Christianity General

>tfw Born Again Christian
>tfw traded a life of meaninglessness, frustration, worries about the degeneracy of society and lack of purpose for inner peace, calm, a relationship with the holy trinity and a new wonderful church family
>tfw feel spiritual presence when praying or worshipping

>tfw its every bit as good as they said it was

ITT we discuss all aspects of the Christian faith and hang out with fellow Christianbros.

Personally I'm not here to debate with Atheists, I was one for 13+ years, I'm indifferent towards them now. Arguing with them on an estonian woodchipper forum isnt really my thing. What denominations do we have representing here, tonight lads?

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Um, This is an ATHEIST board thank you very much. No religion allowed.

I'm technically a Methodist but I have strong Anglican leanings that are hard for me to act on because the Episcopal Church has gone wacky doodle.

Are you circumcised, user?

Forgot my illustrative pic.

Atheism is Jewish

Wish there was an othordox church where I live just to see how it really is

>"Um, This is an ATHEIST board thank you very much. No religion allowed."
>Implying you represent all of Sup Forums

What is going on there? I dont think Churches should turn away gays, as I dont personally believe there is anyone that should be pushed away from the path of righteousness, but thats some next level stuff right there

>>tfw Born Again Christian
I like how you embraced Hinduism.

>tfw had phimosis and almost got circumcised but didn't

what did you mean by this Pajeet?

Did you have to show your penis to a doctor?

>Born Again

Yes and I'm 6/10 butthurt over it, almost as mad as I am at myself for replying to whats most certainly bait.

Theres not actually anything in the bible that indicates Modern Christians (New Testament) are under any obligation or reason to be circumcised. In fact, this is pretty clearly stated:

For neither circumcision counts for anything nor uncircumcision, but keeping the commandments of God.

1 Corinthians 7:19

I think they just pulled it,I was like 4 so I don't really remember

>other people
Not a single person on this earth is "wonderful" - we're all worthless sinners whose only salvation is by the Grace of God.

>tfw traded a life of meaninglessness, frustration, worries about the degeneracy of society and lack of purpose for inner peace, calm, a relationship with the holy trinity and a new wonderful church family
>tfw feel spiritual presence when praying or worshiping
>tfw its every bit as good as they said it was

funny, cannabis did all that for me. and i still get to fuck guilt free.

"Be still and know that I am God"

God bless brothers

Its absolutly based user, although I'm not big on the fasting that they do. Seems more tradition than religiously-based IMHO.


He means this is weak trolling

>Born Again
>Former degenerates: the religion

My uncle married a Born Again Christian. Interestingly, his two sons look very different from one another. One of them has a rather darker complexion, hair, and eyes.

>pic related
>its you

Thoughts on finding a Christian wife who is not a degenerate.

Aka Not a "Christian Mum" with 2 bastards at home.

So other people are wonderful?
Is that what you're implying?

You sure you're a Christian senpai? You sound like a "Christian"~

He's marching in a gay pride parade in support of gay marriage. Openly gay priests and bishops are also becoming increasingly common. It goes way beyond refusing to push people away.

After this news story, I decided it was all just too much for me:

My church doesn't promotes fasting but I kinda like fasting

>current year + X
>worshiping a dead kike on a stick

Yes, go to church. Theres only like 50 people regular members in my church and still a handful of very attractive family oriented single girls there. They will require an actually Christian man however, and providing this is a general theme among them, you'll either need to become one or go out into the world and meet chicks IRL. When I was younger I spent a summer studying PUA online (inb4 wannabe Chad) and got over ALL my social stigmas with women and landed a 9/10 Blonde GF who I'm still currently with. Theres TONS of good girls out there, you just have to filter through waves of whores/degenerates to find them

10/10 experience, would leave NEET-dom and get my game together again in that position

>Atheists, I was one for 13+ years
I was one for 11+, but recently returned to the faith.

>What denominations do we have representing here, tonight lads?

I was raised baptist, but became "non-denominational" once I left home (that's what I put on my dog tags, anyway). I guess I'd still call myself non-denominational, but I've considered checking out orthodox and catholic churches.

God bless, bros!

He said born again.
Christianity has no concept of being reborn/reincarnation.

