So this is Sup Forums's hero and leader

So this is Sup Forums's hero and leader.....


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KEK is our hero and leader.

Repent, heretic.

I only ever saw Sup Forums making fun of him, just like we do all male ecelebs. Nice try though.

>Literally who?

hes really trying too hard to fit in. GUess their not paying him enough to be controlled opposition.

Maybe all the jews who salute him confirmed from FB should give him more money.

he's controlled opposition. Alt right doesn't exist.


He's right though

Trump was still the better option but I can't see him changing shit

I don't think America is save able without a civil war


Nigger we dont have a leader, its why we can make shit happen, we are all equal faggots, and that is only possible because we have no fucking leader.

we only follow digits

Looks like they deployed the payload too early. It's not even inauguration day yet

who is that guy

He's the King of the Alt-Right.

>tfw too intelligent to support Trump


No he's not. Trump isn't president yet. Wait till 8 years then we assess, but this is a long game not a quick exec order only to see it washed away later. Beside Trump is fight for more than just immigration, that was just symbolic really. You have to work out a way to make it ultimate success so it's not overturned. And Trump ain't a Nazi, any alt right, he's a business man who will do what's good for business.


Kek hath spoken.

Controlled opposition.

I think the only people who know he exists are liberals on Facebook.

Hey remember when some dudes split off from Hitler and wanted to be their own thing and usurp him?


wrong see

I think Richard Spencer is the voice of reason, compared to immature, hivemind attitude of Sup Forums. Literally every single one of his tweets I have ever saw is the fuckin truth.

Whats he reacting to?

I'm willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt for 4 years. It's not like he can be worse than Clinton anyway.
Let him do his job first then see what comes of it.

The Israel tweet.

No goy, we need to abandon Trump now before it's too late!

Alright are dumb fucks then. This is Politics and business , not douchebagery and reveal your inner game to everyone before the punchline. Trump plays it right, he's perfect for the job.

The hivemind always wins because theirs smarter people within it than these lone wolves that take what smarter people have said and pass it as their own thoughts for a quick buck, once they've put their name to something it's hard for them to backtrack when the Hivemind changes it's course.

Richard Spencer is playing into the hands of Jews. Trump will need to drain the swamp in Washington and the altright.

Dude on Trump's victory tour he was talking about how "we're going to bring in immigrants by the hundreds of thousands." He may deport illegal criminals but he's going to keep the immigration deluge going.

Richard Spencer is astoundingly immature. White Nationalism is a DOA ideology. Any ideology that has a first step of "Convert everyone to said ideology" is always DOA. The majority of white people don't want or care about white nationalism in the abstract. If the alt-right is to have a future then it's going to have to focus on things white people DO want; good schools, strong borders, safe neighborhoods with a lot of subtle winks and nods. This also includes not ostracizing old guard rightists who cuck for Israel and MLK or whatever, because purity tests are part of what cost Clinton the election from Berniefags (another example of an unelectable candidate who promised too much abstract and not enough concrete.)

Hi Mike

Israel is anti-American. I semi-agree with you on the rest, but you can't be pro-American and pro-Israel.


Can you not spam this faggot every 30 minutes? The board is starting to stink.

You know his wife is an immigrant? But nevermind that, you know now represents all America? That means his job now is to sell the idea of deporting illegals to all Americans. You get it? Sometimes I think people don't understand how it works.

No one is doing purity tests. You need to accept the reality that several of Trump's policies are going to be directly contrary to our interests. If political pressure can be applied by voters he may even choose to do something different. That's not going to happen if you just lick his ass 24/7.

>my way works and yours doesn't, here let me show you with this ms paint pic which shows mine working and yours not working

>No one is doing purity tests.

Wrong. Spencer is disavowing Trump because he's not sieg heiling gas all le jews xD like a Stormcuck.

Triggered Stormcuck.

>in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king

Find where the shills call home and let us know.

>You know his wife is an immigrant?
His wife is European.
>But nevermind that, you know now represents all America? That means his job now is to sell the idea of deporting illegals to all Americans.
And then he's going to "bring back the good ones" through his "big beautiful door." They're not going away.
>You get it? Sometimes I think people don't understand how it works.
I think you're deluding yourself into thinking that his immigration policies are closer to ours than what they actually are. They are superior to Clinton's obviously, and I am glad that Trump won, but his policies as they stand are not enough and the problem is going to continue.

when will this faggot kill himself?

Is he distancing himself from Trump so that Trump doesn't get damaged too bad?

He didn't do that before Heilgate, but maybe he did it after that because he eventually came to the opinion that it would hurt Trump.

Maybe he just did it because he knows he's there to shift the Overton Window going forward so when he does more extreme stuff he'll need to distance himself from Trump.

We are not disavowing Trump. We want Trump to go after immigration harder. We want him to improve his policies.

Keep believing (((civic-nationalism))) works you cuck, enjoy becoming a minority in your own country.

Richard Spencer is a plant. He's a pied piper for democrat opposition. Hes a face they can assign to the "alt-right", and a person they can get to go full nazi and discredit anyone on the right who doesn't fit in the republican box.

He's not even inaugurated yet and you're huffing MSM memes.

