Sup Forumsacks we need your help!
An LGBT activist and the founder of the crisis hotline Trans Lifeline is being detained by immigration authorities in Arizona after being stopped while driving home to Chicago.
Nina Chaubal, 25, an India-born Chicagoan and the co-founder of Trans Lifeline (a San Francisco-based non-profit), was driving to Chicago from California on Interstate-8 with her wife and two friends when the group encountered an immigration checkpoint in Arizona on Wednesday. There, officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detained Chaubal and demanded she show them her passport (Chaubal was carrying her Illinois drivers license at the time, but not her passport, because she was traveling through the United States and not crossing international borders, so she provided ICE with a photo of her passport) and that she provide proof that she is married to a U.S. citizen. They then took her into custody after learning that her gender identity did not match the gender listed on her Indian passport and that she was in the country on an expired work visa. Please signalboost!
Sup Forumsacks we need your help!
Other urls found in this thread:
I fucking love this state
Will you contact ICE in Arizona to help our trans-sisters in need?
Which on is the man?
>"That's right, immediately."
They are both stunning and brave transwomen.
stopped for shitting on the side of the road.
This is so tragic. Please join me in helping these stunning trans babes to keep helping others!
The media is picking up on the story as well.
Who fucking cares?
My sister is trains woman
Trains should be on tracks
I'm sick of hearing about trannies, i pretty much never see any irl.
When does trains marry people? Who marries train? Train go choo choo people ride to go place, not for sex.
All of us. An attack on the trans community is an attack on all of us!
glad that happend if it's not bait
Stop misgendering her, you hateful Trump fascist!
I bet you're from Aryanzona!
No it's not.
Are you serious? This is Sup Forums, the Headquarters of Right Wing Death Squads and Electro-shock Gay Therapy.
Fuck off to triggler.
Kiwifarms are transphobes who harass transwomen until they commit suicide!
Delete this!
fuck off you degenerate fag
I love that state too, how does it have so many spics yet stay so based?
They came in
unless they're asking us to brigade for his continued detention
So did Nina! #FREENINA
He needs to go back
I don't see any females in this picture
Didn't kiwi have like a 10 page derailment about if they should call CWC a male or a female because he became a tomgirl for the pusspuss?
>>/lgtb/ is that way
degenerates like you belong on a cross
I don't read fascist shitblogs!
You can come in L E G A L L Y
and then overstay a visa. That means you are here I L L E G A L L Y.
All those people got banned.
They don't have shitting streets in ICE run detention centres, they are forcing Nina to use a toilet #FreeNIna
This is what true bravery looks like! #FREENINA
Actually, Nina is being detained in the country's worst detainment facility. There's been numerous neglect related deaths there. Chances are there's shitting streets everywhere.
kill yourself
I have reported your post. Enjoy your brain, sithlord!
So which bathroom is he going to use around these Mexican Catholics? Are they going to allow him to use the same bathroom as their daughters?
Couldn't this faggot have taken a better name
The freaks come out at night baby.
Some women have penises. Deal with it!
That's it Sven it's 2 weeks in the tolerance camp for you
Just out of curiosity how easy is it for a canadian to immigrate to the US if they marry a US citizen? Would they even care since im white?
This looks and feels like a troll, no tumblrina in her mind goes straight to the """"Alt-Right"""" Headquarters
This is bait
But good bait
i'll give you props
But then if he has a penis then it is a man.
On the contrary, I'm counting on there being a sane, progressive silent majority of good people here who are afraid to speak out against the alt-right neonazis running this place.
It's a long and involved process regardless, but if you are here LEGALLY with a valid work permit and get married, it becomes very easy. Like with anything else, you have to stay on top of it.
Getting married on an INVALID permit does nothing to help you at all.
Why are you so obsessed with Nina's genitals?
I need to use the proper pronouns faggot
Maybe his next scam organization should be about allowing equal bathroom rights in ICE deportation camps.
*Street shitting rights
You got that, you misogynistic piglord?
You're an awful troll OP
But there is a penis, so you are wrong. It's he, dumbass spic
>majority of good people
shit nigger, this site is called
the opposite of PC
why not post this shit on tumblr or some shit like that
and if you wanted to touch this topic then theres /lgtb/
i still believe you are a medium-rare quality troll
>arguing with an obvious troll
Called and alerted them to operation "#FreeNina" and told them to disregard the potential influx in requests "its" current condition.
Also claimed she's vandalized many churches and known Christian restaurants and businesses, as well as intimidate and doxxed the Christians themselves.
God willing they chuck it over the fucking wall or punt it into the ocean.
After the Mexicans are through with him he'll be begging to leave
There are no shitting streets in ICE camps. Not only are they oppressing him by not having trans accessible shitting streets, but they are also spitting on his culture whiles he's down. They need to pave some shitting streets in the desert for him.
trains is hard job
How feminine is the penis though?
Closer to truth than you know. ICE camps are so dreadful specifically so that they opt to just go home and not draw out legal proceedings.
>tfw no qt ambiguous bf
where do you reported user? so i can report as well
>Hello, Mike Pence please .
Faggots will die soon anyways
hmmm. good question.
he is one of yours pajeet
don't spam their lines, Nina is fucked.
This is the fatman that runs the tranny hotline that doesn't actually answer calls, right?
i have no idea
nice double btw
thankyou nice flag
Correct. He's also still listen on his Indian passport as male. So here's to him being kept with mexican gangbangers.
It's extremely telling that you conflate "being a good person and caring for others" with "PC" and what you do as "Non-PC".
>straightened out
The detention center's phone number is five20-464-3000
Be courteous. Also show that she's attempted to get sites taken down with DDoS attacks and with this increased attention it's possible they may be subjected to such tactics.
Lowest energy bait I've ever seen.
Literally, go fuck yourself you degenerate filth.
>immigration stopping people on I-8
>illegals freely walking across border
the real problem here is ICE retards asking people (and gender dysphoric hippos) for their "papers" well inside the US.
You guys really need to not spam ICE and Arizona border patrol or their detainment centers. They follow the law and don't bend to crazy trannies crying.
Are you scared Paco?
sometime get death threat but never rape
It was a routine check, the guy asked "so you are all US citizens?" and the ogre responded, "No, my brownman is Indian." Cop asked for papers. Shit ensued.