Yeah, fasting is more of a traditional thing. It is how orthodox abhrahamic religions wants you to beat yourself up, but in hinduism its for soul/body cleansing.

Whoops, I meant this news story:

I wasted those sweet trips.

>it worked
The absolute madman

Sounds like he's just a cuck, bluepilled "nice god" Christianity is a peeve of mine. The LORD above once drowned everything on the planet (with almost no exceptions), and bathed entire cities in fire. He stated that birds would eat the flesh of the enemies of god and they did.

The guy isnt about "let people walk all over you" and "be the ultimate betamale because you're going to heaven regardless" if you ask me.

Currently applying to the seminary, lads.

Any advice for me?

God bless all of you.

Its a figure of speech, commonly used in daily english. Thanks for the Christ-Chan tho, I didnt have that one yet

There is no "God," you're living in a computer simulation inside a computer simulation inside the mind of a god who lives in a computer simulation of a computer simulation. An operetta within an operetta.

And that (g)od is actually a demon. And he's working as hard as he can to destroy the simulation that's running the simulation you call your/our reality. Once base-reality crashes, everything ceases to exist. Including the innumerable multiverses which each exist in the consecutive, near-infinite chain of simulations. If base reality doesn't crash, it will inevitably cease to exist anyway. At least for carbon-based lifeforms like me and you, that is. Because the universe and everything else is heading for a state of equilibrium, total obliteration. It's gonna get real cold, Cochise, then there will only be the vast expanse of nothingness.

You are as insignificant as a droplet of rainwater on a leaf. But don't feel sad, because there is NOTHING to fear about nothing. Nothing is as nothing does, nothing. So sit back, relax, and try to forget about that demon who watches you masturbate. OH, BTW, he knows what you masturbate to. And he doesn't like it. Not one bit!

Don't do that

Still other kikes killed him for a reason, tried to make him look bad around the world

>An executed prophet? Yeah right

and still, the whole world listened to his words, and his name was told on all continents on earth. Europe became grat under his wing, the kikes got so butthurt on that that even to this day they sacrifice christian children as payback

I can hear your doubt and disbelief screaming behind your professions of faith.

Don't go to church just to pick up women. Accept Lord Jesus as God, if you haven't already.

Guilt isn't something you can disown, It's bound to responsibility. What you're talking about being free of is shame.

not the same thing at all

Being "Born Again" means that I accepted Christ and was forgiven for all my prior sins and degeneracies, and I started to do my best to live the Christian life.

In a sense, I was a different person and thus "born again" with a fresh start.

You're correct in that we dont believe in being reborn on earth, etc.

Interesting. As it was explained to me, the Orthodox fast for inner control and concentration, not so much to "beat (themselves) up"

It's a stupid figure of speech that we as Christians shouldn't support.


Ive actually been considering religion for a bit, any advice on stuff i should read, or anything that may be helpful with this interest?

It wasnt hard, just took a lot of practice. I was super shy and lame at first, and got rejected by dozens of girls. Luckily, I had planned on this and went to a bar that was PACKED all night with fresh girls 3 nights a week, so I didnt really care. As fast as I was getting shot down, there were infinite new girls to approach.

Eventually I got the hang of it.

Theres no reason you guys cant do it too, famalam.

Using recreational drugs is on the same level of degeneracy as taking it up the ass.

>I-it feels good!
Justifying actions with pleasure is the lowest form of moral thought.

condemn mindless racism everywhere you see or hear it, but express approval when people talk of having pride in who they are including their race.

You don't have to say anything, a look can be more than sufficient.

>8 hours of invalid claims that Protestants make against the Church

I bet you haven't watched the entire thing.

Good for you, user

> orthodox and catholic churches.

I'm Catholic myself, so I know that the environment is always welcoming. You shouldn't worry about going to mass and asking the priest questions because that's what they're here for! :) Just don't partake in the communion while observing the mass (this is similar for the Orthodox divine liturgy, I believe). After you receive the sacraments, you'll be able to participate in this beautiful event.

Never heard of Orthodox catholics who beat themselves up to ask forgiveness?

I already fucked up immensely with the girls at my church so I kinda gave up on women

God bless us (and has blessed us) indeed


>invalid claims
Name one
>I bet you haven't watched the entire thing
I have, so see that you don't bear false witness

> fucked up immensely with the girls at my church

How so? I know a few girls at church from Brazil and they are usually very nice.

