I got some book vouchers for Christmas and now I need to decide which books I want to buy. Here is my list already
>The art of the deal
>The art of war
>How to win friends
>Atlas Shrugged
>Mein Kampf
>A brief history of time
What am I missing?
Sup Forums approved literature
Those are all trash.
>Democracy--The God That Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
>The Prince by Machiavelli
>The Law by Frédéric Bastiat
>A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Why Race Matters by Michael Levin
>White Identity: Racial Counsciousness in the 21st Century by Jared Taylor
>Suicide of a Superpower by Patrick Buchanan
Especially this one. It's the biggest red pill ever written.
>>Democracy--The God That Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>>Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
>>The Prince by Machiavelli
>>The Law by Frédéric Bastiat
>>A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
These are good suggestion thanks. I'll skip the rest because I don't need a book to explain to me that whites are the best race.
I'll keep bumping your thread, OP. About time we had a recommended reading thread.
I'll also add:
>Race, Evolution and Behavior by John Phillipe Rushton
>Liberty or Equality: The Challenge of Our Times by Erik von Ritter
>The Problem With Socialism by Thomas DiLorenzo
>The Quest for Community by Robert Nisbet
>The Unheavenly City by Edward Banfield
Is Atlas Shrugged really a shitty book or is it just despised by Liberals for its anti-regulation message?
If you want to get into libertarianism or anything like that, stay away from the Ayn Rand cult. Go straight to Murray Rothbard or Hoppe.
>inb4 (((Rothbard)))
He was a historical revisionist, hung out with a Holocaust denier, said cops had to be unleashed on street criminals and defended that white heterosexual males were (and are) the main forces behind civilization
Good suggestions Alberto. I think you might be diving a little too deep into the deep end for me though. I would rather read the best selling classics first and then go into the rest
>The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald
>SJWs Always Lie by Vox Day
>Fascism Viewed From the Right by Julius Evola
>Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola
>Ride the Tiger by Julius Evola
>Men Among Ruins by Julius Evola
>The Crisis of the Modern World by René Guenón
>Against Democracy and Equality: The European New Right by Tomislav Sunic
If you're sticking with the classics, read Meditations, The Law, The Prince, The Republic by Plato and then go ahead and pick off one of Hoppe's books coupled with a book on societal degeneration. The books I've listed are more or less in order for how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Might Is Right, or The Survival of the Fittest by Ragnar Redbeard
if youre somewhat of a social darwinist
ayn rand and mein kampf are high school tier, do some real science history and economics, not breitbart knownothing crapola
The communist manifesto
its good to know your enemy
the Bible cant hurt also other literature from other religions
The way of men is also worth
saved, jerry falwell and ayn rand? hahaha
Rate my books, just got them in the mail:
>redneck manifesto
>becoming a barbarian
>death of the west
>the rational male 1 and 2
>the way of men
>Curmudgeon's guide to getting ahead
>art of memetics (got this for shits and gigs)
>do some real science history and economics
I am an engineering student so I spend most of my time studying science and maths. I wouldn't mind some books on those subjects that are written from a philosophical viewpoint instead of an academic viewpoint.
steven weinberg, first three minutes
carl sagan, demon haunted world
david deutsch, fabric of reality
roger penrose, anything
Instead of Art of War read "On War" by Carl von Clauswitz. Anything else is a waste of time.
The only one I'd read would be The Death of the West, mainly because Buchanan is more than red pilled on "diversity" and what that'll mean for the American way of life. The others I don't know.
The ones I've listed thus far would be a good place to start, OP. I forgot to add Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt, perhaps the first economics book you should read after being done with the classics.
Why is it better and why does everyone else suggest "The art of war"?
Basically Art of War is really short and it's written by an Asian dude so it's got that eastern mystique. "On War" is about the actual theory of War. It's fairly general about the nature of War, and talks a lot about the leadership qualities most desirable by a commander. It's better because instead of just pithy statements, it seeks to actually understand War. Most famous quote from it is "War is a continuation of politics by other means." It's got lots of good stuff
Have you got a good list like that for left wingers? I almost bought a Bernie Sanders book recently because I want to try to get into their heads a bit, but I decided not to give him my money.
Already read the commiefesto and rules for radicals.
>the prince
good taste alberto