Brit/pol/ - The Good, The Bad & The Blairite Edition

>Why it would be wise to call an early election

>The media finally catches on - Voters are now divided based on cultural attitudes, not economics

>Corbyn as a populist figure?

>Inside Britain's strictest school - It's succeeding, yet it's full of Pakis and niggers. Really makes you think

>2017 - Year of the Milkman

>Kosher May? Autistic PM defends disgusting kikes' land grabs, attacks USA for anti-Israel speech

>News from Rotherham - Nonces still run amok; the constituency that had 1,400+ children groomed by Pakistanis and ended up voting Labour even more than they did in 2010 has learned nothing

>From The Mouth Of Joe Owens: Winning Hearts & Minds

>Corbyn to Theresa: "You're not Henry VIII"

>Why is Labour so worried about a crackdown on voter fraud?

>Tories lack the courage to acknowledge the scale of leaving the EU

Other urls found in this thread:


Lads I'm drinking so much fucking water

someone stop me

>t. The Mask

Try some chocolate milk.





How did THIS

I'm seeing more and more unironic support for the Labour party here in brit/pol/. Those delusional Farron and Corbyn shitposters have been around for a while, but now there are 3-4 more commie cucks who are posting more and more often.

It's not just brit/pol/ either. The rest of Sup Forums is swamped with leftwing posters at the moment.
lefty/pol/ used to be an occasional nuisance that would get derailed into oblivion within minutes. But I've seen a dozen threads full of unironic lefty opinions today alone. There was even a totally sincere thread full of real discussion between lefties about how to save the Democratic party.

It's eerie. I definitely think that there's something afoot. Those people weren't posting like this before.

It's just because of the school holidays, r-right?




Turn into THIS



Now that's just fucking sick

Starting to believe in the hollow earth boys

Are you so thick that you can't distinguish between interest in some of old Labour to what Labour is now?


Mounting debt.
Millions using food banks.
Crumbling infrastructure. It was new in 1970, not anymore.
Ageing population whilst the government is discouraging births.
Millions 'in work' but in shitty 15 hour a week zero contracts.
Purchasing power that's on the decline.
No industry with a capital that sucks in all the wealth creating a badly balanced economy.
A huge housing bubble which means no one can buy new homes.

All the will being fed shite media that along with increasing surveillance means we can do fuck all about it.
I could go on..
But tell me how is this country in good economic shape?

> How dare people have different opinions!

Fuck off you safe space faggot. Stop turning us into the right-wing r/uk




Disgust. This is the shittest country on Earth.


What do you believe in, YKTD? What would you like to do? Who would you like to see elected?

Write your manifesto please.




How's it going lads? Currently wagecucking for waitrose stacking their shelves. Debate suicide every 10 minutes.



I thought comrade corbyn posting was ironic?

I wonder how the world would look if people actually did vote for Liberals in sufficient numbers that we got a Thorpe-Heath coalition in 1974

Fantasy tells me it involves PR, Prime Minister Dennis Healey and Margaret Thatcher and all her neoliberal pals at the Institute of Economic Affairs being packed onto Britain's first rocket to Mercury, realism tells me it ends up with an EEC referendum Heath somehow thought was a good idea, Heath resigning and disappearing in the Atlantic, Thatcher coming to power ~1981, Labour being lead by Tony Benn and VERY uncomfortable scenes as David Steel milks a Highland cow.

I can't believe you act morally superior but paid for a Sup Forums pass.

Just read some Peter Hitchens and you'll get the same answer

>so no answer

Hullow yes
John Rees-Evans, Mike Hookem, Steven Woolfe all spies the lot of them I'm not daft. Paul Nutall, Nigel Farage if you're reading it's an honour.
Ok thank you

No way

>I should get everything for free and not pay for anything

I need more Karens


I heard he suckled the milk straight from the udder.

No I don't believe that's what I said and your inability to respond in a way that wasn't twisting what I said kind of shows that you realise how retarded you are.


Gas the right. Corbyn for PM.

Christianity itself is cuckoldry. It is worshipping the Jewish god and embracing a new form of the Jewish religion. It is the abandonment of traditional culture and Faith of the European people's and the subjugation of the European races to an alien god and an alien culture. If you are to follow any god(s), then follow the gods of your own people and not the god of the Jew. Let the Jew keep his God, his religion, and his culture. You dishonor your ancestors every time you pick up a cross, for your ancestors were slain for their refusal to convert and abandon their way now you hold up the symbol of their Slaughter and oppression and claim it as your own. It is no different than if you were to Don a Star of David or a yarmulke and call yourself a Jew.

Well hang on now, I assumed that it was clear that I wasn't talking about the discussion about political history. But it's probably my fault for not guessing that you're an absolute complete mouth-breathing cretin with no reading comprehension ability.

It really feels like "Sup Forums Proper" is being raided by lefties.
brit/pol/ is no longer comfy, and is over the last few days has shifted somewhat away from the old UKIP-Mogg-Hitchens style of politics. Do you understand now?

Fuck off back to plebbit.

