Sup Forums, how do we solve the manlet problem?
Sup Forums, how do we solve the manlet problem?
There is really no evolutionary advantage to being taller now that all fighting is done with guns and bombs. It is actually a disadvantage.
If you were to design the perfect human, there would be NO reason for them to be over 6ft
on the flip side, what if we made everyone 30 feet tall, and melee combat became awesome again
fucking giraffe
i'm talking wet puss here
t. manlet
Let's say we made everyone 30ft tall
Now we have food shortages because everyone is huge and will have to eat more to stay alive.
It gets you more pussy
fug, you're right
Nice meme OP. We need to focus on real political problems.
When will they learn?
>giant cannibal attaku
fuck yes fuck me sideways senpai
if you are under 6'3 or over 6'5 literally kill yourself manlet/lanklet
Actually, if they manage to reproduce on insane difficulty level, they probably deserve to.
human meat isn't good for you though
some of the pokemon made sense but this fucking thing is just bizzare
is it based off of some Jap urban legend or something?
Force breeding only with ladylets. This will give the giant master race a slave race of midgets who can fit into really small places and do all the slave labor for us 6'7"+ height aryans.
The one on the right is the original from like 20 years ago which I assume is supposed to be based on a coconut tree
The one on the left is its new version that's different because it grew in its natural environment so it looks more like an actual coconut tree.
>over 6'5
I'm 204 cm (6' 7" for you burgers) and I wouldn't like it any way else.
how many fucking pokemon are there now? jesus, I thought 150 was a lot