Sarah 'refugees will swing from trees' Andersen

>Sarah 'refugees will swing from trees' Andersen
>Sarah 'burn the blacks for talking smack' Andersen
>Sarah 'smack a black' Andersen
>Sarah "slap a jap" Andersen
>Sarah "Catch This Anti-Semite" Andersen
>Sarah 'put the kikes on spikes' Andersen
>Sarah "Ten Ton Terror of Tel Aviv" Andersen
>Sarah "heads of kikes on a pike" Andersen
>Sarah 'a star tattoo for every Jew' Andersen
>Sarah "Running over illegals in El Caminos" Andersen
>Sarah "Makes niggers go into shivers" Andersen
>Sarah "Killing non-whites from left to Reich" Andersen
>Sarah "The Bigger the Nigger the More she Pulls the Trigger" Andersen
>Sarah "Huey Lewis and the Noose" Andersen
>Sarah "Shooting the Beaner with a Repeater" Andersen
>Sarah "Ran over a kike with my bike" Andersen
>Sarah "Not white, shoot on sight" Andersen
>Sarah "Sending every black to Iraq" Andersen
>Sarah "Peeing on every Korean" Andersen
>Sarah "Killing spics with bricks" Andersen
>Sarah "The Meanie to the Sheeny" Andersen
>Sarah "Let's Get this Shoah on the Road" Andersen
>>Sarah "Y'all Gonna Panic When You See This Germanic" Andersen
>Sarah "Asians will be terrified when they see this Caucasian" Andersen
>Sarah "Goin' Mental on the Oriental" Andersen
>Sarah "The Divider of US and Mexico" Andersen
>Sarah "The Jackal of Jerusalem" Andersen
>Sarah "Drowned the Chink in the Kitchen Sink" Andersen
>Sarah "Unloading my Nine at the Welfare Line" Andersen
>Sarah "Putting a .22 in every Jew" Andersen
>Sarah "Making a Kite out of a Kike" Andersen
>Sarah "Muslim Mutilator" Andersen
>Sarah "Breaking the jaw of every nigger in Crenshaw" Andersen
>Sarah "The real Zodiac Killer" Andersen
>Sarah "Givin a stuffin to Dindu Nuffin" Andersen
>Sarah "Aryan Assassin from America" Andersen
>Sarah "Getting every hooked nose bastard to be plastered" Andersen
>Sarah "Everything is going to be all white" Andersen
>Sarah "Pop goes the Nigger" Andersen

Other urls found in this thread:






Only canafaggots will understand this one

fucking loving it

I fucking hate this country


has there been any official response from her about these edits?

>take a bow..very funny.

why are you guys doing this to this poor woman. This will ruin her life like it almost did with Ben Garrison. STOP IT AT ONCE YOU MONSTERS!!!!!!

Jesus Christ, her initials are SA
She was born to be a Nazi Stormtrooper

Yuri said it best, automatic response to stimuli

her real stuff is actually funny.



If you are under the age of 13 maybe... It's just self hating, millennial worshiping garbage.
>has a chad bf and is a 10/10

Standardized testing is literally the death of innovation and intelligent societal progress.

It's the same rehashed, "look how quirky", insecure, spineless bullshit as most millennial comics.
We're doing her a favor.

I'm 50.

I honestly didn't know about her before and thought she was some new edgy alt-right babe.

Then I recalled the book one that made me half snort a year ago.

They aren't good m8

Sarah "hop the border and get hit with a mortar" Andersen
Sarah "if I see a nigger, I pull the trigger" Andersen
Sarah "Cutie pie wants jews to die" Anderson
Sarah "Refugees? I'll take genocide please!" Andersen

ah circled back around to the dad joke zone. I see that

I like this.

In Canada, we have EQAO testing in grade 3, 6, and 9. It covers English skills and math skills (maybe more? I forget). The test is standardized so that the education system can be monitored. If ten years ago, the average score was 70 and now the average score is 50, then the changes made to the education system in the past ten years may have been detrimental.

oh wow I fucking missed the r in trump
here fixed.



Fresh off the presses

give me a break man, it was 5am when I did this

No it means that testing has continued to grow in complexity. IQ scores are not going up. We have selected genes that are specifically oriented toward bubble filling.

Weighing the cow more often does not make it change weight.

Requiring a chicken to equal a 1000lb cow will never make it so.

Standardized testing (NCLB specifically and similar) is socialism. The weak must be culled. Mandatory education post 8th grade is fucking this country in the ass and warping HS to the lowest common denominator.

Mike was trying to get these threads banned on /qa/ earlier. Was pretty funny how the redditniggers trying to say that Sarah could use to sue Sup Forums and get Sup Forums shutdown.


EQAO doesn't involve bubble filling. I don't know how it's hard for you to understand that a change to the education system may correlate with a change in the critical thinking, writing, and math skills of students.

Clearly you aren't stupid, I think you're misinterpreting my explanation. Let me know if I need to clarify anything or if you still think I'm wrong - I'm open to changing my opinion.