Sup Forums

>Spencer is disavowing Trump because he's not sieg heiling gas all le jews xD like a Stormcuck.
Im always glad you shills are so insightful.

called it from the start

Says the guy who believes we need to cuck on every message so people don't get offended.

who the fuck is Richard Spencer? Is this some dogshit eating retard that's ""competing"" with Milo and some other no-name idiots for a falseflag rightwing group? Can someone give me real talk on this guy - no memes?

hurrr durrrrrrr

>dude I only said kill all the kikes why am I getting 0.001% of the vote

Is Trump "literally Hitler" schlomo?

This guy is a massive faggot. Couldn't they have chosen someone cooler as controlled opposition?

What MSM memes? I follow Trump's speeches and I am reacting to his own words. If his supporters can apply pressure he may harden his immigration policies. If he is going to in any way govern as a populist he will need to hear our voices to govern appropriately and not be overly influenced by DC Republicans. If you won't be realistic about what the man says and shoot down well-meaning criticism then you're going to get burned by him.

How new are you?

White nationalism is never a thing, no blue-collar voted for white nationalism. It only exists on this board as a joke because you can't take it any other way. Trump is about realism and common sense, not faggot lefty oppressive illogic shit. White nationalism is as equally illogical as politics correctness therefore never a thing.

Spencer is such a faggot its unbelievable

What has Trump said that made him do a 180 on his policies?

Don't shake to hard schlomo.

>dude I said I wasn't going to kick out illegals that aren't violent, why are you still calling me racist?


t. totally not a tankie/democrat underground shill

Yep and I like that he's pushing for a 50 year ban on non white legal immigration. We need to be pushing Trump further right! We're not his fucking cheerleading squad.


A ben shapiro meme that chad Mc-Retarded thought was real.

Exactly this. Also Spencer is just having some dialogue with his twitter followers.

I haven't really paid attention to this upstart faggot, but judging from the video you gave me, obviously my assumption of him being a literal who retard was correct.

Funny made me tink exactly of the same thing. Ernst Rhöm and his bunch of faggots trying to overtrow the Fuhrer.

>egypt telling us how white nationalism can't exist
Thanks Abdul, you're our second greatest ally. I'll just sit back and let my race be genocided now.

OP is a ignant cunt.

Great Alt-Right hate thread goyim. Don't organize according to your racial interests. Never say bad things about us. Keep up the good work OP. Remember anyone who wants to help you is controlled opposition. Only we can be trusted.

Trump said that violent illegals take priority in practically ever rally.

>dude xd Trump LITERALLY said that he would stop ALL immigration xdDD


Welp, Kek had a good run. Back to Christ we go.

I've never seen anything written that was more wrong about Spencer and the people associated with him.

Sorry OP but we don't allow anything other than slavish devotion to Trump here on r/the_donald.

R_Donold dicksuckers are here in full force.

These posts
>Trump sucks kike cock
>Spencer calls him out for it

But you sure paid attention to Milo right R_Donald.

No shit they take priority, priority doesn't mean you stop there.
He also famously said "You have to go back" when asked if he would deport an illegal kid.

Holy shit, I thought you guys were joking when you said he's controlled opposition.
I'd never guess that it was actually true.

What is a DOA ideology?

>if I say it doesn't exist maybe they'll stop being such mean racists

Fuck off kike

Dead On Arrival would be my guess.

He wants immigration reform, he sold it to you as building a wall. It's just branding. If you didn't figure it out back then tough luck. It's beyond retarded to think America is going to regress far beyond what slave owners envisioned in only allowing white peopl in. As a brown guy I support Trump because every bit of the way he made it clear he gives no shit about race. Because it's retarded. His bottom line is always effiency and realism. And you not being realistic.

He was dead to me as soon as he gave up his face and power word.

Alt Right cuckolds here want Trump to cease all immigration despite never saying he'd do such a thing.

>getting high off your own memes

Idiots. Trump is not Hitler. You're just as dumb as the average Democrat.



>So this is Sup Forums's hero and leader.....

So says you, monkey man.

Fucking this, kek!

>You are a cuck because you want to stop the hordes from coming in
Why do you fucking reddit trash insist on using our terminology. You fucking lemmings are cancer.

Notice how the majority of Alt-Right naziboos in this thread aren't even American.

>He also famously said "You have to go back" when asked if he would deport an illegal kid.

And then he'll bring them back in through the big beautiful door.

I agree with this, speak down to a liberal about "white nationalism" and you deserve the shit talking points you get drilled into them by the media.

Good ideas rarely get going here, the same talking points forgetting what trump actually stands for as people sink deeper into conspiracys.

Then trump praises jews and with cognitivate distance Sup Forums acts like he didn't really mean it.

The left may never realize why hillary lost, but the right will never understand why trump won

Donald's the one appointing Goldman sach Jews, we just wanna make sure he keeps his word on immigration swedcuck

That does not change a single letter of what I said, Amerilard.

Fuck off JIDF.

Reminder that the Altistic-right is a Jewish invention. Its 'leaders' are officially seeking alliance with Jewish nationalists.

>Alt-Right naziboos