Americans will still try to justify their gun laws

Americans will still try to justify their gun laws



There's nothing that needs to be justified.

funny how the homicide rate goes up in areas where there are more niggers


Western Civilization needs to justify why we haven't deported all the violent shitskins.

well shit.


This is what 'gun control' looks like:

Shall not be infringed, pinko commie faggot

Hogan's Alley bad guys look out.

Nigger population ratio: the map

>When you discount non-whites the American gun violence rate is the same as Luxembourg's
Really makes u think...

Really makes me ponder

Give us a call when the American left can stop spitting on the 'racist' Police and soldiers long enough to convince them it's worth dying to disarm the conservatives the left hates.

Until then we really don't care. Nogs and angry liberals make up most of the gun deaths anyway.

i actually shed a tear pondering this once

if you removed niggers and spics we would be top 1-5 in the world in every academic field, would have a gdp per capita of like $70,000, would have crime on the levels of luxembourg or other small euro states, top ~3 hdi, etc

i hope LBJ is getting his ass rammed in hell because that fucking cunt ruined our country forever. god i hate him so much.

We don't have to justify shit. This man justified them 240 years ago.

I love how the left pretends to give a shit about black crime.

The real reason they're butthurt about armed Americans is it enables us to resist tyranny, which is the left's end goal.

Oh, hey, it's another "I'm butthurt about Murricans having shit I can't have" thread.

Kindly fuck off.

Not really, read

You're going to need those guns when the race war really starts.

Get a hunting license.

>New Hampshire has no gun laws and it has fewer homicides. Wonder why?


Not likely to.happen in the south. My county sheriff put out a letter asking all licenced concealed carry permit holders to carry daily and be vigilant. Last time I got pulled over for a tail light being out, the cop told me he was glad citizens were carrying more when I let him know I had a permit and a gun in the car.

>Swede will try to justify his pitiful existence

The ammo is a nice touch.

How about putting amount of black population over top of that?

Look at it this way, fellow burger: It wouldn't be fair if we didn't take a handicap.

North America contains some very dangerous species of animals. One of the most dangerous animals in our country is known as the "pavement ape." Pavement apes often times carry illegal weapons, whether it be knives or firearms. The right to carry just lets normal human beings protect themselves against these animals. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

impose a map of nigger and spic percentages on top of the american one

This is the best part, and the part that liberals do not understand. Law enforcement is overwhelmingly pro-gun, effectively meaning that there will never be successful national confiscation of firearms.

ey, we have extremely stict gun laws and yet insanely high violence rate.
getting guns out of the market fixes nothing. you just create a black market.
guns dont make violence, people do.
want something insanely effective for mass murdering?
has four wheels, 1.5 tons and 3 letters

This is also why liberals lose their shit when confronted with groups like the Oathkeepers. They know that if they continue to push for disarmament we'll have free reign to start hanging them from their SJW entrails.

The cops they love to spit on won't be there to protect them, and it will be hilarious.

Bullshit. If some European countries removed gypsies, middle Easterners and North Africans, they would be even lower in crime.

Also, if you remove all murders from US, the US would be the safest country.

> American education and logic

>germany 89.6% white
>US 62% at most

If we play whites only the US still wins