How to become more dominant and alpha, Sup Forums?
What are the first steps when raising your testosterone naturally?
Does nofap really work?
How to become more dominant and alpha, Sup Forums?
What are the first steps when raising your testosterone naturally?
Does nofap really work?
If you could change whom you were born as, niggers would've been white.
Just work with what you've got.
Work a bag
Eat healthy
Meditate and/or sit and think in silence
Go camping or hiking... Anything spent in nature
If you must drink alcohol, drink something worth while and non-fruity. Scotch, whiskey, or craft beer for example.
>Does nofap really work?
Only if you want lower testosterone and a high chance of testicular cancer
Beer is filled with xenestrogens though.
>It’s also worth mentioning that beer is probably one of the worst alcoholic beverages to enjoy, if you’re interested in not fucking up your testosterone levels. This is because the hops of which most beers are made from contain a very potent phytoestrogen called: 8-Prenylnaringenin. In fact, hops are so estrogenic that the women who pick them up by hand, often experience menstrual problems. Another not so awesome compound in beer is called xanthohumol, which can impair hormone signaling
damn it
Having a beer once in a while wouldn't do shit
Not all of us spend our spare time drinking
Just drink vodka or something or learn to make your own drinks, but avoid too much sugar.
How does this help
Confidence equals EVERYTHING! Confidence is fucking important because its a sign that you're comfortable and happy with yourself and you know what you're doing, women are followers and they want someone to follow. Before you even have the right to even talk to women you have to be happy with yourself. Arrogance or Acceptance, have something that makes you better then everyone in the room, that's why people who work out are confident, they feel that they can fuck up everyone in the room and they can lean on that. Either that or accept who you are be the best version of yourself, improve yourself. Walk and stand straight, if your sqeeky google how to get a deeper voice, fuck being embarrassed, being embarrassed is fucking nothing when its your life. Men are literally meant to take risk, its what makes them fun.
Extra shit, be passionate about something. It could be playing a guitar, fixing cars, just something. Women love guys who are passionate because its a sign of confidence. Also don't be afraid to get a LITTLE emotional. Women want to relate to a guy, if you see something that's cute you can go "aww" and you can do shit like shed a tear when a war veteran dies. Just don't be over emotional like a girl, no fucking gay shit and no copying how your girl acts. Express your emotions at your expense. Lastly you have to be decently kept. No no hair on your cheek or not showering / brushing your teeth for over 2 days. Women like well kept guys who are clean, "is he clean" is a basic level 1 check mark. Wear some shit that makes you smell good also. Lastly try to get a sense of humor, laugh at yourself sometimes, if you don't have a sense of humor use sarcasm. Sarcasm is a pro-fucking tip all the alphas use, just don't be an asshole and apologize if you sense your sarcasm may have been offensive.
Another pro tip, try to slow down your movement. If someone calls your name move a little slower to face him, open your legs / arms when sitting
pfhahaha that pseudoscience graph
I give you a suggestion, stop posting on pol and start having an obnoxious attitude in real life it'll work great!
What kind of answer do you really expect? Also this is a 18+ board if you didn't know.
This is why pol=a bad joke
pin test-e
i guarantee it works
>How to become more dominant and alpha, Sup Forums?
By stop reading retarded bullshite infographics for a change.
Savoir Faire is everything. Faking it till you make it.
Thx mate, trying to do the tipps
just dont be a fag.
Wish I could grow a beard desu
another copypaste. I'm a 5'8 mexican manlet and have no trouble with women, although i'm not sure if i'm explaining this well. The best way to get a girl is to have some sort of legitimacy. Women can pick up when you're being real or not. They can just sense which guys are being themselves (in detailed being the best version of themselves while being self aware) that's why confidence is so important. Being real is actually going with a flow and coming into flirting with the mindset of "This girl is cute. I want to find out more about it so maybe we can date but i'm completely willing to say no to this girl because i'm not desperate" and its NOT "This girl is cute. How do i manipulate the conversation so i can get her number?"
