Could The Alt-Right Be Flawed

Is there anyway in which you alt-righters would be convinced your cause is incorrect or flawed.

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I would be willing to change my opinion on the alt-right if somebody showed me a more effective way to fight white genocide.

That must be the laziest post I've ever seen

Seriously, if you're going to talk shit against something at least research it and come up with your own material. Fuck

yea i would change my mind immediately if someone made a convincing logical argument backed up by facts

Sure, if the Jews began clamoring for both white nationalism and that all Jews self-deport to Israel.

Everyone should have their own lands. Get rid of political correctness.

But the other side won't do either.

Those are my main two things.

If you can prove everything you claim, then i will change my opinion accordingly.

I have only reached my Fascist views because proof favors those views,
Proof like the Bell Curve, the Jewish control of the bank, etc.

I believe we will convert you, while you try to convert us.

Redpills incoming

Only if jewery still exists after we've gassed all the kikes

There is no such thing as the alt right.


It's called the National Socialist Party

I noticed the alt-right wikipedia article has been updated..

>The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loose group of people with far-right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in the United States. White supremacist Richard Spencer coined the term in 2010 to define a movement centered on white nationalism, and has been accused of doing so to whitewash the negative American connotations against overt racism, white supremacy, and neo-Nazism.[1][2][3][4][5] Spencer has repeatedly quoted from Nazi propaganda and spoken critically of the Jewish people,[5][6] although he has denied being a neo-Nazi; alt-right beliefs have been described as white supremacist,[7][8][9] frequently overlapping with antisemitism and Neo-Nazism,[10][11][12] nativism and Islamophobia,[13][14][15][16][17] antifeminism and homophobia,[10][18][19][20][21] white nationalist, right-wing populism,[22][23] and the neoreactionary movement.[7][24]

Just look at the articles ((( citations )))

Let me lay it out for you

The alt-right in itself is kind of an oxymoron. Just like the SJW, nobody claimed to be alt-right until months after the therm started being used as a slur by the opposing faction.

Right now, being alt-right can mean two things :
1. you're a contrarian edgelord adamant on opposing the most widespread opinion
2. you're a cynical working class men who rather stir trouble everywhere than adhere to the political correctness movement who keeps rejecting you

All that because, the alt-right is also a reactionary movement. It is the direct consequence of the left constantly belittling the white, the men and the young to a point where it makes them feel like their designated role in society is to fix everyone else's problems while also accepting the blame for those problems regardless of there being any evidences of them actually causing them.

TL;DR alt-right exists because white men rather adhere to a massive hoax of an ideology than stick with leftism that does nothing but portray them as monsters while making them pay for everyone else's shit

Do you have a better ideology that supports traditionalism, White identity, and countersemitism?

When the magic sky fairy of equality appears and tells everyone to cut out that shit because genetics are a myth was indeed a hoax.

Pure coincidence Seamus.

You are talking about the Alt-Light.

There are no sources to your claims, and your logic is retarded olympics mental gymnastics.





Happy last Hanukkah, juden!

(((Alt-Lite))) like Cernovich and MILO can fuck right off. Western chauvinism is a bullshit placeholder for White identity.

>trying to group nat-socs with alt-right faggots

Eat shit kike


what is that flag tho

No, the "alt right" is a nebulous term with no clear definition. Only low-IQ shitbrains think that something vague like "right" or "left" can be wrong.

A reversal of the past 100 years


For (You)


Fucking kikes.

See how they label Spencer as a white supremacist when Spencer has stated many times that he's not.

and when the article states
>spoken critically of the Jewish people

it refers to when he did the "heil trump, heil victory" thing..

The jews infiltrate everything.

(((alt-right))) (((alt-lite)))
2 sides of the same shekel


4 goyim saluting is a bigger deal than White identity goy. You don't want to be racist do you?

They didn't love Muslims, they loved middle easterners, the progenitors of the white race. They still didn't import them into Germany though

>Dismiss opinion and demand sources
>Doesn't support dismissal with anything whatsoever

Keep trying Ghyppo

>claiming to be alt right

does anyone actually do this?

It's part of their plan.
They did the same thing to create the rise of Nazism in the 1940s as a way for population control.
World population is rising to unsustainable levels and someone is going to have to die to level shit out.

