I do not understand America's obsession with firearms. Why is being able to kill another person with ease so appealing? The strong do not use guns to solve their problems, they use their brains and their words. There is no other way.
Strong people don't use guns
Other urls found in this thread:
>I support monarchy
Why not both?
>The strong do not use guns to solve their problems, they use their brains
If they used their brains in the first place to buy a gun, they would not need to be strong.
So all of those street nigs Hank worships are weak?
well mr. strong guy, enjoy being killed by the weak because you were too strong to own a firearm.
Guns are a tool of the smart.
>Why is being able to kill another person with ease so appealing?
Why wouldn't it be?
Except when Jamal and his band of child soldiers bent on rape and destruction come to town with ak-47's or the government starts rounding up people to put them in camps. If those things had never and would never happen, then sure.
If anyone ever pointed a firearm at me I would be able to talk them down easily
Wanna know how I can tell he's never been in a fight?
rollins is a moron and his band sucks ass
Henry Rollins is actually hit or miss when it comes to his ideology. He's super Sup Forums tier on some things (vid related), but he's super liberal on other things
Hank is getting a bit too old to be doing the menacing Mr. Tuffy pose.
He's laughable at this point.
You aren't strong unless you've trained up to be bullet resistant.
Tell us
>The strong do not use guns to solve their problems, they use their brains and their words
The fact that someone could unironically say something this fucking gay scares the hell out of me.
"Gibs me yo wallet, whitey."
OK. Start talking.
Get in a legit street fight with someone who wants to kill you and then tell me how much you want a gun.
>Fewer bullets
You can't call for more brains when you can't even get that right, you roidmonkey.
A bullet fired from the end of a barrel cares very little whether you're weak or strong. Firearms are the great equalizer. A weaker person can kill a stronger person just as easily as vice-versa. If leftists truly care about equality as much as they proclaim to, then they should support the private ownership of firearms.
Id just constantly remind you about how bad of a decision you were making, and how if you follow through it'll end really badly for you, and then you'd walk away.
"Be not afraid of any man No matter what his size If ever in fear, just call on me And I will equalize."
Colt Patent Firearms advertising.
Sold quite a few handguns to women and disabled men.
Next question?
>Why is being able to kill another person with ease so appealing?
Its the only thing keeping us from ever being invaded. Plus it evens the playing field for everyone. An 80 year old woman can be as powerful as any man in a confrontation if she has a gun. Plus laws don't do anything to get rid of what we already have, so deal with it.
From the guy that ran off as his friend got shot to death. What a pussy.
Isn't that the point?
Guns are an equalizer between the strong and those too weak to defend themselves.
If i was mugging you, why would I care if I add a murder charge on that?
So you can talk down someone who has nothing left to lose?
You must be extra retarded.
Canada has never been invaded and we know how to properly regulate our guns.
>more brains
I have yet to meet man who can outsmart bullet
God made men Smith and Wesson made men equal. Enjoy lifting all day surrounded by sweaty men a gun renders all your workouts futile.
>Gun laws or lack therefore of have zero effect on gun violence
Only way to completely rid the world of gun violence is to completely wipe the world of guns and ammo.
Also all information with how to build guns and people with knowledge of said subjects.
>also Henry Rollins
Fled robbers which got his friend killed or he killed his friend and covered it up with a shitty story. Either way he's a shitty human being.
>*Teleports behind you*
>Nothing personal kid
>*Does a judo kick, Teleports to you, do a sweep kick then a roundabout as you are in the air and kick you 10 feet*
exactly it puts the 80 year old man whose house is being broken into by 25 year olds on the same footing.
The "it's okay, you're wrong" argument is so pathetically disappointing from a person I actually happened to like.
Yeah, lets forget the fact that no N.A power outside the U.S can invade you. Lets also forget the fact your the U.S's ally, Lets also forget you are part of the commonwealth of the U.K. Sure the reason you've never been invaded is because of your staunch regulation.
