Which is best?
Which is best?
Why the hell is portuges it's own category?
I didn't make this
Doesn't matter. None of them stand up to the apparent superiority, top tier aesthetics, and the very foundations of our civilization that the Mediterranean meme represents.
It's a cutting reminder to the Nordcucks that behind all their memes, they really are just underachieving barbarian savages that are mixed with Asian blood, though we don't like to talk about that.
By nord, what countries are you talking about?
It goes Celtic Nordic Slavic
nordic first and greek second probably, slav being a close third
celtic unfortunately will always be tied to the irish, a quite miserable people
portuguese made brazil, enough said
That's not in the pic.
Everywhere any shade of pink exists on this map + the Slavs, who are at least open about their mongrelization. The Nords are autistic chink hybrids and it is evident in their history, which is one of slinking in the background and grabbing wildly at opportunities that Mediterranean influenced states were building around them. Raiding shorelines, looting and robbing. Typical chink influence. It also shows in their shit tier understated boring art that is afraid to depict the magnificence of the world around them. Because they live in a frozen wasteland where nothing but the bare necessities are ever pursued.
So anglos aren't nords? This is so confusing. One guys tells me anglos are Nords, another says they are meds and then another goy says they're celts.
Us Nordic people are just gonna keep laughing at you Mediterranean insects trying to make us mad.
Mediterranean's are swine
Anglos of course
shouldn't Portuguese be changed to Iberian?
Tied to the Irish just like your own country is I guess lmao
Kek wills it
They are all pretty based.
Nords are some aesthetic looking fuckers tho.
Who knows. Probably. Those stupid fucking snow niggers raided the British isles like a hundred times. To what? To build a magnificent wall that your country acts as a custodian for to this very day? To build arenas and cities and roads and build up Britain like the Romans? No. They invaded so they could farm potatoes on land that actually wasn't frozen 8 months a year like back in their shitty barbarian enclaves passed over by time over and again.
No, kurwa, racja.
They got the image wrong.
Vikings had a civilizing effect on Britain and helped widen the gene pool with the right genes which made the British empire possible.
Donald Trump is known to be descended from Vikings through his Scottish mother.
how is america tied to the irish? most people who claim it are probably 5% irish at best.
outside of the northeast, practically nobody is irish.
>burger education
Real question is where is the Eternal Anglo. Or is the question "who is second best?" and we're to understand who the actual best is?
Well me and my chink friend have always seen it as brown haired Brits are anglos and blonde haired Brits are nord rape victims somewhere in their ancestry.
oh yea, sure is smart building shit out of stone, with no isolation like wood gives. it's almost as if scandinavia is cold
You don't know what you are at this point you mongrel
Yeah the roman empire sure is great
where is Germanic?
slavs got the best mustaches
Most people here are anglo even if they don't know it
so if we don't know what we are, why did you make your first post then?
>celtic unfortunately will always be tied to the irish
Isn't that offset by the scots?
scottish americans are pretty based, i believe a lot of southerners and appalachians were scots, as is trump
>have blonde hair like the nordic guy as a child
>gets steadily darker until dark brown as an adult
>beard is pitch black
shake my head off
Celtic Greek Slavic Nordic then Portuguese
Well the Irish are already the best celts, the Scott's are great too though
Sure we do! Wanna buy Volkswagen Passat? Like new, Kraut was crying whe he sold it. He is calling every week to listen this magnificent engine.
The Slav with the Hyper Swastika tattoo
Denifitely NOT slavs
Oh look, it's a Nord's trying to justiify their legacy of underachievement. It's the weather! It's these damn Christians! It's Thor!
Meanwhile, the rest of Europe, cradled in its infancy by the Mediterraneans, and raised under their guidance to go out and form their own destinies, did so. And the Nords seethed and danced around with fur on their head in the woods like Indians -- they were like white Indians -- and resisted enlightenment as long as they could.
Oh sure, they like to dress up in medieval cosplay with armor that wasn't even from their countries and tell tales of how they were the final brave holdouts, but the numbers speak for themselves. Peoples influenced heavily by the Mediterranean and its values and foundations fared better than the savage Nordic-Asian hybrid human sacrifice people.
Why does Slavic look so bad here, FIX THIS
The fuck are you on about? Nordic is a group of Germanics.
Anglos where a Germanic tribe.
If by Anglo you mean modern day English, they are a mix of the original Celtic population with Roman, Anglo, Saxon and Danish invaders.
I didn't make it
i thought the stache made him look polish, who are the best slavs
Well the Slavs did eventually match the Japs at vidya
Yeah modern day English. But they have kinda become their own subrace now and they are possible to tell apart from other whites.
do you get mad when you think about how all of Mediterranean civilization was wiped out and seized by northern conquerors? Italy, Spain, Portugal...all are founded upon the Germanic kingdoms which defeated the degenerate Romans.
You know what I'm on about you fucking kraut. The Nords are fucking do-nothing bums and I'm calling it out.
nords did not accomplish as much because they are a small people
germany and england did more shit because they had more people, kind of like why america is a superpower today, because we have 320 million people
also, i believe finns are not germanic, they are a different race, more related to hungarians.