This. Convince me OP, what other political ideologies recognize and attempt to stop white genocide.

>claiming to be alt right
Right now, I don't think so but soon there will be. Just like when people were making fun of lefties by calling them social justice warriors to highlight the immaturity of their behavior but then they started to claim the name themselves because they thought it sounds cool.


gas the bikes, race car now.

Who the fuck are you really??? Unknown fucking flag wut the fuck EVERYONE GTFO THIS THREAD

just don't show your power level

OP here, the main thing i've seen on my thread is anti-semitism. So, I pose this question. Why is it bad that a certain racial group has a large portion of power? I mean, white people have a large amount of power as well. Thank you, and I wish more people would actually talk to the "alt-right" instead simply talking shit about them.

I don't understand how any of this has to do with semites. It just seems like crazy SJWs to me.

Cool, so he was photo shopped in for effect. How does this disprove anything?

What does that prove? The Nazis obviously wanted to get rid of evidence.

>the main thing i've seen on my thread is anti-semitism

Jewish people are smart and Asian people are smart. Jewish people cause a lot of trouble, false flagging, and clever brainwashing to disarm white identity. This is a generalization of Jewish people, but Sup Forums has found it to be true with literal fucking mountains of anecdotal evidence. There are some Jewish people who are conservative. However, pushing multiculturalism and degeneracy on white countries seem to be tactics handed down through the Jewish culture. This is a survival mechanism. They like their people and they want to survive, like everyone else. The problem is that they have the least numbers of everyone else and have thus resorted to sabotaging everyone else.

This is [a close apporximation of] the truth welcome to Sup Forums faggot

Yes, most Jewish people are liberal. Many Jewish organizations want multiculturalism. But how is this them wanting to survive? Also, why is multiculturalism bad and what do you define as degeneracy? And I haven't seen evidence that Asians and Jews are inherently smart. I've only seen evidence that their cultures perpetuate education. Also, Napoleon liked Jews and liberated them from countries in which they were opressed.


>why is multiculturalism bad
Because it destroys the host culture.

It's called a melting pot and it actually adds to culture. America throughout it's history is a great example.

>melting pot

That's why the US coasts are shit?

Look at CA, NY, FL, TX.

Shitty areas.

alt-right is pro fag just give the title to anyone who's interested in 'boypussies'

Shure you have to convince us. Pro tip calling us nazis won't work

>Could The Alt-Right Be Flawed
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Fuck no.

It's another step in the right direction. Cucks need not apply.

Why shouldn't I fight my culture, my heritage, my nation, my tribe, and a safe prosperous society for my offspring?

There isn't.

First I would need to know the Fuck is the alt right

Richard Spencers leading it

Well Fuck this guy. He does not represent me.

>Could The Alt-Right Be Flawed


Only underage faggots fall for this kike psyop.

No. Fuck off.

t. TRS memeber

fug off trshill

white identity movement.
you're in France. be a french nationalist. same thing

Everything good about the world was created by white people

>Could The Alt-Right Be Flawed
No since theres no such thing


Weak words from a simpering cuck.

Instead of asking dumb questions make informative statements

This. It's past the point of any other issue mattering much at all now desu. Makes me especially sick when I see people on here shilling for Le Pen's globalist cuck opponent cos he's a lot further right then her economically.


what the fuck you talkin about, willis

>getting so destroyed by 8ch you have to tell your shills to pull out and focus all there efforts here

Why not? Cos he Sieg Heiled like a LARPing faggot? He's actually based as fuck generally.

nazis were not right, they were leftists. they hated the rich and productive people. so the jews.


It was a mistake desu. I had nothing to do with it.

You missed the daily stormer about 3 pages ago.

Sup Forums is just a mongolian horse taming board

>yea i would change my mind immediately if someone made a convincing logical argument backed up by facts

It's a gaping wound caused by socialist marxist thinking, an aberrant infection in the would not a solution.

Like the marxist left the so called alt right are kremlin fueled subversion movements designed to destroy western society.


Yea, its got too many jews

>adds to culture
No it doesn't. Why do you think American shitskins are so assblasted about "cultural appropriation"? They don't want to share with others. And they don't even acknowledge there is a host culture.

Sorry, you must have the wrong people, bye bye.



>always do the opposite of what jews say