Cernovich bends at the knee to Richard Spencer

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Nobody cares. Keep your anime to yourself.

>man I fucked up bad. How can I slalvach my brand


about time cernovich gets a check in the mail from the feds

This. Band wagon rolls on

no one know who these people are

yea u probably hit the nail on the head

All these guys are fucking faggots

Stop giving them attention


All of them are fucking retards

cernovich is probably dumb enough to believe the msm, no wonder he rushed to judgment

>In the same league with Spencer
Just stop breathing lad.

Cernovich is 100% primal mindset right now! Spencer BTFO by TOP ALPHA - BIG BOY MIKE!!

what a shit apology


Yeah, no.
Spencer is legit. He's redpilled. The others are just pretending for shekels

Well, this is cool. Make America White Again.

So this is real...?

>its another episode of The Right Stuff shills
I heard that you idiots got raped in cripple chan Sup Forums.
Why you guys shills here? You are just helping leftypol by sperging "full 1488 or u r ebil kike" shit.

And who are you? And what have you done for the white race?

kek these alphabet agents are going to use op's image as proof of whocares later down the line as they sit in their forced poop threads and spew their forced poop shit by themselves.

Just a monkey that survived 16 years of leftwing governament that ripped apart my country.

Im a lurker in dailystormer and both Sup Forums's.
You guys are actually damaging the fight against the left.

And then a few minutes later he posts some literal blue pills that he's shilling. He posted this cock sucking to salvage the alt right market he needs to peddle his wares successfully.



shut up you dumb monkey
the moderate approach has been tried all over Europe and loom at the mess we're in

>Hurr durr you are just a pawn for the left
Get fucked you hue monkey prick.

The left is fucking itself so hard the fight is pretty much over with them. the only target now is their jew handlers.

Not a member of TRS. But a great fan of Millenial Woes and Jared Taylor. Watching the whole Milleniyule webseries atm.

Milo, Lauren Southern and Gavin McInnes/Rebel media are the ones that have got to go most of all

I absolutely hate the (((Journalists))) just riding this anti-SJW wave, it's the most basic entry level shit just making fun of dumb American SJW college students and yet its heralded as some intellectual high end thought

Cuckovitch is being a good beta male.

> muh gozilla mindset

>Spencer uses emoji

Time to find a new hero to worship. Good 'ol Hitler never used emoji so he will do until another appears.

It's always the same with Sup Forums. You're either too "low hanging fruit and not full 14/88 enough", or "too nazi".

Wow so the alt right was associated with Nazis this entire time? I thought you were just quirky young right wingers. This is a game changer. You all disgust me.

>Im a lurker in dailystormer and both Sup Forums's.
>You guys are actually damaging the fight against the left.

This is simply a more evolved form of:

>Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here...


>"too nazi"
You can never be too nazi.

>Richard Spencer
who? the shill that tried to meme himself into Sup Forums? yeah, fuck that faggot. nobody cares about that piece of shit.

He needs to apologize to baked Alaska next and stop being a free speech hating cuck. He can criticize people's ideas, but trying to make maneuvers behind the scenes to silence and blacklist them is unforgivable.

While I agree that you are a monkey, you may well be a useful monkey. If you've seen 16 years of destruction wrought by liberalism I am confident you can speak to other monkeys about those evils.

We can use you friend, we have monkeys and we need their votes. Are you willing to help the cause?

its really weird seeing you retards talk about a bunch of other retards who nobody has ever heard of

Fuck off

Southern is my waifu

Apologizing to a guy who did a Nazi salute. Real classy, guys. I tolerated you until this. This right here is the proverbial straw that broke the camels back.

That's not what I'm saying at all, I'm not making a comment on their political beliefs

It's just obvious that they're journalists riding the anti-SJW wave, they've made an entire career out of it. I don't care what they're political beliefs are but this format of just making fun of the weekly viral dumb SJW college student is like shooting a fish in a bucket.

Go back to the donald. Or are you shilling for shekels?

Right...I am literally in a thread now where this asshole is shilling against Spencer and the alt-right for being too radical.

they're e-celebrities with major personality defects, idolised by internet racists

that's pretty much it

(not that there is anything wrong with racism, but, lets call a spade a spade)
every time


>just be a cuck that how we will win

been tried since the 1980s, it has been absolutely disastrous

can we subjugate you retards to a thread on /vg/ or /mlp/?
this cult of personality shilling shit doesn't belong here

Nationalism is DEAD. Get over it.

do you even know where you are?


