Femanon here who identifies as a feminist. What's the point of Jesus, afterlife and religious spirituality bullshit if life right now is meant to be perfect? You have one chance in life to live as best as possible being the most beautiful, strongest, smartest you can ever be and that's it! There is no such thing as God, Jesus or heaven that can save you, only life right now. They're just for losers like you to impose their values on everybody else who can't maintain a level of pure perfection in life that is granted to anybody with some sense of social grace
Femanon here who identifies as a feminist. What's the point of Jesus...
life right now isnt meant to be perfect
im just presuming ur quoting a bible or something but something something adam and eve
nice bait faggot
>why shouldn't I have as many fat black cocks slammed into my roastie as possible, since YOLO?
>life is meant to be perfect
Wut? It's not. life is meant to be difficult and you suffer.
You calling out people's imperfections is imperfect yourself.
You're probably a fat, unattractive slob.
Tits then GTFO.
Hubris kills an empire. Hedonism kills a man.
Post tits, by the way.
i have that uncropped picture saved
she has a cute dick
Jesus is better than Islam, and no other religion has the balls to stand up for itself except buddhism, which states, "there is no buddha during times of war".
Which is fucking badass.
>pic related
>What's the point of Jesus, afterlife and religious spirituality bullshit if life right now is meant to be perfect?
I'm not a Crosskike, but I know from mythology/theology research that Crosskikes do NOT believe this world was ever meant to be perfect. Crosskikes and Mudslimes believe that the material world, controlled by Satan, is evil and in a constant state of decay, and that they can only hope to keep their existing traditions and institutions as functional as possible until the ultimate destruction of the sinful world. After the apocalypse, they say that god will supposedly take some hundred thousand of his favorite souls and let them become citizens of his holy kingdom, which IS perfect, while everyone else is buttfucked by demons as Earth turns to Hell.
How could you make such a poor argument?
Explain to me X
Because X simply isn't true
X is for losers
that isn't how this works
What does a perfect life have to do with stock post modern life philosophies?
tits or gtfo
>if life right now is meant to be perfect
It's not.
(You)s don't exist anymore so stop it with the bait you fucking leaf
I just noticed it isn't a canadian. I've failed kek. I'll just kill myself
Jesus and Christianity are for worthless losers who can't function without an identity that is given to them by a group. They are sheep. Afraid to stray from the flock. Just like feminists. :^)
Also tits or gtfo you stupid whore
>jk, i know you are a guy who is "trolling"
Tip for your next bait: No one cares about a woman's view on religion any more than they care for her views on politics. Women do not give serious thought to anything beyond their own social circle. For bait you need to post something controversial that people actually care enough about to engage you over.
Hahaha 7.4 Billion special snowflakes. No thanks.
Post it, damn it!
This desu
Tits or gtfo
have fun getting raped by the HOMO putincuck
I've been on 4chins long enough to know that pic is a well known trap and this thread is bait :^)
> I indentify as feminist
The fact you need such shallow and meaningless concepts like feminism, shows how urgently you need something meaningful and transcendental. You are like a tree without roots and yet you won't admit, how deeply you are seperated from the deep and rich history of your family and race.
Kek confirms, kys. Be sure to live stream it tho.
tits or report
Just stop it. You give Femanons a terrible name.
2007 called...It wants it's juvenile atheism posts back.
Never heard that before. That shit is so fucking cash.
Fuck, Sup Forums goes to shit when my fellow americans get off work.
is this a trap? if so, post more.
>identifies as a feminist
Stop that. Just fucking stop that right now.
>life is supposed to be perfect
>what's the point of jeebus
m8, if you're an atheist nothing will guarantee you that life is perfect. go back to your christian school, retard.
>Femanon here
post feet or delete your Sup Forums account.
kek. if only all Anons were like you
>if life right now is meant to be perfect?
Life sucks to the large majority of men, the fact you don't see this proves how easy women have it in modern society, you are literally the most priviledged class of human beings.
>They're just for losers like you to impose their values on everybody else who can't maintain a level of pure perfection in life that is granted to anybody with some sense of social grace
In other words, you are mad because you are a worthless human being and a dirty filthy slut and that you will go to hell over it? What a joke you are...
If you want to be a terrible human being go ahead, but don't complain that you will go to hell for it.
>40 replies
>page 2
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Use the third.
The worst posters here are American, besides the Canadians but well annex them soon enough
wew lad