism it should be alright.
Yeah, same, good luck with him.
Kill yourself fag loving egalitarian cuck nigger jew