New ISIS video (Child Soldier Edition)
-Child Soldiers Training
-Child Soldiers Shooting tied up people on training grounds
-Child Soldier unloading a full-auto glock into a guy
-A guy jumping off a tall roof
New ISIS video (Child Soldier Edition)
-Child Soldiers Training
-Child Soldiers Shooting tied up people on training grounds
-Child Soldier unloading a full-auto glock into a guy
-A guy jumping off a tall roof
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Islam has and always will be a religion of peace and tolerance.
Fucking nigger tier
Child soldiers is crossing a line
This is great, it just legitimatizes killing all Muslims regardless of age.
Do Liberals intentionally ignore that these videos exist?
Webm please. At airport...
It's not just Liberals. Normies in general ignore it.
They are pretty well trained. Honorable enemy for the future holy war.
New USA video (Civilian Murder Edition)
-Schools Being Drone Bombed
-Children Getting their legs and arms shredded by drone bombs
-Children having shrapnel unloaded into their bodies
-A Hospital being drone bombed
http:// america
Somehow white male Christians are responsible for this, I just know it.
And? Nobody likes muslims not even other muslims. Why else woule they strap bombs to themselves or on their kids willingly? The hate being around muslims.
>webm a .png
That's not is works, Jessica.
The only armies that draft women or children are in their death throes.
>implying ISIS is a normal army
go back to your country you muslim fucker
ISIS is lame as fuck man africans have been doing this for the last 50 years.
>child soldiers shooting tied up people
Again? These fuckers already released one of those videos about a year ago from Palmyra.
I'm guessing this one is the same? Give the kids guns, kids play hide and seek with tied up prisoners, kids shoot prisoners after they find them with some weird "tale of the tape" on each person right before they shoot?
The whole hunger games vibe they were trying to pull off in that video was pretty fucking hilarious though, regardless of everything else. I can just imagine them all sitting around their little TV watching JLawrence try to act.
I watched the entire thing at 4x speed. It was pretty interesting. The last part of the video is like Call of Duty but the enemies are tied up and don't move.
Holy fuckin shit what a way to end the year, that shit looks like a movie hard to believe it's even real at all since it is so edited
what say you to a criminal murderous person holding up in a "school"?
when the first guy gets shot in the bathroom, where does all the blood come from?
post webms
his body ;^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Those aren't drafted children, they're war orphans that are taken in by ISIS that are then schooled, trained and fed. That kid who's crying in the video in that abandoned building is saying that his mother and brother were both killed there by an airstrike.
They can't keep getting away with this !!!!
that poor crying man that got shot on the knee
rip Adventuring
amirite my fellow le 9chanidditors xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
see, this is why I wouldn't have a problem killing women and children. use your women and children as soldiers, I will treat them as soldiers. anything less is leftist retard garbage naivete.
look for landmarks people.
If they are the enemy, then why did the US and NATO pay for the ISIS propaganda videos?
>Stealth mission
>Non Supressed Guns
t. armchair mcdonald's supporter
There's a reason why Iraqi army vets are committing suicide, it isn't as easy as dipshit amerifat writes retarded comment on an anonymous imageboard.
Try thinking before writing out stupid replies.
This is why we must target children and wipe out entire families with our air strikes
Child soldiers is for brainwashing.
For sure he is a paid troll. Paid by the same people who pay for the ISIS propaganda videos (the US government)
maybe if our country actually glorigied and respected our veterans instead of selling out our country to our enemies and turning a blind eye when they rape our women these veterans wouldnt kill themselves cause they would be proud of their fucking nation.
i swear globalism is the number one cause of depression.
literally who the fuck cares
get out you paki bastard
x1 Agree
your days are numbered you brown cunt
most of these responses are pretty sad
love thy neighbor
Vets are stupid moralfags.
Who are these enemies and who are raping our women?
How deluded are you? The reason these people exist is exactly because of American intervention. You're a modern day Vietnam war supporter.
kys sandnigger
I can't believe how extremely peaceful these extremists of the religion of peace are!
>Islam is an american invention
Someone gimme muh webm
Well at least the kids are getting some exercise and making friends
Fucking 30 minute vid. Timetags on the juicy bits?
trying hard, aren't you?
All ISIS videos save the best for last.
Start at 24 Min
isis has NOTHING to do with islam.
prove me wrong
Supposedly this batch is being trained in Raqqa.