All those pick up videos are bullshit, there is no formula, you have to adapt to the conversation. For example i love women's hair and eyes. Hair is the crown of beauty and blue eyes are beautiful. Its something i'm legitimately interested and curious about. I like to comment on a girls hair because its something i notice. A rough example of a conversation where i got a girls number at a grocery store last week
"Hey... your hairs messy"
"yeah i know"
"Hey you still look good tho, don't worry about it"
"ha thanks"
"So like, you forgot to just do it or?"
"I don't care i live really close. It doesn't matter you know."
"Yeah that makes sense. At least your not one of those girls that spends 5 minutes fixing herself up just to go out all quick you know? Also like i said you still look nice."
"Oh wow thank you."
From there you can steer the conversation wherever you want so long as its relevant. Ask something you really want to know and make a comment once in awhile. NOT SAYING TO COPY WHAT I DID! The reason why i can come off cool is because i'm not overly invested in the conversation, i'm completely willing to say no to this girl. Also confidence is fucking EVERYTHING! Google how to get confident please, PLEASE fix your flaws.
Try to dominate and abuse people weaker than you, this should be easy since they're in your social circle. You're over empathetic and need to be a hell of a lot more selfish. Also be angry nearly all the time, the aggression will increase the testosterone. Real alpha males are conquerors that have little sympathy.
It comes off as fake if you haven't always been dominant though
betas don't like to fail too, but their lack of confidence fucks them. shit comparision famalam
Reading helps you develop and learn.
If you're better informed you can hold your own in conversation. Having an informed opinion is infinitely more beneficial to you as a man than being an armchair philosopher the relies solely on headlines and articles.
On a more practical front, reading can help you learn how to do alpha/masculine things better. For example, I learned how to better maintain and repair my house instead of paying someone else to. I don't have the advent of a father being around to teach me so I dug up some of my grandfather's old Popular Mechanics books and read through them.
For the outdoorsman in you, reading can help save your life in a fire situation where say you're stranded and have to forage local plants for food without poisoning yourself.
Literature is the sharing of knowledge man has earned through the generations. It deserves to be respected and read so we can carry the torch of humankind down the line without reinventing the wheel. It helps you be an alpha because you become the men of history before you by arming you with information
>Try to dominate and abuse people weaker than you, this should be easy since they're in your social circle.
Although this does work, this is basic jock shit. You can use that aggression to improve someone weaker then you, even mold them. The best way is to meet said beta in private so its just you and him and just try to find something interesting about them and ask them shit about themselves and compliment them while asserting some advice on how they can improve themselves. If done properly (or at least in my case) you got a soldier that's going to look up to you with respect, assuming you have a solid social circle already, that beta is 1 more person that's dying to fist bump / say hi to you and look at you with admiration in front of everyone making you look good. The more soldiers the better.
That said there are mother fuckers that don't deserve your time, worthless / honorless people should be discarded.
>muh alpha/beta
>categorizing yourselves into a canine social structure
>when canines are the niggers of the animal kingdom
humans are animals too
these things are real, whether you like it or not
This alpha how to shit is just someone trying to take your fucking money.
It's a long in the tooth way of saying act like a fucking adult male, if you don't know how to do that then you should die.
That said the biggest point of being alpha, to many, is how much pussy you get, I know guys that smash insane amounts of hot pussy but they don't meet up to a lot of these alpha standards. I know guys who fit the mold and can't get any.
Life is messy and doesn't follow a plot, these are great pieces of advice to take but don't cling to them and wail in despair if you can't achieve what simply isn't possible for you.
These things are not biological, though.
they forgot to put genetics at the bottom
>how does reading help
how else do you learn you insipid little fucker god damn i hate shits like you
where do you live
Genetics are irrelevant because you can't change them.
Obviously they are the most important though.
Skip all that retarded shit.
Do this:
- find a good size pipe.
- wait
- see a nigger
- any nigger'll do
- act friendly and stuff
- beat the nigger to death with the pipe
- keep beating the nigger's head until completely unrecognizable
- beat the nigger more
- Go home and wash up
You'll notice an immediate improvement in your well-being, spirituality, energy levels, etc.
I'm a fucking 5'8 mexican manlet, all white people i know are taller then me yet how is it i'm able to get more white pussy then faggots who work out, make more money then me and you? Stop for a second, get some paper or some shit and look at yourself. Write down everything you dont like about yourself, no matter how gay feel is just fucking do it and try to figure out how you could fix it, fuck you can even ask your family or friends or even random fucking people you only kinda know, most people want to be helpful.
