Jesus Christ it's actually fucking happening
>inb4 martial law
Jesus Christ it's actually fucking happening
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody get's bagged milk except for old geezers.
>Hooking up the grid to the internet in the first place
>not having a closed intranet
Wait, didn't someone predict this already after Obama's salt?
lol washington post
I'd sooner believe The Onion
This is literally just a smear campaign against Trump. Democrats are trash.
fuckin russians installed out of date drivers for my gpu
It's smarter so the russians can hack it an Obama can be a nigger.
live free or die hard told me theyre closed circuit. i dont understand whats happening, bruce willis wouldnt lie to me
I remember someone saying it here they would false flag some attack on the electric grid.
Possible false flag attack to blame the Russians? wew
>I am enforcing the sacred law of the red planet
Found it, I think it's this one.
So its nothing again.
>WaPo is not credible.
How (((convenient))).
>tfw their era is over but they absolutely refuse to go quietly
>I posted about all this and got laughed at. muh "t. intellectual".
Everything I posted has become true.
I said Trump would win, I said they'd pretend Russia was behind it, I said Israel would turn against Bibi, I said the CIA would quietly murder some Russian officials.
Next they'll cut power for a few minutes, but will cut internet for 24 hours.
After that, real war (not nuclear).
And then, Trump prevented from being president.
>implying you can beat the system
I'm getting scared lads.
fuck off east coast leaf
>After that, real war (not nuclear).
I can't see that happening.
Given on what King Nigger has been up to lately, I wouldn't be surprised.
Oh look, the most obvious false flag in the history of false flags.
>Everyone I don't like is a Russian hacker
if you believe this russian hacking bs shouldnt you be mad at obama since it happened on his watch?
Pozhaluysta, I like Russia! Comrade Commissar! Rifle is fine! Moose and squirrel! Da tovarish! Bozhe moi! Babushki borscht, yum yum. Anna Kournikova, nice gams.
Soiuz nerushimyj! Soiuz nerushimyj! Soi... soiuz ner... Fuck Obama.
Fuck Obama!
>Russian pls no bully
Disabled vet user that lives in an RV (posted from the Florida keys last week if anyone remembers me), I'm currently headed back to my safehouse in rural Midwest. Currently in a pilot truck stop browsing pol before I get some shuteye before the final leg of my drive.
Bunker down you beautiful degenerates. We're in for the ride of our lives very fuckin soon. The chatter coming from my friends still in the service (including SF) is pretty worrisome (won't go into much detail on this for security reasons but massive amounts of gear is being staged for a deployment right now. Just like the run up to Afghanistan.
Hope you've stocked up on non perishable foods and water stores.
Also if the lights are on tomorrow and your LGS is open, stock your ammo.
Went into 7 walmarts today across 3 states and not a single one had .556 ammo. Each one said they have had more people buying ammo in the last 48 hours than the month leading up to the election.
If I make it back before shit gets real, sleep easy knowing I'm 10' underground in my cold war bunker I bought.
Ask some questions if you like. Might stay up for an hour or so. Otherwise just consider this a warning to be prepared.
>inb4 larp faggot.
>electricity grid
this is a meme and disinfo.
penetrating the vermont power grid would only give them power over the vermont power grid, and even that is questionable. the power grid doesn't operate off of software, you could shut down the software which makes managing and repairing and locating power problems hard, but for instance, infecting the software at power plants with viruses or even gaining full control of them would do nothing but cause headaches for the power company. it's basically impossible that it cause outages, especially critical outages i.e. street lights etc. short to medium term residential outages is possible but unlikely.
basically this is nothing but more anti russian propaganda
>code is linked to russia
literally what
is it commented in russian or sonething
Not. calling you a larper, but please give me some proof that you and whats gonna happen is real
.Pic of truck or the bunker later on.
Guess not, too many larp threads about lately. You could disclose more than you have to make yourself out as real.
Dunno what proof you want. My only connection to technology is my cell phone and WiFi. Got rid of my laptop, desktop and tablet when I moved in to my RV 1 year ago. Just stop from time to time on WiFi and browse pol and plebbit for news updates. Been parked here for about 3 hours tonight and was listening to dahboo77 stream earlier and heard one of the guys mention the power grid hack. Called up a few friends still in and they said theyve spent the last 24 hours staging gear with trains rolling into the yards ready to be loaded up.
Not sending a pic of my RV but its an '86 Legend.
For anyone that remembers me, I've got an atk amputation from a mortar attack in south east Baghdad. I post on here from the road every week or so.
I'm very private so you won't get any picture proof from me. I also don't have a problem with you thinking I'm larping, doesn't hurt my feelings I'm just trying to help people. Its the reason I joined the military in '06.
So staging gear means something. Or is it something that they do rarely, but not in the case of something happening.
Means they are loading the connexes, totes, and Duffles with their gear. Ready to load them on the trains and planes to deploy at a moments notice.
I'm talking army btw, that's the branch I know people in still.
Staffing only happens pre training exercises and pre deployment. But with training, they are scheduled and planned ahead of time because slots have to be reserved for the unit at places such as ft Polk for field training.
You're a loon lmao
Expect lots if typos, I'm shit at typing on this phone
So. probably nothing.
Can you tell what the larp thing is. like is it live action role playing out the end of the world?
I'm in a strange place where they do not give weapons and ammo and provide training for guns.
I can only blame myself for not stockpiling food and water and supplies.
