Faggots are more racist and classist than Sup Forums will never be.

Niggers absolutely, irrefutably btfo

Are cutebois /ourguys/ now?

Niggers? They don't like Asians/mongoloids too

no thanks

>vanilla or rice no chocolate or spice

supposedly white gays hate black gays because
>even higher std rate
>black culture is more homophobic, even if people are on the down low
>don't want to look even more effeminate
>gays often gentrify black areas

My sides.

>I block more asians than the great wall of china

Gays are fags but that's a fucking funny rhyme

Gay black male here black men are so ugly and gross, white men are hot.

Gays are racist and always have been. Historically they had precarious jobs and were in a vulnerable position. Knowing blacks are savages could save your life.

In pc-land they know blacks and muds hate them and are more protected than they with ever be.

What about niggers with blue/grey eyes?

kek these are pretty good

Asian males are way more discriminated than blacks on grindr.

I can confirm. No one want to date asian males.

Western propaganda make us look bad and feminine.

Racism against asians doesn't get the clicks tho

Western propaganda made you 5'3" and 120 lbs, with a 4 inch dick?

Damn.. sorry man.

Are actually the gays the best banters there is?

You are the least desirable on grindr not because propaganda, it's about testosterone. Also, many of you are short, sorry.

Top and kek

Western propaganda. 1,80 and 15 cm here.

yo that's a cool hat

Wow, you're 20 cm above average, and 20cm above average respectively.

>I am an outlier, therefore all stereotypes are wrong.
The truth is that Asian men are fucking revolting 90% of the time. That isn't discrimination of propaganda.

Fag here, I only fuck white guys, my girlfriends will sleep with other races, but they all agree whites are most attractive...

now these are bantz I can get behind

That applies to black intelligence as well

Most gays from Grindr are bottoms. 90% Asian males can't into being tops. I'm not being racist or anything.

True. I had a faggot nigger that used to beg to suck my cock and sometimes I would be merciful enough to let him.

>15 cm here

Absolutely. I can't believe how many fuckwits I have to explain that to. Niggers are in general niggers, but then you of course have some like Ben Carson who definitely is white tier.

>faggy gays

I like dick as much as the next homo, but faggy gays piss me off. The upward inflection in the voice, the exaggerated hand and head movements, the nasal whining and the overly exuberant dress.

Fucking fags

>no chocolate or rice

because people of an even more marginalised group don't need to worry about shit from the left when they marginalised a less marginalised group.

Its literally a game of top trumps, in their minds.

Still gross its something about our faces that turns me off.

What the fuck is spice?

Too short I want a big strong white daddy to claim my black boipussy.

why do some gay people act super flaming

Can you imagine the media butthurt if it was heterossexual?

>no ching chongs


Hispanic/Native American

Hispanics you fucking decent guy

poast pics

mexicans probably, since its the USA

poo in loos maybe?

Beaners. The faggot likes literal shitstains because he takes it up the ass.

>watching "ask the japanese"
>talking to jap women
>they say they want their men "tall"
>"so they need to be at least 5 foot 4"
>"i like them tall, so about 5 foot 9"

>mfw literal manlet status in the western world is tall in japan

That's because negros are usually giant closet cases.

Also having preferences is normal, what's up with everyone suddenly attacking this?

western media portrays asian guys as badass killing machines though

wtf i love faggots now

Although in retrospect, I wouldn't like an asian guy either. I don't like to admit it, but some of the Whoriental bimbos that you faggots post around here are extremely bangable. That's what I find amusing about Poo in Loos & Gookies, why are the men so fucking ugly but some of the women actually look good?

Asian males are fucked in general.

No woman from Japan thinks 5'4 is tall. Even 5'6 is short enough to be considered a manlet over there. Amusingly, 5'7 isn't considered short which is similar to the whole 5'9 vs 5'10 divide in the USA where 5'9 is considered short but 5'10 isn't.

This is not racism. Asians, Amerindians, Southeast asians and mestizos can't make decent top muscle bears.

I'm bottom, why would I want another bottom?