You are kidding right. New Testament "You must be born again." "That which is born of the spirit." "Meditate on these things."

They made that shit 8 hours so nobody will ever go through the effort of debunking such a long pure form of autism and lies, and they can claim victory.

Literally just read the Early Church Fathers. They demolish protestantism before it was even born

Being the usual Sup Forums sperg

Was a catholic.
Now I'm just spiritual, but not religious if that makes sense.

gracias doctor

Name one please
>Literally just read the Early Church Fathers
I do, I recommend you do the same

"Similarly we also, who by His will have been called in Christ Jesus, are not justified by ourselves, or our own wisdom or understanding or godliness, nor by such deeds as we have done in holiness of heart, but by that faith through which Almighty God has justified all men since the beginning of time. Glory be to Him, forever and ever, Amen." - St. Clement of Rome (Letter to the Corinthians, par. 32)

"Human beings can be saved from the ancient serpent in no other way than by believing in him who, when he was raised up from the earth on the tree of martyrdom in the likeness of sinful flesh, drew all things to himself and gave life to the dead." - Irenaeus (Against the Heresies, IV, 2, 7).

"Indeed, this is the perfect and complete glorification of God, when one does not exult in his own righteousness, but recognizing oneself as lacking true righteousness to be justified by faith alone in Christ." - St. Basil the Great (Homily on Humility, PG 31.532; TFoTC vol. 9, p. 479)

"For you believe the faith; why then do you add other things, as if faith were not sufficient to justify? You make yourselves captive, and you subject yourself to the law." - St. John Chrysostom (Epistle to Titus, Homily 3, PG 62.651)

That Final Fantasy-tier statue always get me

Funny, the ones I know that read the early church fathers have a tendency to convert to Anglicanism or Eastern Orthodoxy, not Catholicism.

I need this.

Presbyterian here.

I've noticed that as I've matured, I've grown a deeper respect for Catholicism -- mainly for its systematic enforcement of morality, commitment to tradition and universality. I just can't stand this current pope.

Should I convert?


No, Galatians 1:8

I like how you find the need to put two ">" instead of one to quote

Wow cherrypicking to change the meaning of texts must be the national sport of protestants and the devil.
>claiming Ireaneus was a faith alone lutheran
That's it, I have heard it all now. I suggest you ACTUALLY read their writings instead of copy pasting "reformed ministries" or whatever other heretic you got those misleading quotes. Btw those quotes are perfectly in tune with Catholic doctrine, but you are reading them through your man-made protestant tradition and you don't even catch your cognitive dissonance in interpreting them.

I am on my phone btw so don't expect me to argue with a heretic. I have no sympathy for oblivious retard that STILL fall prey to cheap jewish propaganda created in the 16th century and aimed at illiterate farmers

Fuck off Varg, you can't stop me from watching anime

What does Odin think best for me?

Atheism is not organized. You could be 99% of any population and you'd lose to a structured 1%, say, a religion.

but are you not religious because it feels good? It's the sam thing. Everything a human does is out of self interest.

What people cant seem to put together is that jesus came to us, not for the righteous, but for the wicked, so that they may see the light and lead a better path.

Being a faggot is still pretty gay though

He did that because OP used le meme arrow too
I don't think you know what that means
>change the meaning of texts
Because Rome has already spoken on what the fathers believed, right?
>>claiming Ireaneus was a faith alone lutheran
>whatever other heretic you got those misleading quotes.
I got them from the notorius heretics Clement, Irenaeus Basil and Chrysostom
>Btw those quotes are perfectly in tune with Catholic doctrine
'justified by faith alone' is perfectly in tune with Catholic doctrine? Strange, I recall Rome dogmatically anathematizing that statement.
>reading them through your man-made protestant tradition
My mind is neither man-made nor a tradition. The papacy on the other hand
>I have no sympathy for oblivious retard that STILL fall prey to cheap jewish propaganda
Nor do I, which is why I'm not a Romanist

Kys. Jesus made wine for recreation. Puritans are just another set of pharisees.

Drunkenness is sinful and Puritans did nothing wrong

The church that happily ordains practicing sodomites and others who openly sin?

If you are a Christian under 30 in todays society, you are seriously just LARPing.