But I will enjoy every last moment of the end.
I thought the power outage would be a bit more wide spread, with the help of a Solar Flare (see=EMP) or just turn it all off secretly themselves, save a few important people.
Good luck out there bro.
>alleges code is linked to Russia
ofc...why am i not surprised, big bad russia
i swear king nigger and that sore loser hillary are going to start WW3 out of spite...
>4 hours old
It's literally nothing.
anyone remember the story about that federal agent that killed himself in the park across from his office or something like that?
It was only talked about breifly on some small conspiracy website.
His suicide note described a flase flag they had supposedly been planning.
The us government would take out their own power grid, blame russia, and start rounding up redpilled type people during the blackout.
Again, don't mistake any of my questioning as disrespect, people cry wolf alot, especially of late. so are there any training deployments on the near schedule for them or are they doing it for a purpose besides training.
and I bet it was caused by the russians
Not specifically, do elaborate user.
BNO News @BNONews 5m5 minutes ago
Update: Hack of electric utility in Vermont affected only 1 laptop that was not connected to the grid's operation, state official says - BFP
Bag milk is best milk
oh no! not the electrical grid! that shit isn't even important.
No Vermont utilities organization has actually stepped up and confirmed this publicly. The Washington Post article even states that the source of this information is unknown.
show is over everyone go home.
that's interesting, i'd like to read that if anyone has it
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Little shitty T.V. is always tuned to it.
>It's real
Kek look at this faggot
Reservists have just been informed over here, had to check on Sup Forums for happenings
nothing to elaborate on really.
that pretty much sums it up, unless someone has a link to the story.
you lie.
>Tips top hat
the rule is simple
if you post it here as a happening it does not happen
because nothing ever happens
prove me wrong neegroo!
>USA declares war on Russia for cutting out our electricity and internet for less than a day
Let me guess, there was a txt file that said "I AM A RUSSIAN HACKER I DID THIS FOR PUTIN"
>insta-sage all happening threads
Doesn't that shit go bad fast? I though I saw a webm of bagged milk and the chick clamped it shut with a chip clip.
Uh, the U.S. electrical grid gets penetrated by a dozen countries literally EVERY DAY. Look it up if you think I'm exaggerating. Nobody cares. Iran hacked into NASA just to show us how pathetically vulnerable we are and nobody did anything anyway.
literally nothing
Fucks sake
Yeah don't you know super secret hackers conveniently leave hints to get caught ? Like thieves leave wallets behind as common curtesy.
This current administration is a joke.
How much was your bunker and the land it's on, and is there room for one more?
Good bye fellow burger..
Nothing is happening. If we were going to war I'd know, if you know what i mean.
ye i kno wat u mean :)
Emus would rise
I'm browsing a Russian only image board and they acknowledge its a false flag
The allegation is basically a dry run.
No, they could definitely cause some physical damage by fucking with SCADA systems.
SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) is a category of software application program for process control, the gathering of data in real time from remote locations in order to control equipment and conditions.
This fuckin WiFi keeps kockinf me off and making me have a new Id
Working on taking a proof picture for you all. So I can focus on better questions.
Trying to figure out how I can do it though, my phone doesn't have a camera anymore after I read an article about (((them))) being able to turn them on at will. I took apart the phone and killed it.
>I'm paranoid as duck and often over react to small shit.
However the way my battles told me they were staging has me all worked up tonight. Enough so that I've changed my route from Colorado bound to Midwest when I take off in the morning. Sitting in Louisiana right now.
Like I said though, I don't care if you believe me, just here answer any questions if you have them.
> Update: Hack of electric utility in Vermont affected only 1 laptop that was not connected to the grid's operation
Literally nothing
there's an update now.
This. So obvious.
guess you can go back your original route.
Obongo will find a way for this to justify nuclear war
Picked it up at auction under an llc name. About to switch to mobile data so my I'd may change again. This pilot WiFi is shit tier.
Got it for 65,000 USD it is in the backyard of a small farmhouse sitting on 17 acres.
If anyone remembers me, I invested in bitcoin in early 2011 and that's where my money came from. Bought about 300 btc at $11 each. Still have ~160 left.
You must not understand my question. What differentiates the staging they're doing now, versus just regular training staging. What about it has you spooked. and disregard photos if you can give a real reason to be on edge.
With trump sucking isreals dick this might be a good thing. If isreal settles the west bank then Armageddon starts.
>power grid down
>shocked by few responses
You're dense
>extremely small scale hack being called "attack"
>media and possibly the administration screaming "Russia!" At the top of their lungs with no proof
Why the fuck does Obama and the Dems want out of this exactly? Because they look fucking stupid to me
How do you know all this?
>It's actually being reported
Nah, I'm still safehouse bound. I only have about 100 rounds of 556 left in my RV. Going back to resupply at the house. Was trying to buy more on the way to Colorado.
Shot off about 900 rounds with friends in Florida last week.
LGS near where my house is has ammo to sell, I called him up a little while ago.
It fuels into their narrative that the election was illegitimate and that Trump is a traitor to the country.
ALL OF THIS is to hurt Trump and save Obama/Clinton/Democrat egos.
>implying Trump is the great white savior and not a zionist puppet stacking his cabinet with billionaire jews
>war with Russia
>leftist agenda
You can't be this retarded.
farewell, user!
Where do you think you are?
Early reports of tanks on the streets of New York City!