She's right, you know.
She's right, you know
No one is forcing you into education
Are you retarded?
Where the are factories for us to go to if we fuck off from school? Where are the other entry-level positions?
Nowhere to be found.
Only in that we should be consistent.
It was reasonable for college to be a personal investment when your high school diploma could get you the average job. It makes far less sense for the vast majority of the workforce to have to go into debt just to have a shot at being able to throw money back into the economy in twenty years.
>everything i want should be paid for by another man
Education should make you smart enough to get out of debt.
That is why high school is free. College can be whatever it wants, you don't have to do anything
>my liberal arts degree should trump all!
public library is free
internet is about 50$ a month
educate yourself bitch
your paying from job training, and your paying way too much for it
I support free education for the following Majors
>science (real science biology, chemistry etc.)
>any career that involves someome becoming a doctor or lawyer
Im not going to supports ome fucking millenial that wants to explore their sexuality on my dome
Maybe she should have chosen an education that would be useful.
You don't pay to read here, this isn't paywalled.
Enjoy your free education.
So everyone has to pay for your education. Fuck that and Fuck you OP.
so get a scholarship or serve in the military
nobody forces you to go to college immediately after highschool, it's your choice
Do you know how taxes work?
In Denmark, all education is free.
This is a good thing because it gives people from poor families a chance to aim high and make something of themselves.
Sadly we've got a government that loves to imitate American politics, so we're probably going to end up a third world country like you guys before long.
>What are trades?
A cute
Ever heard of starting your own business or going into a trade?
Im at uni ATM.
I have a trade, am taking a break from it, and am doing a degree I've paid for.
I get bonus payments on my course becuase I pay upfront with cash.
There wouldn't be a cash bonus system in place if the expectation was that all students go into debt.
Little whiny bitches will allways whine, it's in their nature
Do you know how competitive trades are getting?
>Ever heard of starting your own business
Kinda requires years of college.
In America you are held accountable for the degree you choose.
>Go into a real respected program and field
>Go $40K in debt, in exchange you are now making at least $50K out of college and you pay it off as you gradually earn more and more
You also have the freedom to be retarded
>Go $160K in debt at a tiny, elite liberal arts school
>Get your PoliSci/Womyns/Underwater basket weaving study degree
>Get a job making $30K as a barista to gradually pay off your debt
Aren't (((public))) schools government funded in the US?
she is correct. subsidizing higher education is worth it in the long run
You're not paying for education, you're paying for indoctrination.
>hurr durr libcunt is totes right
Wrong. Education is there to ensure you get a job in the career field you chose. It's not the fault of education OR the government that you decided to invest your student loans into getting a gender studies degree, rather than going into STEM.
Go to a school you can afford then
>leaf logic
>education is free.
Nothing is free. The question is always who is forced to pay so you don't have to.
>pic very related
>go to community college
>pay 2k get my normal credits
>finish final year in a better college
>graduate with like only 10k in debt and complete engineering education
oh but you went to an expensive college for your womens study didn't you.
I see.
but seriously just get a normal job, save like 4k over 4 months, go to a school for a simple trade for like 1 year.
and bam.
Shit argument. Literally trades aren't fucking everything. Welding isn't an end all be all job. Neither is steam fitting. Or plumbing. Or being a mechanic. It works for some but not for all. Look outside of the American system just for a brief fucking second and open your mind to the possibility that free college education DOES actually work, and well, in other countries. Admitting this doesn't make you a CTR shill blah blah inb4 etc etc etc. Denying it rampantly does make you a retard, however.
How does a business require college? No one is hiring you. Bill Gates dropped out
And the trades are not competitive now. They're begging for fresh meat because they're all retiring
>my degree should either be non-mandatory for a living wage, or reasonably priced like in most of the first world
No one is forcing you into a $75k tuition
It isn't. However, ideological indoctrination is a debt sentence, so just don't go to some liberal bullshit college and you'll be fine. Uncuck yourself.
The red pill: Education is free. lrn2code
>requires college to start a buisness
Lel, get a load of this guy
don't get played by kikes.
Someone I know, who is black, works as an electrician under government contracts and prevailing wage (which literally doubles his salary), works all day on government issued building, and he said they waste tax dollars like nothing. They dont give a shit about spending money, and they dont look for ways to save it. They spend spend spend. If they make one mistake, they'll pay to redo the whole project and pay no mind to it.