Good on IS for making use of an under used resource
>trained in Raqqa.
sounds like we need to pull up google maps and get ivan on the twitters.
Not many other places for them to train. I guess Turkey could always be an option, but I doubt it
>You're a modern day Vietnam war supporter
and you're a modern day useful idiot subversive
nice try fatty
Anyone know why these guys were being executed?
They look like they are civilians.
>"thats not real islam"
If i ever hear anyone say that again im gonna fuckin loose it. Fuck thm all to death and fuck our politicians for importing these "people". Treasonous politicians need to be lined up and shot.
Probably the wrong kind of Muslim in an area that was seized.
Could be for any reason, from being accused of spying, to tying your shoes opposite of what the Koran says. These fucking subhumans have no rhyme or reason to who the kill or why.
Probably suspected spies.
they arent the right kind of muslim
Coming from a Canadian? No offense, I'm just slightly surprised, thought most were for bringing in refugees
no, it's difficult for those guys that equate these kids to little kids in their life, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, etc. I don't have that problem and clearly recognize the reality of that person. their families and the faction around them have made them into fighting men, soldiers. they are to be treated as such. those are not children anymore and cannot be afforded the same compassion you would afford to children.
you don't know me. you don't know what I'm capable of or have been training for. you don't even know if I've already been in military service.
t. armchair leftist psychologist.
One of the men was PKK
waiting for some webms
Last night i was with my extended family, decent sized gathering, and someone brought up going to a muslim country then we all started talking shit about muslims just straight up laughing at them. We arent all cucked.
>new isis video
>webm pls
Christina please be more mindful when posting on this North Korean kebab graphics board.
None of the deaths are particularly brutal, its just kids with glocks killing tied-up prisoners. Fast forward towards the end if you want to see the killings, the first 3/4 of the video is kids talking and some other dumb bullshit.
Is ISIS an Israeli false flag?
ISIS are moderate rebel.
Nice non-archived (((source))), newfag.
did you see the kid shoot the guy in the knee to drop him before maiming him and then finally killing him? they turned them into little sadistic killers. theyre training them like special forces without the restraint that our government puts on our special forces. they can be as sadistic as they want and don't have rules of engagement. those are not children and seeing them as children means you are already dead.
What a band of retarded tryhard edgelords.
They literally just want to go for shock factor, this video is for the normies, not them.
>the only prisoners are cowards
>the "child soldiers" don't even have basics of shooting nailed and yet they're going through CQC training, they're literally just kids who were handed shitty glocks and told how they work
Props to that guy that decided to go on his own terms and jumped off instead of being shot by kiddies.
For real?
540 mill and all we got was balloon face, rock meets head, some fires in a cage, and kids firing nig guns?
What the fuck.
>throwing gays off roofs is considered extremist
Nigga pls. Faggots are ruining the west.
Righto Abdul bin Mohammed al Kumar.
Looked like that was what they wanted.
Why else have the camera on the ground aimed at the roof?
who else has google earf loaded up?
Please tell me more chink strayan cunt
Fuck them
These kids were supposed to make our clothes
Pray for those who died
Saw a pretty good sight of the city when they were with the jumper at the end. Trying to locate the landmarks (tower with/next to dome building, etc)
Yeah i just realized that you're right, still better then being shot straight.
Gays pay tax and work, and nothing has shown it's contagious. Muslims are literally the opposite. If gays are your biggest concern, I can only assume you're a Muslim parasite.
These kids aren't soldiers, they're just playing at war. This reminds me a lot of the British ACF (Army cadet force) which I spent four years in from the age of 12-16. We were taught the basics of soldiering, personal hygiene, weapons handling, weapon maintenance, field craft (combat training on military bases). If you stayed in a while you could probably pass off as a basic British Army soldier but we weren't soldiers. These kids are the same, toy soldiers.
Then again I am hoping to join the Royal marines at the end of the year when I turn 21 so I guess it pushed me towards the forces.
Yes with their paperweight liberal arts degrees I'm sure they're "working hard". Meanwhile you literally own nothing as the Chinese buy up your pathetic little country.
>75% white
Muslim here.
I hate muslims too. Literal shit tier.
>tfw Im surrounded by Mexicans and never seen another muslim besides my family.
I'll make WEBMs tomorrow
Make em now
Christians are worse. They killed thousands during the crusades. Now open up your borders for the religion of peace
That shit pisses me off.