Alright I know this is retarded seeing as this is my field but I know nothing about Canadian testing. Across the board, standardized test scores nearly always correlate with family income NOT iq.

It's a serious issue for those studying eugenics and extraordinary education. We have a crisis currently happening and noone GAF.

muh-muh post HS jobs. Muh data.

Testing and the subsequent initiatives aren't created by educators or people who study the genetic gems of society. That's why our greatest achievements of the past decades were a place for people to look at cats and a place for people to look at themselves. The breeding of separate castes is real and happening.

hamiltonnews. com/news-story/5413161-eqaq-scores-reflect-income-not-necessarily-effectiveness/

just a start.

I'm liking this thread. The new Ben "unloading my nine, in the welfare line" garrison.

Is it not significant though, that grade 6 reading skills are in the shitter, regardless if the kids will the low scores are low income? The result can be used to implement different techniques so that our children who are from low income families CAN have good math/reading skills?

thanks for introducing me to her cartoons.

not the ones you posted.


Redditors, get the fuck out of my Sup Forums.

It's too bad a bunch of fucktards have to mess up this you ladies comics just for their own moronic reasons.

If it wasn't for Sup Forums, would anyone know who Garrison is?

Where did you come from? Reddit, tumblr? I'm genuinely curious.


been here since 2007 I can't remember exactly.

not a redditor.

its for the lulz user, don't you understand?

What the fuck is wrong with you then? Autism?

This version should be less compressed

oh yeah I understand.

>implying Ben "Meme the Dream with Jew Steam" Garrison isn't making these threads

nope no autism. It's called empathy. you've probably never heard of it.



We aren't infringing on her in the slightest. This is no different than drawing moustaches on people in the newspaper.

There must be something wrong with you, please tell me what it is.

"grade 6" "reading" "skills" are all arbitrary definitions set by random politicians with significant agendas. At the very least, the consequences associated with low scores have all teachers required to ignore high students to remediate low ones. Add into this the liberal social virtue-signaling of "mainstreaming" special needs individuals and you basically have anyone with an IQ of 110 coasting through High school sleeping through class and doing the minimum homework required to pass the class before. It's a ferocious waste of national resources to spend $17K-25K/year on teaching a single downie to tie his shoes when the brightest students are literally quitting because drug dealing, entrepreneurship, or stripping is far more lucrative.

Are these threads for shills talking with shills? From your C U C K E D article:

>If we ask what's wrong with the unionized teachers at Eastmount, compared to the wonderful educators at Guy Brown, we're asking the wrong question.

Damn right, what we should be asking is why people providing basic survival skills for the society are allowed to unionize like some kind of professionals.

Public school teachers need to be gassed.

What's the solution? I'm very interested in this as major education reform could actually take place in already segregated, caste-based societies like LatAm as an experiment before exporting back to white countries.


>Public school teachers need to be gassed.
The article is retarded but above user couldn't seem to fathom that standardized testing may not actually mean an accurate assessment of outcomes. The picture painted in the first 3P seemed at his level.

And the situation is more complicated. Most secondary teachers are miserable and hate their jobs. Coaching/extracurr. is literally the only thing that keeps most off the bottle.

Right, sorry. He does look like a girl so I sometimes forget.

>2016 year of pepe
>2017 year of auschwitz andersen

never change Sup Forums. never change.

drawing mustaches on people in a newspaper is not the same as drawing mustaches on newspapers then making copies of the pictures and plastering it all over the internet.

only these aren't mustaches.

Closet faggots who dont want to go through genital mutilation seem to draw themselves as good looking women to forget their reality.

Oops, meant to post the unedited*

The solution is that parents need to be in charge of their own fucking offspring's education. Genetically children are already more inclined toward success in parental fields and chances are that one of two parent's can relate to child and child's educational/aspirational needs.

I'm not saying don't have state funded education. But that education should be directly related to the projected societal needs. Test all children at 6 or 10 (depending on field) and offer free tuition for the top 1-3% in said field.

in b4 "not fair much american dream" The middle class would not disappear in the slightest. Until 1930-50 transition time, public education was entirely optional. Rich people will always have their private institutions. Middle class, educated women would stay home or create a co-op system to educate their children, providing customized and tailored curricula for every student. The poorest of the poor (those with likely lower IQs anyway) will have children participate in the family business as soon as possible meaning a 16 yo in retail has now had a decade of relevant experience instead of a 10 min flip through an employee manual.

This is absolutely how societies are meant to run. This brings the family back together, and it makes women valuable for more than their tits

apologies for grammatical and spelling atrocities everywhere. I'm not a NEET, just up for too long.

Where is the edit?

The edit is here

>Most secondary teachers are miserable and hate their jobs.