>I block more asian than the great wall of china
Kekked hard

t. asian



>Vanilla or spice, no chocolate or rice

Holy fuck, my sides.

Also, I have an account on Scruff for two years.

I've never seen any decent big asian for me and I'm a bit good looking. They are almost always twinks.

Why do gays always look

I can't quite put my finger on it but fags are always easily detectable.

Because the ones that aren't detectable... Aren't detectable.

Fuck, the SJWs have finally come for us. I thought our minority shield would hold for longer

Homosex here, can confirm that niggers are gross.

Also, can confirm homosex is redpilled. Many Fascists in history were closeted fags, like Mishima. We swoon at acts of Machismo and hyper masculinity, and Fascism is the ultimate ideology of the alpha strong male.

Flaming feminine fags are attention whores, and also horrible people, that's because they're more like women. Bitter, bitchy and psychopathic, with lots of stds.

This. Fuck, dude. I'm married (to a man, obviously) but I've zero gay friends. I cannot stand queers. Holy shit just act like a normal dude ffs.

I have seen the same kind of videos on any sexuality. It seems like another media push, now people can't have preferences.

If they didn't talk like fags, they'd be australian-tier IRL shitposters.

>Flaming feminine fags are attention whores, and also horrible people, that's because they're more like women. Bitter, bitchy and psychopathic, with lots of stds.

Queens ruin E V E R Y T H I N G

Vanilla and rice no chocolate or spice

So I guess east Asians and white guys

mens faces are different because of testosterone, heterosexuals have higher testosterone

less testosterone is noticeable around the cheeks and the lack of prominence

I bet none of these people set foot in Asia.

honestly found this funny. would gas them all tho

>big dick preference

Only in action movies every other movie they're nerds

Dunno but..

The SA was apparently full of fags along with Rohm. Rohm is confirmed but the thing about the SA having lots of gays may have been a media attack at the time.

The problem is the dick size. I think this guy is a bottom.

Normally I'd agree it's a media smear tactic, all the gay aspects are there
>macho, good looking guys
>designer uniforms courtesy of Hugo Boss

Straight guy confirming, stealth gays are good people.

>making your preferences clear from the outset so that neither one of you wastes the others time

No one owes you their dick, and no one is attractive to everyone. There's nothing wrong with that. Can guarantee that these fags have preferences too but somehow that's different

>3 inches
The hard honest truth...

Doubt that proves anything, also no source. Men today have much less testosterone than decades ago (this is easy to verify Google) for dietary reasons, skills haven't changed.

I'm a fag and my cheeks are prominent. Stop leafposting.

I meant skulls.

stealth gay here. Like and said, I hate campy gays and most of my straight friends don't know I'm gay. I'm sure if they wanted to they could connect the dots but I don't act in a way that would give them a reason to do so. My gay friends are like me, you'd never guess they were gay

These aesthetics are hyper masculine through and through. While I'm sure only less than 1% of all Fascists were homosex, the hyper masculine style certainly attracts the good gays.

day of the eletricity is coming fags, be ready

Absolutely bullshit. You are assuming all gays are feminine faggots.


Someone needs to shop lighting bolts to Pence's hand when he touches Trump

This is the only hot asian daddy in the world.

>you're not allowed to openly admit you don't find a certain group of people attractive so they don't waste their time on you

fucking hate faggots. when I made a fake tindr account and posted a decent looking chick with the profile "no blacks or brown people" these niggers come out of the wood work and call you racist to guilt you into dating them.

such an inferiority complex these apes have.

What is this clip from, I want to see what it is Pence is laughing at.

>muscle bear
Polar (or ginger) bears with a huge beer gut for me.

That is absolutely disgusting tbH

can you post a link to that? sounds entertaining

He doesn't have tiny dick desu

>he doesn't know what a real man is
Oh user

>disgusting flamengo beach

Asian my ass, this guy is Brazilian

I'm reporting you to the Kremlin

Typical trucker

How's the gay scene in Brazil? Any qt daddy bears?

Spice and rice are the same