So if four Sudanese guys break into my house at 3am and I use a gun to defend myself against a surprise attack from superior numbers that makes me weak?
I'm glad you think your gigantic pendulum dick can deflect bullets from guns fired by people that were smart enough to get them.
Henry Rollins is an ultimate cuck.
He actually forgave the negro who murdered his best friend in cold blood.
He said some cuck shit about he doesn't blame him and its not his fault because hes black and just trying to survive in a white society.
Step up your bait...don't just copy and paste. We're fucking meme wizards here you cunt, show some respect.
>Murder and mugging carry the same sentence
>Killing someone is just as easy as taking money
You are the retard my friend and gun laws are also retarded. I need 5 people who live in my County to voucher for me and I need to put my name in the local newspaper to let everyone know I want a gun. They want to know if I ever got a speeding ticket and they want dates and times FUCK THESE DUMBASS LAWS. SPEEDING TICKET HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IF YOU ARE GOING TO GO ON A MURDER SPREE
>hurr durr tfw too intelligent for guns
say that when you're being shot at.
Sometimes the only thing some people understand is violence. And for those people you need to be able to speak in their language.
While the overall sentiment is pleasant, this has nothing to do with the genuine practicality that guns offer.
is america gun obsessed, compared to the rest of the world? yes.
does the gun incite to violence? perhaps a bit, but let's not give up human agency
have guns been used nobly in defense (or, gasssp, nobly in aggression)? yes, though this is a harder truth for delusional utopists to swallow
are they used for recreation, both in gun ranges and for sport (either target shooting or hunting)? but of course
get outta here with your reductionist drivel, you inane cucklord.
I know seeing a moral grey is difficult for Sup Forums, but you gotta. no gun owner will be swayed by your condescension.
>I have yet to meet man who can outsmart bullet
What a massive faggot
Speak softly and carry a big stick. I agree with what you said about solving problems, but having a gun nowadays isn't about shooting people. Having the gun is enough, it lets them know you're not helpless.
>leaves actually think this will work
rollins went full cuck
who gives a fuck what he says now, the faggot
You need to realize that this guy is dealing with Canadian niggers. They're a different breed than American niggers.
>Actually could you just take my wife instead?
History shows us that all of the smartest people loved guns
hear hear
Dear OP,
what if everything you know today would not have been possible if not for the violence committed (justly and unjustly) in the past?
this does not excuse violence, but guess what is violent and chaotic and irrational? all of nature.
your shitposting won't change the nature of everything in existence.
if ya wanna talk WHY guns are so fawned over in americana, that's a more interesting topic.
GUNS ARE EBULL just makes you sound like an idealistic faggot.
Guns are tools for the weak and tools to fight against the weak.
You don't fight guns with words. Fire for fire
Just so you know if you hear the bang it means the bullet has already gone through.
This, two niggers came into Rollins and his then boyfriend Joe Cole's apartment and held them at gunpoint, his lover Joe being top tried to fight them off and was shot and killed, Rollins then ran out of the apartment like a coward and spent the following tour mentally and physically abusing his bandmates and tour manager because he need to vent his weakness on someone else. He continues of being absolutely miserable and crummy towards roadies, security and other venue staffers worldwide.
More fun: Rollins is a tiny man with a small head, the average man can fit his whole hand around his head.
More more fun: Rollins now charges his fans $160 to meet him after a show, punk rock!
Even more: Rollins calls the cops when he's scared then sings Copkiller with Ice-T on stage.
MO mo: Rollins and his anti gun shit is just bull, he books time at shooting ranges in every city he can while on tour and goes through a hundred rounds average.
Fucking hypocrite and an asshole, he has good taste in music though.
We totally serperated from the commonwealth in 1982, please read a book burger. And we did it without needing to fire a single shot. Also the reason you've never been invaded isn't because of your guns, it's because your invaders would have us to deal with.
