Name a worse campaign slogan

Name a worse campaign slogan.

I'm with her

na you pretty much have the worst right there op

Stronger together


I guess they didn't love enough.

Maybe it was all that screaming about nazi frogs.

stronger together
>republicans are evil, aMIRITE?

But it worked so well. Kek's love of Trump beat out the hatred from the left.

I've seen that chalked up places and made a point of adding the apostrophe.

Ah yes, the slogan that instantly drops the woman card.

I don't get it either.
> (I) love Trump's hate.
I mean whose side were they on?

Look at the colors: love is colored red like the GOP, hate like the Dem blue. This is next level idiocy.


I'm adding you to my collection.

Rate my campaign slogan:

>35 for '36

(Someone 35 years old running for office in 2036)


but ye, I'm with her, is the worst.

Was Hillary a Trump plant?

i mean looking back at this campaign season i'd say that Hillary did a lot of stupid shit

Has a slogan using an opponent's name ever worked?

a better slogan.

This is honestly what I thought the slogan meant for a month after hearing about it. Made me really confused.


Even the Persuasion Wizard missed that additional layer of idiocy.


They didn't intend to. That's the best part.


I can't think of a single time people have won by giving even more attention to their competition.


It's actually pretty funny when it's written right on Hillary's pulpit or something.
Like she's only "for" herself.

Stronger to get her.



This is the real answer.

"Stronger together" is so generic and shitty that literally anything else is more memorable. Even something as lazy and pandering as "I'm with her" is better.

Though "love trumps hate" gets points for literally mentioning your opponent's name in the fucking slogan in such a way that it actually appears to be complimenting THEIR campaign.

I think we can all agree that Hillary's campaign slogans in general are just utter shit.






everything she did was total shit

Nothing like associating yourself with a urinary tract infection.

Democrats tend to be rather determined to appeal to certain audiences.

>I'm with her

It had its moments of greatness.

It took me until this point to remember that was the original meaning of this shitty slogan

It's like they don't get that you can't see grammar when you speak.

>Mfw at the DNC the berniebots ripped the bottom off those provided signs and turned into "love Trump"

Holy shit did that really happen? I must have missed that.

I'm with her...
Seriously it doesn't emphasize anything except that she is a woman