Any opportunity for the patriotic party I would like to see was lost with the rebirth and strengthening of the Tories in 2015, no point in LARPing


Sup Forums is being raided, you have to bear in mind that the rest of the site hates this place and had been looking forward to Donald Trump's failure to win the Presidency for months so that they could come here and be smug about it, they're fucking furious

Add in the fact that lefty/pol/ is also literally raiding us and that the JIDF are back here now that Trump has declared himself a proud Good Goy and you're bound to have some trouble

The Labour historian is a based OC maker though

Should i play a comp of overwatch or is it shit at night

I'll be honest, I've not bothered with the rest of Sup Forums recently. Brit/pol/ is something of an oasis.

Discussion of how to save the democrats from a protectionist standpoint would be something I'd find relatively agreeable. Then again, not being an American I've no de-facto allegiance to either party, all I remember is that Republican presidents tend to have more public relationships with our Prime Ministers, which if anything makes me a de-facto democrat in the hopes they'll stay out of our affairs. [Tongue in cheek.]

If you don't want to credit the school holidays (and want something frightening, assuming you're particularly bothered what the official colour of the board is.) consider the possibility that it's contrarian instinct after Trump won - swing around to full communism instead.

Even if Sup Forums was taken over by Communists, you could always just pretend you were a nazbol.
As a thought experiment it might even be rather nice to hoof out the ancaps. There are lots of ways you could spin things to remain within the official ideology of the board. (I mean the actual /leftypol/ lot probably wouldn't object to "I'm a communist because I think cultural capitalism is promoting [degeneracy]", because it's an economic thing.)

Unless you're not seeing an economic thing and we're getting an influx of liberals (in the insult-from-a-commie sense, not the everything-not-republican sense.) which is a horrible thought.

Should be alright.

However you better be picking based Roadhog and Junkrat and not "OUR" Tracer.

I'd watch her get gangraped by pakis desu.

Looks like a young John Stones

McCree is the best OW hero if you're not trash


Sup Forums has always been a liberal left wing degenerate board. anything else is ironic

you misspelled ana

>India -4
>Israel -5
>Pakistan -23
>Turkey -29

God bless the Eternal Anglo.

not how you spell genji

>because of the school holidays
Yeah I imagine so, but the daft kiddies and embryonic commies over at leftypol have clearly been raiding in groups too. Don't worry, they'll grow out of it eventually.

also a good answer

It's pretty likely she will be nerfed though, she's a default pick at this point

Thoughts on this film lads?

It's very weird, guvs. Today earlier The Telegraph had anti-Russian articles.

>People fell for the Anglosphere meme

That's not Roadhog

Free heal
Can one shot everyone other than tanks
Hates omnics

Roadhog as well tbqh fucking annoying but not as high a skill cap

I'll be honest with you.
The reason that I'm extremely concerned is because I like to use internet discussion boards to gauge global public political opinion. It's how I sensed that Brexit and Trump were widespread, popular movements. Sup Forums is a big part of this; you're mostly all regular people, and watching how this place evolves gives me an idea of how the public mood is developing.

The sudden jolt to the left frightens me. It's probably just a raid, but it could potentially mean a groundswell in popular support for cucky SJW politics. If that's the case, then we're in trouble.

Then why is he even doing this shit?

Literally all Russia has done is voice their support for Trump


Nows thats making sweaty boys,

The Jews have found their door, and their door is Sweden.

I knew we would get a fake Brexit. They are going to wait until culture has changed enough for them to hand s something we didn't vote for.

I cannot express my anger at things like Labor writing up amendments to article 50 as if they can run rough shod over the will of the poeple. If we'd lost you know they'd be loving their victory. I see a future for America because they won Trump, who is a person, and an intelligent person at that. I am afraid that the UK is doomed to be cucked as a member of a socialist super state with absolute domination over the people. What can we even do?

I thought that I might like to live in the US but I would forever feel guilty for leaving. I feel like I have to stay and express my beliefs and be mocked and derided for them.

i played him lat night on eichenwalde and missed my first 10-15 hooks

Your average person still thinks Sweden is a blue eyed blonde paradise.

Truth fears no examination, so it doesn't matter what form their sad attempts at manipulation take.

But with the rumours of a lefty takeover of the Sup Forums mods, it's quite worrying. They could be trying to pull off a kind of mass brainwashing.

what rank

It takes some practice

Once you've got it and the combo covered anyone who you spot is dead

enjoy the money
buy things that NEETs can't

During the 1982 Falklands War, Operations Black Buck 1 to Black Buck 7 were a series of seven extremely long-range ground attack missions by Royal Air Force Vulcan bombers of the RAF Waddington Wing, comprising aircraft from 44 Squadron, 50 Squadron, 101 Squadron planned against Argentine positions in the Falkland Islands, of which five missions actually completed attacks on the Falklands. The objectives of all missions were to attack Port Stanley airfield and its associated defences.