Barack Obama is arguably the greatest president of all time and does not own a gun. Smart people do not need guns. Only idiots like Adolf Trump do
St. Henry The Strong is proper right. He has been mistaken about Trump, but with the grace of God, that will change.
you would never have separated peacefully if america had not done so violently, faggot.
youre welcome.
Typical shame response tactic nonsense. I suppose if 80 year old grandma wants to fend off a pack of dindus she can eat barbells for 10 years and get a blackbt in Krav Maga from joe rogan - and still get her head caved in - or she could exercise her constitutional rights (unless she lives in NYC, Chicago, much of California, or Hawaii
Not resorting to violence to resolve your conflicts doesn't make you strong, it just makes you wise. Problem is not every one is as enlightened and will resort to physical means at the drop of a hat. A gun equalizes the situation. It makes the enlightened man the ability to defend himself against his savage aggressor.
It's a good thing we don't live in Rollin's social darwinist world, where the physically strong oppress those weaker than them. I'm sure his mother, female friends, and romantic partners feel great joy knowing that Rollins believes they are unfit to live in a world where half of the population is physically stronger than them.
>what is cherrypicking
Look up Joe Cole and you'll realize how much of a bitch he was.
>cups are racists gunning down citizens at will!!!
>you don't need a gun, that's what the police are for!!!
>The strong do not use guns to solve their problems, they use their brains and their words.
The strong use their own hands, faggot.
>cups are racists
Cole sure used his hands to open the door and flee as his friend was shot to death
>goes to the range
Do you have proof of this?
If you do, it'd be nice if you posted it so someone could blast his ass online.
Otherwise, good post.
Henry Rollins must've been in the middle of a really bad acid trip to say something so fucking stupid.
>the strong dont need guns, guns are tools of the weak
wow I totally agree with you there mr. rollins, weak people deserve the right to defend themselves too
Just kill me f.am
Any rational human being would let another person die in order to save their own life. It's called survival instinct.
>obama created the environment where trump was able to be elected
the leaf is a leaf. this is to be expected. whats annoying is all of you easy bait faggots bumping this shit along with all the commie generals every goddamn day. don't respond, post the spider. there is no 3th option. if you disagree, its okay, your wrong.
>guns are a tool of the weak
Tell it to the nigs in Chiraq.
But that same human should go on preaching how only weak pussies need guns when in fact he needed a gun in the situation and had he had one maybe his friend wouldn't have worms crawling out his eyes right now.
I didn't know muscles were bulletproof, gee this guy seems really smart
Everyone knowshould bullets bounce off fat not muscles. Why you think Americans are so fat for? It ain't for our health I tell you
It was a gun who killed his friend, of course that traumatic event made him anti-gun. If guns didn't exist his friend would still be living.
It's ally more difficult to kill someone with a knife then a gun.
If Canada was invaded they would likley just stick their asses out to help the invaders rape them.
I support the second amendment. That said the people I know who like and want guns all seem to be wellfare queens, why is that?
>they use their brains and their words
try reasoning with a violent nigger.
and the most important reason from our humble water filter salesman
In an alternate reality where guns dont exist his friend is now dead from 48 stab wounds and massive anal trauma from a 15 inch black rubber cock. Which killed him first the world may never know.
guns are the only reason you have a say in owning a gun, fucko
>I support the second amendment
Stopped reading there
I chuckled, knew google images would have something for me
>Brains and wits saving you from a home invasion in the middle of the night
There's no need for you to worry OP. If anyone shoots you or otherwise puts a hole in you, there's a simple kit that will make things right.
lol, you really turned his words around on him there
>My friend was killed by an illegally owned gun
>Let's make it harder for law abiding citizens to legally own a gun so this happens more
>this thread
>this OP
> The strong do not use guns to solve their problems
Let me know how that works out when you get mugged. Guns level the playing field, that's the whole point. A man shouldn't have to fear a pack of feral niggers, a woman shouldn't have to fear a nigger rapist.
You mean they didn't pay their dealer and when he came for the money henry went inside and slipped out the back under the guise he was getting the cash leaving his friend to die.