The only good anime

The only good anime.

Other urls found in this thread: neko

I see your Dragon ball Z and raise you a One Punch man

No fucking way. Sure OPM is fun, but it can't deliver those epic moments. The fighting choreographies in DBZ were so good.

Fucking this!

#2 actually. Robotech is the best.

Sure, if you're a nigger.

I mean look at the video I posted, you could feel the impact when those fuckers hit each other. Mention any other cartoons/anime that get anywhere close.

Top fucking kek
Why not watch Macross instead of a shitty adaptation?

Lol. I'm just a pleb, with my own specific tastes, DBZ is great tho desu

That's not evangelion

What is evangelion?

back to Sup Forums niggers


Another nicely animated scene

Fun fact: In this OVA you can see Hitler hanging out with Cell and Freezer

Evangelion etc.. all those are great too, but they are "too serious". I like how DBZ still remains goofy and non pretentious.

Oh so its Weeb shit

Leave us alone! Stobbit!

i miss him lads

Its too bad the new db super has disgustingly bad animation quality

This is the most redpilled anime.

>what is evangelion


Redline was so good

mit csinálsz hajnali 3-om kor?

Average DBZ ep:
>10% grunting
>10% silence with dust clearing
>30% fucking awful shit talking
>49% screaming while powering up
>1% terribly animated fights

Attack on Titan is pretty good, so is Death Note. "waaaaaaa casual lel XD"- They are popular because they are good, not because of childhood nostalgia. OPM has some of the best fight scenes in anime, that completely shit on DBZ.

Sup Forums really is the new Sup Forums

Fucking redditor newfags.

there are several great animes like Berserk, NGE, FMAB or even Stuff like Last Exile

>inb4 Sup Forumsutism


This is the only Sup Forums approved anime

Dbz is fucking timeless

post an OPM fight that tops OP's fight


Why are you refering to yourself in the third person? Anyway:

Everything is better about this fight. More fluid animation, better art, more exiting choreography, better dialouge and character development during the fight.

wtf I meant to post the saitama v boros fight. Oh well there are not any good uploads of it on Youtube anyway

lmfao what the fuck was that?

I'm actually a Russian hacker based in Germany. That was me rigging the US elections.

>character development

What character development? You know that OP man is a character that plays with godmode on?

No punches or attacks ever hurt him, there is no character development in this manga.

The character development is there because Saitama is bored of being the strongest. He has to learn to cope with it through the series. The Saitama v Boros fight also has great development for Boros as he realizes slowly that there is no way he can win the fight.

death note in a nutshell:
>autist fedora kill people writing on his note
>more autism
>a new autist
>Battle of autists
>autist die the anime turns to shit ,end.

Omg saitama was a russian hacker.

What's Sup Forumss opinion on Jojo series?

Actually I forgot the best anime is this: neko

would he vote for trump?

fuck this shitty keyboard

No, he would vote for Hillary. He's clearly a nigger. Nothing about the DBZ Gods makes them better than mortals, he was just assblasted that Goku was so much more powerful than him

Season 1 was based, nice vampire story with the classic Hero vs Villain, getting the girl. No gender-bending, yet mysterious and engaging. Something anime is really lacking these days.

/ourguy did nothing wrong

OPM characters are so simple compared to DBZ's... OPM looks literally like a car accident ragdoll test.. its way easier to animate simple characters.

Yet Johnathan dies

Right, but that plays into the hero role. He was willing to sacrifice himself for his family and the passengers. It wasn't some shameless character suicide like Han Solo in the latest star wars movies.

>struggling with links
>kawaii anime for girls
man you need to stop watching anime and get fit.

>What is code geass?

Best anime coming throgh

What? OPM is incredibly detailed. Most of the characters like Genos ans Boros are very intricate. Look, DBZ has great animation for an old cell shaded serial anime, but you can't in all honesty say OPM is more simple.

Also Saitama is only simple during joke scenes, in the fights he is usually more detailed and shaded. What is really bad is how much of a trainwreck DBS is in animation

It's certainly up there, but not red-pilled like '97 Berserk.


It's a parody anime user, I was also joking by posting it.
Code Geass is fucking bluepilled. Some edgy anarchist fights the clearly superior Britanic Empire.

more like code gayass

Not even the best anime with 'Code' in its name (That title belongs to Code Lyoko)

>Implying Jojo, Space Dandy, and Cowboy Bebop are aren't top tier

Haha this was godly as a kid.

>I want everyone to know my house smells like cat piss and my parents neglect me but at least I'm a total pseudo-intellectual: the anime


berserk was great. Mob Psycho 100 was the latest one i watched. This past year ive been slowing down.

>Code Geass
>death note
> attack on titan
Man you have a problem and the first step is to accept it. it's never too late to change your life and stop watching chinese degeneracy. greetings user.

That shit was so fucking corny. They could have made that shit soo much cooler

Yeah and fucking wins. Edgy anti-imperialist takes over shitty empire and sacrifices himself to tear it down, destroying globalization.
Fuck globalization. Seems legit to me

>chinese degeneracy
Those Chilean criminal dwellings you call schools aren't helping you, huh?

Fucking retarded commie/nazi offspring. Fuck Chilean scum.

Come on user, this is entry level stuff, even if you are over 35.

TTGL is pretty good and it doesn't take itself too seriously

>zoomed in ruined aspect ratio
>badly upscaled with smoothing filters
Fucking kill yourself, OP. You're the reason we can't have nice things.

>not reading glorious Hideo Yamamoto manga

Take the red pill...

I want Orson to spot me no homo

All stupid anime.

Another man with mental illness induced by chinese cartoons. so sad. Many such cases!

You all have shit taste

He is just a shitposting asshole, user. He doesn't represent us at all.

>no post on lotgh
what has this board become

Every faggot that talks about DBZ, the easiest to get into anime, no effort or searching or trying out anything involved, sort of like Nickleback, they never ever mention Hokuto No Ken

It's because you're in the kiddie pool indefinitely.


Zamasu did nothing wrong. He was legit the most red pilled character in the whole series. He's the only one who succeeded too. He was so persistent in his wish to genocide all humans that the entire multiverse wound up being destroyed because of him.

why do the japanese make their anime characters white?

I don't know what any of these are

This is superior

saves money on coloring

>Hokuto No Ken
>Not mentioning Akira



I love DBZ, hate every other anime I've seen.

Any other shows, non anime, that you guys recommend if you like the themes and stuff in this show?

Well, a Universe did, or rather a timeline, which is a kind of multiverse. So yeah at least he did succeed.
Because we are the most aesthetically appealing race with the best women and we are not all one boring shade of brown skin, hair, eyes etc.

Lord of the gay horses?

So fucking hype for the next arc

>wipe out all mortals

Filthy. Fucking. Casual. What themes does DBZ have beyond good vs evil?

I'm not getting into this. If you can't see beyond good v evil, youre an idiot/hopeless

This is a board for discussion. Why don't you want to discuss? This thread is about Dragon ball. It's a fair question to ask what are themes of the show.

Roshi? Why? Krillen? Tien? Why not Trunks and Goten? Even the Androids are irrelevant now. This show is dumb.

"lol u dont understand xd but i wont explain xdddddddd". It's for fucking kids user. If you still enjoy that shit you are a simpleton



Nah there are other good anime, but not legendary anime.

None of these shows have anything on Yu Yu Hakusho.

YYH is the only anime close to equally DBZ in epicness.