That's not celtic.
kek every single country on that list was founded by Germanic peoples without exception. keep up with the butthurt tho
i love how portugal has twice the population as norway/denmark and the same as sweden, yet gets dwarfed by these "savage" countries.
also, pay attention to how the average nordic IQ is higher than the average med's IQ.
and yea, fuck factors that influence the birth and growth of civilizations n shit. china was far ahead of the med's, and even the persians influenced the med's a great deal. but fuck it, why the hell even have reason if i can just ride the dick of my ancestors' achievements, ammirite?
portuguese have black blood
They defeated nothing. It was the Jews that felled Rome, and the Germanic barbarians who betrayed her and swept in when she was weak and split her. They then looted all the treasuries they could, melted down the gold, and stuck it on their heads like fucking niggers. This is literally what happened. And it wasn't until through Constantinople that a Mediterranean interpretation of the Gospels that Europe could unite again.
And that whole time, Nords were in the woods praying to cartoon tier false idols they carved into the dirt, when they weren't carving their simplistic monkey language into the sides of random rocks like unbelievable losers who go off on their own to kill bugs. And they never really did catch up. They just currently benefit from the Jews' monetary scheme for the time being until that collapses and they're back in the dark ages they know and love again. Except this time with Muslims. The Muslims the Mediterraneans kicked out of Europe.
I think all of your drawings are nice, OP.
the nordic race is the pinnacle of europe. on a per capita basis i believe norway has the most achievements.
Not mine. Got them off some leaf in another thread.
We Celts, we will destroy you Eurocucks.
lmao meds are ones ones fishing the muslim hordes out of the sea and sending them to the rest of europe
the white one
>establish trade from Constantinople to Greenland
>do-nothing bums
Also Nordics are native to southern Scandinavia and northern Germany.
Your own map shows that there is no Asian admixture.
Sure and on the continent all the groups in OPs pic have very blurry boarders.
You had small countries because you lived in small, isolated little wooden shanty towns that were the best your limited autistic chink brains could come up with as staging areas for your niggerish theft campaigns abroad. This was not the superior way to achieve your culture's sustainability. And as a result, you lived in a much lower standard of life than Mediterranean influenced countries did until the Jews penetrated even them and have, through I can only imagine is their mistake in your identity as some sort of co-equal white. propped you up for now. So your small pink nation is nobody's fault but your own. Your way of life is just that terrible.
Wrong. See:
it's a Slavic solar wheel, an IndoEuropean related symbol, nothing gypsy
>They defeated nothing.
Except for Rome.
>And it wasn't until through Constantinople that a Mediterranean interpretation of the Gospels that Europe could unite again.
Wrong. The Franks were the only Catholic government in the world when Clovis converted. Constantinople was monophysite at this time. Germanics. And the Franks got the Arians to convert. Aachen is responsible for the orthodox Christian faith being the one that united western Europe, not Constantinople.
>And that whole time, Nords were in the woods praying to cartoon tier false idols
They were Arians. They were sent by God to punish Rome for its degeneracy.
>The Muslims the Mediterraneans kicked out of Europe.
I didn't know that Franks, Austrians and Lombards were Mediterraneans.
Portugese, because he looks muslim and I love their chicken
mmmmmmmmmmm prego sauce on that
germanic/ vikings were the original niggers taking shit that wasnt theirs, not building anything worthwhile and chimping out with raids
i said per capita
england and france will of course have more accomplishments because they are much bigger in population
was meant for
>same nose type
>same skull
that's called being a warrior though
>Except for Rome.
only someone with really poor knowledg-
oh you are american, that explains it
seriously though, Germanics didn't defeat shit, they were admitted into the Empire by Rome itself, often fought against other Germanics as well and with Romans against Huns and enemies of Rome
after the Empire collapsed, they just were among the pillagers of the carcass
then fuck it BLM are warriors too..even tough they burn their own businesses and loot shit.
Indeed what the kraut said They're a mix of native Celts, Romans, Saxons, and Danish/viking invaders and as such have formed their own unique race from that mix. Arguably a mix of the best races
>tfw only 0.7% anglo according to 23 & Me
Feels bad.
Because they got roped into another one of Germany's ridiculous barbarian tier plan. That isn't to say Germans are not a better tribe than the Nords. They are because of Mediterranean influence on their history, thought, and style. It's only through those teachings can they even maintain the facade of civility before they crack and grab their shit tier war axes that Romans used to bat out of the way and then destroy Europe all over again.
One day even you dumb Sami-mixed backwaters will see the pattern.
why do you hate nordics so much man
white american civilization was practically shaped by the rural nordman
you look at the midwest, and almost all those people are descended from norwegians, germans, and swedes
are you by any chance a fucking retard? how the fuck are you supposed to sustain large towns if there's no food to be grown? the reason the viking raids began was because there was a population boom and people had to leave else there would be famines.
and where the fuck does this meme that we're asiatic come from? are you talking about the samis? they're practically white at this point because of the constant enriching they got
we were also the ones who made deal at our expenses with north Africa(Lybia) to make sure no nigs would sail
guess who ruined it?
that explains why most of america's achievements come from the east coast
the portugese had japanese slaves for a short period of time in the 1500s before the government deemed it illegal.
>tfw no qt japanese slave harem
why does the government have to ruin everything?
Top 3 all nordic heritage. Rly makes you think.
Get your mezito ass to bed.
Smelly terrone detected. Alaric sacked Rome, deal with it. Funny how you say I have poor knowledge but you reveal your own ignorance in the process.
Do you think the fact that Rome collapsed under the weight of its degeneracy is somehow a point in its favor? Degenerate, weak civilizations like the Mediterranean one will naturally collapse and be subsumed by the virtuous, strong civilization like the Germanics.
You mean celtic heritage