>trying to divide us because your autism is triggered

nice try jew


Ezra Levant has been around for 25 fucking years, straya. He has been arrested for "racism" in Canada before Sup Forums even existed. You make call (((Lauren Southern))) a liberal kike, but you have no idea what environment Canada is. Black Pigeon, who knows the country very well, equated it to fucking Sweden and worse than Germany. You HAVE TO go this way, if you want to achieve anything there. Just like you can't go full Reich in Germany, if you actually want to win an election.

*naming the website the Daily Stormer implies no affiliation, tacit or otherwise, with certain German nationalist parties who may or may not have held power during WWII and may or may not have made "the extermination of the jewish race" a fundamental federal policy at some point in time


YOU'RE a jew


>Jew accusing someone of being a jew.

people really really need to remember what a faggot Cernovitch is

how many times to we need to tell you braindead plebbit bluepillers


if being a political commentator/figure becomes your main income stream your opinion almost always goes right in the trash

BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. We are just getting started heeb. Buckle up.

you can, it totally delegitimizes you, also nazis were retards who single-handedly managed to destroy Europe. And don't even try to say the Brits were at fault.
They're needed because they rope in the normies. They are arrogant cunts though, literally everyone and their mother could do what they do.

Lmao, what a back peddling kike

once a traitor always a traitor.


I don't pay much attention to drama bullshit.

Cernovich - everything except naming the jew.

is that what I should be getting from the past week?

This desu I only lick trumps boots, also don't forget to post silly anime pictures in r/thedonald and the trump general

I'm not really trashing them as people, just saying their content is basic, entry level dog shit and only really appeals to 14-16 yr old The_Donald memers who love seeing SJW REKT *airhorn* videos

If I was Spencer I would just fucking blacklist him. Totally ignore his puny existence. Cernovich is a worthless parasite.

I agree, said itbetter than I could. They're basic but the rope in normies well as their content is so braindead and easy to digest even if they are annoying


Fucking attention whores all of them

>taking the bait


Reminder that (((Spencer))) is a controlled op cocksucker

God. The real problem with Europeans is we bicker amongst ourselves so much.

Cernovich is a faggot. Milo is a literal faggot. Spencer limits his audience by acting like a literal nazi.

They all suck. But they're out there and they're leaving little breadcrumbs to wake people up. I appreciate the work they're doing. We need people of multiple levels of knowledge to pander to people as they grow in knowledge.

Nobody goes full Spencer/Jared Taylor ethno-nationalist all at once.

>Uses the term "stormfag" unironically

Yeah, Spencer only want's to secure a future for White people...


>brings pro-white ideas to college kids
>zero evidence


... is something that kike shills say.

The_Donald has been a TON of Muslim bashing lately. At this rate they're gonna get Breiviks manifesto to the front page in a week.


Fuck off you attention whore faggot, Richard Spencer.

Is right. All these faggots are attention whores who jump on the bandwagon

Spencer's like a high school alpha bully, disgusting and unlikable guy.

You're a retard...Milo and Cernovich are literal kikes and Spencer is doing great work and has a growing audience, especially among college age whites. Everything you just said is entirely uncoupled with reality.


Oh look the Marxist taig is poking his head back out.




not just because they are fags or wrong, but purely because giving a shit about e-celebs is fucking gay and ruining this board

>coined term alt right
>jumped on alt right bandwagon

Which one is it leafcuck?

That was really deep, Jude. Now I know you are definetely not a shill at all. Yep, totally legit. Right, goy- I mean guys?


Oh shit guys. ... looks like we really fucked up this time.
.don't abandon us leaf bro, we'll be good, i promise

How does it feel then that a Swede is more based than you, burger?

Ah now, I hate commies too as much as stormfags.

I''m quite keen on dead marxists because like a bacterial infection marxists make stormfags.

You're the infection in the wound marxism made on western civilization.

fuck off potato nigger

who the fuck cares about these wanna-be's holy shit

they're all in their 40s and seriously discussing memes and the alt-right like a bunch of faggots


>giving a shit about e-celebs is fucking gay and ruining this board

We don't give a shit about e-celebs faggot. We give a shit about waking people up and saving western civilization. These e-celeb faggots are actually helping and spreading the message in their own way. You're just posting in the Sup Forums echo chamber.

Just because he put a name to it doesn't mean it didn't exist beforehand.