Then why the fuck did they go into this noble profession? Human soap material tbqhwysenpai

Sarah "Pushing trannies to the brink with pen and ink" Andersen

Lying son of a whore, why would you post this unedited degeneracy? DAY OF THE RAKE can't come soon enough


Sarah "The Walking Holocaust" Andersen
Sarah "Nigger Grave Digger" Andersen
Sarah "Chimp Choking Champion" Andersen
Sarah "Gook Gutter" Andersen
Sarah "Six Million More" Andersen
Sarah "The Real Holocaust" Andersen
Sarah "Pull the Trigger on Every Nigger" Andersen
Sarah "The Woman who will impale the Shemale" Andersen
Sarah "The Sheboon Destroyer" Andersen
Sarah "One Woman Genocide" Andersen
Sarah "Kike Killing KomWomando" Andersen
Sarah "One Woman Auschwitz" Andersen
Sarah "The Ten Ton Terror of Tel-Aviv" Andersen
Sarah "The 500 pound Führer of Ferguson" Andersen
Sarah "The Racial Pain Hurricane" Andersen
Sarah "I Ain't Afraid of no ZOG" Andersen
Sarah "The Beast that will destroy the Middle East" Andersen
Sarah "Defile the Jewish Virgin" Andersen
Sarah "Holocauster Tycoon" Andersen
Sarah "Aryan Vs. Predator" Andersen
Sarah "Beaner Cleaner" Andersen
Sarah "Nuke the Spooks" Andersen
Sarah "Frag the Fags" Andersen
Sarah "The real final solution" Andersen
Sarah "Going Rambo on Sambo" Andersen
Sarah "Kebab Shishkebab" Andersen
Sarah "Three Reichs and You're Out" Andersen
Sarah "Master of the Aryan race" Andersen
Sarah "Awakening the Aryan people" Andersen
Sarah "Morning in White America" Andersen
Sarah "Securing a future for white children" Andersen
Sarah "Patron Saint of ethnic cleansing" Andersen
Sarah "Gas The Kikes, Even The Tykes" Andersen
Sarah "Killin' Schlomo in Slo-Mo" Andersen
Sarah "Kike on a Spike" Andersen
Sarah "If it's not white, it's not right" Andersen
Sarah "14/88 BLAZE IT" Andersen
Sarah "Slope Slicer" Andersen
Sarah "Aboriginal War Criminal" Andersen
Sarah "The Handicapper of any Rapper" Andersen
Sarah "Mash the Marxists" Andersen
Sarah "Roma in a Coma" Andersen
Sarah "Radical racist" Andersen
Sarah "having Mossad on the run" Andersen
Sarah "Causing hysteria in every black area" Andersen
Sarah "Filler of the prisons" Andersen

>Sarah 'Three Reichs And You're Out' Andersen
>Sarah 'Burn The Coal, Pay The Toll' Andersen
>Sarah 'Straight Outta Auschwitz' Andersen
>Sarah 'No One Throws A Party Like The Nazi Party' Andersen

My favorite sarah so far

Because they watch movies like finding Bobby Fisher and Good Will Hunting and think they can find the one overlooked individual child who can be the next Da Vinci or Michelangelo. The truly delusional actually believe that they are part of an educational revolution that will fix all the current issues (see new tests and theories every 5 fucking years). There is good reason why for decades the saying was 2/3 teacher quit before they are tenured. The ones that last pragmatically realize that because they were required to get a hyper specific master's degree to do the job, there is no lucrative way to pivot into a better field. They stay for the excessive amount of time off (because they fucking hate their jobs), pragmatic reasons like can live anywhere or schedule matching offspring's, or simply because the job you know is less terrifying than the one you don't. Plus the yearly contracts are a part of the job I desperately miss. It is wonderful to have job security for a year and to know you're getting fired with 6 month's pay left to go. It's entirely civilized.

That said, the new figures state that teacher quit rates are down to 17%. Which may be because people are more desperate for work and education is incredibly stable (kids down't just disappear from year to year) or it may be because the current legislation has increased the requirements for being registered (and subsequently caused an insane teacher deficit) that a majority of the PNW educators are not currently teaching in their certified field - or even certified at all. In fact, if you have any BA/BS, you can apply for emergency licensure and be making a living teaching kids. In some parts of the country (TX up until 2009? I think?), a high school diploma was enough for a district "in emergency."

Anyone got Sarah porn please anons?


>It's entirely civilized.

Nope, you really shouldn't fucking have that much job security for such a shit job

I love these threads. They made Sup Forums worth visiting again after the election was over.

How can she keep getting away with this?!

I think she'll look back at this and laugh at how clever some edits were.

Her comics are cute and so is she.

I'm not complaining though, this shit is fucking gold.

It's for the kids. Developmentally, it's better to have them adapt to even a shit teacher than have a constantly rotating drove (see: Detroit vs. any school in OK)

>sarah klandersen

I prefer the dialogue in this one.

sharing is caring

Lol, she's not hot.


That's how I know you are a fucking shill.

Do you know anything about Detroit? There is no greater job security for the teachers than in Detroit. They even have their own death squads:



she used to be

Go take care of your family, old man.

lets see your gf ythen faggot

I think it might be better if you just didn't talk to him or his wife's son ever again

That's thin, not hot

/qa/ is full of shrimp dicked cuckold redditors. Can we get rid of the Mod board? Motherfuckers pretty much only talk about doing the same to us..

Ha ha! A wild faggot appears.