The Operation Black Buck raids were staged from RAF Ascension Island, close to the equator. The aircraft carried either twenty-one 1,000 lb bombs internally or two or four Shrike anti-radar missiles externally. The overall effect of the raids on the war is difficult to determine. The raids did minimal damage to the runway and damage to radars was quickly repaired. Commonly dismissed as post-war propaganda, Argentine sources originally claimed that the Vulcan raids influenced Argentina to withdraw some of their Dassault Mirage III fighter aircraft from the Southern Argentina Defence Zone to the Buenos Aires Defence Zone.This dissuasive effect was however watered down when British officials made clear that there would be no strikes on air bases in Argentina. It has been suggested that the Black Buck raids were pressed home by the Royal Air Force because the British armed forces had been cut in the late seventies and the RAF may have desired a greater role in the conflict to prevent further cuts.

A single crater was produced on the runway, rendering it impossible for the airfield to be used by fast jets. Argentine ground crew repaired the runway within twenty-four hours, to a level of quality suitable for the C-130 Hercules transport and Aermacchi MB-339 light attack jet.Many sources claim that fake craters confounded British damage assessment however,the British were well aware that the runway remained in use by C-130 military transport aircraft and IA 58 Pucará ground-attack aircraft.

>I am afraid that the UK is doomed to be cucked as a member of a socialist super state with absolute domination over the people. What can we even do?

It already is one , take Peter's advice and leave the country. The UK is absolutely finished - a quick glance at anyone under 25 makes that evident

The Vulcan lacked the range to fly to the Falklands without refuelling several times, as it had been designed for medium-range stand-off nuclear missions in Europe. The RAF's tanker planes were mostly converted Handley Page Victor bombers with similar range, so they too had to be refuelled in the air. A total of 11 tankers were required for two Vulcans, a huge logistical effort as all aircraft had to use the same strip.

The raids, at almost 6,800 nautical miles (12,600 km) and 16 hours for the return journey, were the longest-ranged bombing raids in history at that time (surpassed in the Gulf War of 1991 by USAF Boeing B-52G Stratofortresses flying from the continental United States but using forward-positioned tankers).

Of the five Black Buck raids flown to completion, three were against Stanley Airfield's runway and operational facilities, and the other two were anti-radar missions using Shrike anti-radiation missiles against defences in the Port Stanley area.

>about me

>I knew we would get a fake Brexit
Prove it.

If they try to silence Sup Forums we will burn this shithole website into the dust

we've discussed this long, long ago, years ago when we got Sup Forums

if Sup Forums goes or even gets censored, we will annihilate all other boards evenly with red pill spam, we will literally make generals and destructive threads that spread our propaganda... hiro's cash cow will die.

/po/ is designated operating headquarters if we get fucked up, btw

There's nowhere to go though, everywhere else is as far gone as here.
>inb4 usa

It might also be the end of the honeymoon period, whereby some of the newshits are waking up to how much of a fraud May is. Remember the mummy posters? Wish I didn't.

I don't know if lefty/pol/ is to blame. They have a thread for "the ongoing leftist presence on 4pol" but nobody's posted in it since 8 last night.
But I'm not a regular visitor (hey, where else am I going to get pictures of Porky and graphs showing neoliberalism has failed in ways that i'd never have thought of?) so maybe they've just hidden it in one of the really boring looking threads about dialectics.

Using Sup Forums as a barometer isn't a particularly good idea.
A groundswell for SJWs would be concerning, but I'd take it as a sort of noise-of-pain from "the system" (it's too late to hunt another less edgy phrase.) as opposed to a "genuine" viewpoint. SJWs are largely a front for the Blairish sort who want to keep everyone fighting over what sign goes on the bathroom door instead of asking awkward questions.

If it's SJW views, I'm more convinced that lefty/pol/ aren't the culprits, from what I've looked at (and this is backdated a few weeks) every second post was complaining about idpol (i.e. identity politics, i.e. SJWs.) existing purely to split the left.

But I concede I'm speaking from a position of relative ignorance, since I'm mostly locked away in Brit/pol/.

Trump is quite interesting. I've never believed that Sup Forums "memed Brexit" (that's been germinating for a while), but did Sup Forums meme Trump? Or even without us, would he have done it? America is quite another country, and it's rather disorienting.

>lefty takeover
Bit late to be worrying about that, for months now we've been swarmed and replaced by lefty kids and boatload after boatload of rebbit refugees, and as you can see they simply didn't integrate. It was our own silent migrant crisis, and nobody stood their ground.

The Samson Option failed in 2014 when Ben Garrison sued the site because every single mod on every single board was on total red alert for it

I got blocked by Jack Monroe on twitter recently. If you don't know who they are, they are some narcissist genderqueer who loves being trans. The interactions she/he has on twitter astound me. It really does feel hopeless.

Question to those who don't have a Sup Forums pass and who don't use Sup Forums x:




2800 solo queue. was 66 s1 so i've just been bitter ever since

yeah i think i was having an off night. i'll stick to being a healslut

In terms of the native population, it still is. I have no issue with white Swedes moving around, so I'd have placed them highly - maybe those who were asked, did the same.

>socialist super state
Don't worry, the EU is fundamentally neoliberal and more or less an American lapdog (one hopes but doubts that will change now we're gone.)

Have a novelty from the Communist Party of Great Britain.