It's funny because he worked on a building that was built to send out welfare checks and food stamps. Millions of tax dollars on a building just to give out millions more in tax dollars. This electrician told me that most of the people that go in there are people that are ABLE to work, but choose not to, and it pisses him off because of how much money in taxes he has to pay.
Thirty Percent of your hard earned check goes to lazy fucks and people who dont give a shit. Thank you for giving!
It kind of is when the country destroys all non-education necessary jobs by the hundred thousands.
>And the trades are not competitive now. They're begging for fresh meat because they're all retiring
if they're beggin for fresh meat doesn't that make them competitive.
>lover-class people
What did Denmark mean by this?
Explain how the fuck you need a degree to start a business?
>I want to live in complete hedonism for 4+ years and be rewarded at the end of it all with no debt and a piece of paper claiming I'm worth more than I really am!
No, she's not.
Lol @you no it doesn't
>my college is too expensive it should be free
>there are no jobs available after college
Maybe flood the job market with more useless degrees will fix it right? Lmao
Trouble is, your first scenario is almost entirely non-existent outside of community college level education. Find me a reputable state or private 4 year school that routinely churns out quality degrees at the modest pricetag of $40k. And I'm not being a flippant cock here... but impress me and find this figure.
Agree that non-scientific studies shouldn't be free, but making scientific and usefull studies free would motivate a lot more people.
The destruction of the American education system falls on the shoulders of Reagan.
thats like saying Ferrraris shouldnt be a debt sentence. You get to go to Berkley, USC, Stanford and the Ivy league colleges if you can afford it. If your family is broke you dont get to go there. OR you go into student debt and get a job that cant afford it after. My cousin went to stanford and george washington for Law grad school and got a job in silicone valley that could afford it. I dont see her complaining.
If she didnt pick a major in crayons and macaroni noodles maybe she could pay for her education just fine.
>high demand for labor
>jobs are competitive to get
>Find me a reputable state or private 4 year school that routinely churns out quality degrees at the modest pricetag of $40k. And I'm not being a flippant cock here... but impress me and find this figure.
Sorry, I forgot about the whole in state vs out of state issue.
You're solid if you live in Washington, Oregon, or Georgia though.
Holy fuck has no one noticed she looks EXACTLY like aids skrillex??
Wow, I never knew they forced the bulls to be prepped to satisfy their cuckold fetish. Truly an eye opening realization.
As a professional with a degree in Comp Sci, please fuck off. I get so tired of cleaning up messes you self taught hack jobs create. No but really bro, you're totes legit now that you know JQuery. You know which is based on the greatest language to let some retard have free reign with.
Education shouldnt be free because of the lack of motivation factor. In my opinion, they should have people put in $500 $1000 to get into this "free education" and hold the money for them. If they pass the classes, then they can keep the money, but if not, then the school keeps it. This way we're not wasting tax money on people who are incompetent.
That's a hobby unless you plan on being a professor
I started a successful cabinet manufacturing and general carpentry business without going to some liberal shithole college. Fucking Leaf.
How does Americas system even work? Our hex system where you pay it back once you earn over a threshold is perfect, just do that cunts
State schools a publically funded by privately run. You still have to jump through the hoops of getting into the school as you would a private uni but tuition is cheaper than a full private school.
BUT unlike private Unis, the professors have a union so if they strike that means most state school's profes strike.
>and he said they waste tax dollars like nothing. They dont give a shit about spending money, and they dont look for ways to save it. They spend spend spend. If they make one mistake, they'll pay to redo the whole project and pay no mind to it.
This is the flaw of government driven industries. As long as the Feds HAVE to foot the bill, the individual employees will never care about efficiency.
I meant the people hiring, aren't they competing?
Hahahaha you did...? Or did your dad.
The "people should just learn trades" people neglect to realize one thing about that.
The only reason your tradecraft business is profitable is because most people don't learn trades. If you had the bulk of people becoming carpenters and plumbers, suddenly you're destitute.
>Tfw I went the CC route for my chemistry degree and my debt is absolutely minimal
May not be prestigious but it's efficient
They are literally everywhere. There are hundreds of professional careers you can pursue without a college degree
Is she protesting against usury? Wow she needs to cool it with the anti-semitism.
I just try to follow what these SJW demand. If you want to go to a fancy and prestigious private school you have to pay big in Germany and Austria, too, despite their education system being mostly socialized.
>get a normal job and save 4k over 4 months
M8 the average job only pays 1k a month..if that. How the fuck you saving all that with a house to run?
No, I don't work in LISP as I actually want a future for my career.
if you think starting your own business requires years of college, you're not smart enough to go to college or start a business.