Admit it, you wish you were a real life paladin crusader.

>Jesus made good wine to start with
>Jesus made worse wine to drink when drunk
>Jesus made no sin
It might be easier to sin whilst drunk, but by itself it isn't bad.

If you're feeling called, do it. One bad pope shouldn't change your stance on the Church, brother. After all, we're imperfect humans. We've had 266 popes and there's bound to be a few bad ones. You'll notice that the Church has never deviated from the correct path, even today. Pope Francis' words are twisted a lot by the media, but he ultimately means well. No doctrines have been changed or will be changed.

Based Italian!

No. I've been to the army. I don't want to be a soldier of any kind. Not everything is about what I want, though.


You actually CONVERTED to Christianity as an adult? Of your own volition? Hahahahaha fucking cuck faggot

At least most of the Christcucks on Sup Forums have the excuse of

>"My parents just coincidentally happened to raise me a Christian, therefore that religion is the right one!"

But you?

You needed friends and acceptance so badly that you took the initiative yourself and willingly cucked your pagan ancestors.

You worship a brown-skinned Jew.

You follow a book written by Jews to turn Gentiles into slaves.

You follow the religion that tortured and butchered your ancestors and systematically destroyed their sacred, ancient pagan traditions.

You worthless fucking cuck, you should be ashamed of yourself. I would spit in your fucking face if I saw you, Jew-worshipping Christian dog.

It would be one thing if you Christians had the consideration to keep your sickness to yourselves, but the fact hat you push your pathetic, Abrahamic weakling cult on other whites as somehow a "white tradition" is what makes you true race traitors, deserving of the rope.

You are too cowardly to accept that your faggot dad picked the wrong religion, that you worshipped a false idol your whole life, that it was all for nothing. Instead of facing the truth with courage and choosing a different path, you cling to delusion like pathetic cowards, and try to push it in others.

Is it really that surprising? Paladins are always fucking awesome in video games.

The Bible, start by reading Romans


Something wrong with you?

What are you talking about ?

One of the most central things is about being born again, that is what baptism is all about.

1 Peter 1:3 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,"

>what denomination

Raised Catholic, but I'm lapsed I guess, don't attend church, but I believe in God. Think I might start going to church since I moved to a big city, but I'm afraid it will just be a bunch of Mexicans since I'm in a border State.

I don't like how modern Christianity helps white genocide.

Baptism does not regenerate

Wow that's a lot of butthurt for someone so secure in their own belief system

I'm trying to find god. I've made great changes to my being over the past half year:
>quit video games, just some rocket league for a few minutes every other night or so
>finished bachelor's in college
>got fit, weight lifting is main hobby
>mastered nutrition. No drugs/drinks.

The porn addiction is hard to kick though and I recall often hearing about people kicking this addiction when finding god.

I was raised in protestant churches (lutheran, baptist) and my parents are currently trying to convert to judaism. They are scorned catholics but I recall being a happy christian when I was small attending a lutheran church and becoming extremely depressed when we swapped to a baptist church. I think catholicism is appealing to me, partly because I'm spanish too so I yearn for the cultural connection.

Any catholic bros around? Would it be possible to beseech god somehow to help through nofap and noporn as my new years resolution? How does one begin exploring the catholic faith?

Do I have to accept the bloody pope?

Also I've been thinking of getting a study bible, I have one from when I was baptist but I want to look elsewhere of course.

Thank you to anyone that read through my post.

I remember I stopped reading it when Moses was describing the temple the hebrews were building, I read like 50 pages of small details like "And then we put some shells, with some candles and other fag ornaments"

I don't have an Orthodox Church, technically, just a mission. Priest can't provide proof that the mission can sustain his salary independently (most of the church-goers are military, so they rotate out every few years), so the status cannot be upgrade to a church.
Great community, though.

Like , my church does not expect you to fast, but they do put out the information and I enjoy it. It's a non-arduous form of self-denial and I always feel pretty good when I get to the end of a fasting period.

I'm in Dallas and it's usually pretty segregated, we have our own churches and then Mexicans attend their own churches.

>not praising Kek

Fuck you, asshole.

You are just confirming you never read the Church Fathers. You are a blind man being guided by blind men.
Regarding faith alone, start by this: