You say you are good at complex problems yet you cannot play chess?

is there anything more pathetic than nu males?

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Being women grandmaster is like being the smartest kid with down syndrome

Chess has to be the most low-energy, autistic game ever invented.

I've never played chess. Can you teach me?


>grand master is hard
do you know how many grandmasters there are OP?
just takes time, shes probably been playing since she was a kid

Chess is an unbalanced mess. It's a meme game for people who want to act like they're smart but can't even recognize a memorization test is meaningless for anything other than demonstrating you can memorize things. That's why computers can brute force wins.

Worst thing for her is that the top tier chess players are so autistic that she must not get the dicking she deserves at these functions.

She's a regular GM in addition to WGM baka

Women can never be as strong as men but you still want a strong woman, so that she will not weaken your children.
Women can never be as smart as the smartest man, but they can be smarter than the average man, and a smart woman will help you have smart children.

Think long-term friendo

Ive just started playing chess and I am shit-tier
My brain is all quickfire, I act before I think

Should I do a Bobby Fischer dump?

Chess is a game/sport where you only need your mind so why are there different tournaments for men and women? After all, feminists tell me women are better at thinking and are smarter and all that.
Funny how literally every best chess player of any decade has been a man. If you put the best man against the best woman it wouldn't even be close.

>complex problems
chess is about memorizing more moves than your opponent. it's a chore, not a challenge.

Are there really that many fucking people who don't know how to play chess?

Is it actually a thing among numales? Do they spend all of their free time playing autistic 8-bit indie games instead?

Nobody mentioned go yet? I'm fucking shocked.

it's more about pattern recognition than move memorization.

Men and women's brains have been shown to have connectivity in completely opposite ways
Women who play chess dgaf about feminism or bullshit, they know the truth that men and women are different

They need different tournaments for the same reason men and womens sports is split and the same reason theres weight classes in boxing
Thered be no point in competing for them otherwise

>playing chess
This really hurts my brains. All those possible moves to take into account ahead of time and the universe.

women play worse when they know they are playing against men, it's psychological due to conditioning.

Yet a random 400lb script kiddie thinks he could play chess well, if only he didn't have to "memorise" the moves and anyway it's autistic and for girls and he could be a grand master if only he tried.

I recently watched a world class chess game analysis recently (somehow youtube suggested it). Pretty much every single move was described with a specific name, or as a variation of a named move.
I don't claim to be an expert, but this is my main impression with the game. Since there's zero luck involved, it makes more sense to simply learn all the most effective moves and counters instead of solving it on-the-fly.

>men and women's brains have been shown to have connectivity in completely opposite ways
yeah nah m8 thats not how this works

Woman Grandmaster.

I love how women justify having a women's only chess league. Especially since they are welcome at the men's league

I'm decent at chess, over 1900 CFC/USCF, and my stats usually put me in the top 1 or 2 percentile of online websites like lichess and

>muh memorization

Is truly the stupidest meme surrounding chess. Yes, memorization is important... if you're class A or above, which none of you are.

>peak rating 2600

She's almost certainly a regular GM as well.

Agreed. Never understood the big obsession with chess. Or why it is often used as a symbol of strategy. I think you'd learn more practical strategy from reading Sun Tzu or Von Clausewitz than you would by playing chess.

White always goes first
The queen protects the king

Unless you're a professional chess grand master playing against other professional chess grand masters you're not going to be playing theory 30 moves deep. Ever. I'm a near expert level player and I know the openings I play to about 15 moves of theory. Sometimes I'm out of book by move 7 or 8, especially vs newer players. It's not feasible to memorize everything unless you're a top professional, and neither I, nor anyone else who knows anything about chess, would recommend rote memorization as the fastest way to improve at the game.

This. I know one guy who can beat a lot of people in chess when I was in high school but he's stupid as fuck when it comes to education.

Computers don;t brute-force win on memorization, they brute-force wins by doing millions of calculation per second and looking at trillions and trillions of possible moves and continuations. Computers won at go as well, it doesn't detract from either game.

It is possible, there are 30 female grandmasters out of 1550 total GMs.


I'd like to see this "women are worse at chess" meme be tested in an anonymous setting. I bet she would btfo most men.

Imagine an orgy between these three women. How much would you pay to participate?

>it doesn't detract from either game.

yes, yes it does

Yes, women are borderline retarded compared to men. What else is new? Still, 2600 means you're a full 100 rating above the minimum for a GM, so she's probably one of the 30.

Why? Cars move faster on land than humans do, does that detract from olympic racing as a sport?

my parents forced me into chess club as a kid and I was one of the top players. It's very boring after a while - all memorization

No. What was your rating? 1100?

I can beat most grand masters with the chess program in my phone. If that is not sad I don't know what is.

Two grandmasters are playing on tv and the computer the comentator is using shows every mistake they make. If that is not sad I don't know what is.

you finish your game and plug it into your computer so it tells you how you did.


> Chess
> Intelligence

And i can drive faster than the fastest runner on earth in my car, lol.

>I'll never be naturally as strong as a silverback.
>Why bother lifting
This is you.

The Templars used patterns of chess moves to hide secrets.

Checkers is a really complicated game too.

being good at chess proves you're smart, but being bad at it doesn't prove you're dumb. chess is based on the most fundamental form of intelligence, and if you have a lot of it, you'll be smart in many areas of life.

your post just game autism.

the point isn't to make the correct moves, it's to outwit another human being and be victorious. the point isn't being the most correct, the point is beating another person and proving your superiority.

Source? That sounds interesting.

chess isn't that hard friend, anybody who can memorize a couple move sets can btfo anyone who doesn't know how to play chess for keeps

Being good at chess means you practiced being good at chess, lol. It doesn't say anything about your intelligence level either way; it's like playing the violin or being good at drawing. Now, to get amazing (like, international master +) takes a lot of mental faculties.

>chess isn't hard, it's easy to learn how to beat people at chess if they don't play it

No shit. I'd stomp you 100/100 games, and I'm not anything special.

my point is chess isn't a good measure of intelligence until you get to competetive

I'd like to make a strong opening move, capture the center and mate her if you catch my drift.

>muh chess
literally just a contest to see who memorized the rules better

Well, that's how it is with every sport or endeavor.

By your logic, nothing is a good measure of intelligence.

Im decent at chess and 4 kyu at GO.

Of course not. It's like any discipline. I almost never hear real chess players talk about chess as a measure of intelligence. I say almost never because I want to leave a margin of error, but I've never heard anyone class A or better suggest that chess measures your intelligence.

I haven't played a tournament game in over a year, so I haven't improved (and I've even gotten worse), but one year I gained 300 rating. I didn't get more intelligent, lol, I was just playing a lot of chess and improving.

Bobby Fischer was redpilled

Chess is the white man's game

I prefer cards over chess. Rather Test my luck over my wits.

I agree wholeheartedly, I was disagreeing with op who said
> you say you are good at complex problems yet you cannot play chess

>burger chess

dyel bro?

pic related

Flag checks out. You got lucky as fuck vs Karjakin and rapid should never decide the WCC. Kasparov is a faggot who just hates Russia and his shit talking Karjakin was really mean-spirited.

Poker is all statistics. You can rule a TH 2/4L or 1/2NL if you know the odds against casuals. Against higher end opponents you simply need to know how to read as well as the odds.

go confirmed superior by kek

I remember the story of a female grandmaster who raised her kid to be a chess genius.

They did a scan and found that the kid's brain had repurposed regions normally used for facial recognition and visual memory to help play chess.

The top chess players are autistic freaks who remember lots of chess board patterns - big deal.

Why are Russian girls so hot?

Do you play? Whats your rank?

Link it you nigger.


For everyone ranting and saying stuff without knowing for reelz... chess games are divided in three stages:

Openings are pretty much theoretical and most masters already know openings till the 20th play or whichever play the opening is ended. That involves learning pre thought attacks, defenses and counters. Many many variations.

Midgame normally has no clear pattern usually and is where abstract tactics and foresee analysis has the most value. It is where the game is defined.

Endgame its a joke normally and unless the oponent made a mistake its pretty much decided.

The interesting part is when grandmasters jump unexpectedly from midgame to endgame. Thats where you see dank moves.

I suck. I used to play on yahoo games and would only win 5 out of 20 matches.

>chess is about memorizing more moves than your opponent. it's a chore, not a challenge.
Magnus busted that myth the day he became World Champion.

If you ever want to learn how to play, I recommend watching Nick Sibicky on jewtube.

If you knew how autistic the average male tournament chess player is you'd understand how the women just want to play each other in peace.

I was at a friends birthday party a few days ago and out of the 9 of us only me and one other actually knew how to play chess.

i like chess, i'm probably terrible at it
haven't played in many years

Chess is just memoshit. You're not solving any actual problems playing it.

>Cameraman's feet aren't cropped


>noticing that


Well what about go then?

Damn, 200+ hours of lectures. It's crazy how much thinking goes into the game. I watched some Alphago AI videos and they always talk about how difficult it was to program because of all the possible moves.

Terrible at it also.Only strategy i know is blitzkrieg.

If you know the basic rules, id recommend solving some problems, many faces of go is a good program to do it. And watch Nick commentating pro games.

>not go

play me

I'm only doing this because of your trips

Chess skill is just rote pattern recognition.


Let's go Sup Forums.

Thanks, sub 1200 player.

U can still see Chad in the tap's reflection


>can play chess
>can drive a stick
>has had sex

Thank god the bar's so low. I could have been a loser!

Chess is just a board game. It takes a high level intellect to master something refined like Overwatch.

Whenever I see a woman accomplish something it makes me hate women more


Let's go, fellow leaf.

i wish I dedicated my life to one thing so I could be really good at it. guess theres always shitposting

You cant become a good shitposter, you are born as one.