No, she isn't. She could go to a community college and get an associate for far less than a bachelor degree. Or she could go to trade school and learn something useful that actually pays well. But she's been told, or believes, that if she gets that degree in women's studies she can make a living.
Instead of (((free))) college how about we just cut the cost of state schools. Get rid of athletic programs, stop building unnecessary new buildings and stadiums, shrink the faculty staff and replace them with students on a worker system and lastly slash professor salaries.
>Muh wages
>Muh unions
>Muh trees
30 Years later:
>lol user, just walk around and ask for a job. That's what I did. Just walked right in, asked, and bam! I was working that very same day!
I'm 200% mad
I factored that in, and you don't work minimum wage.
>she's only $160K in debt
Our system would work great, except cunts are allowed to use their education loans to pay for their food, rent, and other living expenses. It's absurd. The average state tuition is only 5k per year, very affordable with a loan. These cunts act like loans are free money for four years and then they're surprised when their archeology degree can't get them a job good enough to pay off their 90k loan.
live with your parents while you save
I'm doing that. Get associates at community college, get a job, then further degrees as I earn the money. I have to walk by the art students on my way to the chem lab, bunch of dirty entitled communists I'd love to toss a chlorine bomb at
Trump will bring the old economy back.
Uni professor here. I make 45k a year. This image that professors makes tons of cash is incorrect. Only a handfull that have been tenured make those saleries and its next to impossible to get these days.
Maybe in murrica. Over here the minimum wage is £6.70 for over 25s. The average job is literally retail work so youll be lucky to get more than 20 hours a week. Aint nobody saving up 4k in 4 months while paying rent and bills and food.
Americans are dillusional.
Oh right. We generally get paid by the government when studying to pay for that shit, don't have to pay that back at all.
>Our hex system
Fucking kiwi warlocks, man.
For our education financing, loans are typically super lucrative and don't require payment until after you graduate, and some even give you a grace period to get situated in a job.
The issue is that since these loans are backed by the Government, the universities artificially inflate the bill, as well as other industries (textbooks are a big offender) of doubling or tripling the pricing for their products because it can be covered by the education loans.
So this effectively means that the "education business" is super lucrative since the money is guaranteed. As time went on, more and more people set up businesses to get in on the loan money, until we have the extremely overvalued degrees and institutions we have today.
Our system is not set up to handle such bulk, and is why our debt has skyrocketed since the government HAS to back these debts. As said it wouldn't be so bad if there were restrictions on what the money can go to, but as it is now practically any business can piggyback onto the loan if it can be considered "educational expenses" in any way, shape, or form.
>Gibs kills
she doesn't even look old enough to be that far in debt.
wouldn't be surprised if shes lieing.
Dude how do people accumulate that type of debt?? It literally doesn't make any sense to me. And how do they sleep at night knowing that they most likely will be a slave to that debt for the rest of their life?
This image depicts the average computer engineer.
You're paying to have proof of your job training. The company can't test you because that would be racist.
Our system is so convoluted that such a method would never work on a national level (they tried with tax returns). It could potentially happen on a state level, but states of course have their own say in what they provide.
Some states have pretty good systems for helping the poor, but astute, get into colleges and pay for things. The problem is that the states are very unwilling to do anything if the Feds are looking to tackle the same issue. Easier to let the feds do it in their eyes.
Checked. That might work in Australia, but giving free rent, food, and spending money to every college student would just flood the colleges with dindus here.
We already have an overabundance of useless degrees thanks to government secured loans and grants.
You mean books? Are those free? I don't know how libraries work.
Sorry your economy is shit.
What did she go to school for?
Where did she go?
Does she have any job skills learned from her major?
Thise are the questions that need to be asked
The simple fact is degrees mean fuck all nowadays.
People spend time and money just to end up at the bottom like everyone else.
You need experience to get a decent job they dont just hand you one because you spent time in university.
One can educate one's self without going to an institution (besides perhaps the public library). Sure, if you want a piece of paper stating that you have mastered subjects X or Y, then you need to pay an institution to say so. But to GET AN EDUCATION, you don't need to pay any money.
>never went to high school, got a GED
>no college degree
>making $62k as an IT guy, plus about another $10k writing software on the side (mostly connectors to let UPS WorldShip talk to small business accounting packages)
>own a nice 1400 sqft suburban home
>drive a car less than 5 years old
>buy my coffee from folks with masters degrees
Did I do something really right, or is everyone else just really fucking up?
She's a woman, of course she's lying.