Sup Forums YLYL thread
Sup Forums YLYL thread
does anyone have the screen cap where a german gets told to get off a train by police then comes to Sup Forums to complain only to have the police show up in the thread and tell his side of the story.
Wow, that dad is a fucking douchebag. Fucking Christcuck and his fucking morals. What an asshole, his son has the right this own thought and opinions. I hope that kid is better off without him, his dad probably works 9 to 5 at Walmart making scrap !Oney but because of muh religion he has he right to dictate another person's decisions and opinions because of his arrogance and the systematic ignorance and fear of his outdated religion. Sorry for the rant but fuck that guy.
do people use canadian proxies to shit post, or is canadia really that bad?
>Didn't get it? Niggers! So funny
Grow up
gotta push, its better for the long term
Stop posting.
This is what Jesus would do, obviously.
>1 Timothy 5:8
>Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
This was actually the reason I didn't vote for her.
They're probably a Baptist and thus have never actually read the bible.
Sounds like it.
I really cant blame you
C'mon haters bring on the memes and immature jokes. These posts just show your level of maturity and your closed mindedness.
fuck off kike shill
Fuck off you make us look like fucking retards
There's some really good Sup Forums memes in these. Enjoy
>guns fire shell casings
Oh yes master, I will censor myself all for the great and powerful American! Don't you have some loves to ruin you capitalist war mongering pig asshole?
hey /r/atheism, whatcha doin?
I will not be silenced by conservacucks like you! I have a freedom of speech and thought like all of you!
>TFW I used to think guns fired the entire bullet when I was a kid.
laughed more than i should have
Eat shit tripfag
Jesus would take out his whip and clear his temple.
Stop replying to the tripfag, you're making yourself look like a retard
Kek, you kept the name on my pic.
this is some reddit tier shit in this thread
Isn't it sad? What was once just innocent tomfoolery is now cyber terrorism. By 2020 I hope all of you regret voting Trump and vote for whoever may be the Democratic nomination.p, hopefully some not as ignorant and insane as Trump.
Holy fuck thats savage
>if she gave bill that much head he wouldnt have cheated
I don't get it
i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...
Bill does
Why is the Aussie masturbating?
>tripcode poster
Definitely push in front of train
you mean the fedora wearing faggot who was carrying a fckin mlp in train?
>literally shaking right now
God I hope.
nice one
If you weren't a fucking atheist, this wouldn't be a problem.
She didn't pour it right
You have to let the beer slide down the glass or else it foams up and won't will it all the way
A pint glass holds the same amount of beer as a bottle of you pour it right
Do it wrong and it will get half full with a shit ton of foam that will overflow
This is staggeringly stupid.
I got you buddy
Neither of their suits fit them properly
Damn...who did we just vote for....
I'm so happy that conservacucks redpanel got FUCKING RECKD AND OWNED in a political debate. Just shows he's just good at hiding behind a computer making comics for his own agenda.
But the father is going against freedom of religious choice.
pocket sandwich
Speak for yourself. As a full fledged fag i can tell you its pretty much true.
that redpanels v sargon debate was the most autistic thing I've ever seen
He lost though that's all that matters bruh.
This is a good post
Stupid lizards, if you're going to impersonate us humans at least learn to do it properly. Is this the best they can do? Go sit on a warm rock you fucking space monsters
This is hate speech. Fuck all southerners just nuke them.