Do you talk like a bitch? Talk with your stomach, look up and hum, look down and hum so your vocal cords vibrate and relax and get stronger, over time your voice will get deeper. Google talking excursive or practice reading post out loud. Don't be afraid to change your voice tone.
Do you see nervous? Open your body up more, sit with your balls out and chest exposed, practice
Do you walk weird? If your tongue is touching your teeth google "correct tongue posture" and fix it. If your arms are robotic its because your hands are too inword, move your hands behind your waist, pull both hand down and stand straight, that's how you should be walking.
Do you lack motivation? Stop jerking off and throwing away precious dopamine that's making you lose motivation, rats cut off from dopamine receptors starved to death because they lacked motivation to eat.
Do you not know how to be fashionable? Make a facebook account, browse other people's shit until you see a style you kinda like, get an idea of shit you like and look for something similar at the store.
We're not different from wolves and chimps socially, when you really look at it.
No fap is the best way to smart personal experience . Monk mode activated
fuck u spic faggot
Do your find yourself not knowing what to say during a conversation? Practice talking to people 1 on 1 so its not so stressful. Here's a basic formula, ask about age / past / if they're dating / race / plans for the day. Find out said persons name and bug him until you memorize it. Try to find out 2 or 3 things about said person and make a positive or supporting comment when appropriate. If you get a weird look just state that you're wondering. Ask people's opinions about bullshit. Be neutral about shit you don't agree with but don't be pressured into agreeing with something you disagree with, show disapproval for shit you strongly disagree with because that's how you get respect. Laugh at all his / her jokes. Don't be afraid to take off your social filter, that fucking filter that tells you "don't say that!" because when you use your social filter you're being fake and people pick up on that, lower it a bit. When you're being yourself people will pick up on it and respect you a lot more. And don't be fucking scared to be embarrassed, being embarrassed is fucking nothing, just laugh at yourself and call yourself a dummy, fucking idiots.
Idk why i'm even trying to help you faggots, fucking some of you are unironically and unreasonably racist. Idk i guess i just want to help you betas because i used to be one of you faggots but i went from jerking off to anime all fucking day to being an alpha who everyone's always happy to see and getting tons of real, white pussy it feels so great i wish more people knew how it felt.
Can't actually make your voice deeper which draws into question the validity of the rest of it
2. Turn your goals into HABITS
These are the 2 most important things people ignore, and they are the most vital keys to success.
Shit I should write a book. Spider Monkey Specifics!
You absolutely can make your voice deeper, its embedded in acting for fucks sake. You sound different in the morning for a reason, your more relaxed in the morning. You can even argue that blacks have deeper voices because they have less responsible / stressful lives which actually helps vocal cords. You can talk deeper by talking with the bottem of your throat / talking with your stomach. Also as i stated looking all the way up / down while humming helps. Try it right fucking now, i'm trying to help you fucking betas be alpha.
Jerking off also effects your voice, not me but an example
Yes, they are. Literally. Hardwired in our brain. Over thousands of years we built certain pathways that make us focus on and interpret human emotional signals, body language (posture, gestures), e.g. the engagement of skeletal and/or facial muscles, noticing if someone is tense or relaxed etc.
Just like you don't have to learn to immediately notice and focus on a woman's breasts or ass (to the degree that it can be measured by tracking eyeballs, even when participants are unaware or actively avoid it, even if there are just similar shapes included in the background of some picture). These things ARE biological, it's not even a controversial statement, it's an established fact.
And the same goes for instinctive behavioral patterns within groups. Human evolutionary biology and psychology are the real redpill to human behavior. Nobody wants to look at our societies as a bunch of smarter chimps acting out their programing, but it's closer to the truth than any ideological bullcrap explanation.
> micronutrients at the bottom
> supplementation at the top
>not wanting to be perfect is alpha
>defining perfection
Get a large dog. Train it. ... that's it. Having another living creature look at you with eyes of respect and subservience is wonderful ego-fuel. Being able to snap your fingers have the dog immediately lay down makes you feel pretty damn good.