Brit/pol/ - Black Fur of Flies Edition

>Why it would be wise to call an early election

>The media finally catches on - Voters are now divided based on cultural attitudes, not economics

>Corbyn as a populist figure?

>Inside Britain's strictest school - It's succeeding, yet it's full of Pakis and niggers. Really makes you think

>2017 - Year of the Milkman

>Kosher May? Autistic PM defends disgusting kikes' land grabs, attacks USA for anti-Israel speech

>News from Rotherham - Nonces still run amok; the constituency that had 1,400+ children groomed by Pakistanis and ended up voting Labour even more than they did in 2010 has learned nothing

>From The Mouth Of Joe Owens: Winning Hearts & Minds

>Corbyn to Theresa: "You're not Henry VIII"

>Why is Labour so worried about a crackdown on voter fraud?

>Tories lack the courage to acknowledge the scale of leaving the EU

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Tripfags are muslim shills edition.


>YKTD is a Muslim now


Is passion of the Christ any good ?

Has anyone got any good videos to get me hyped about Christianity


Oh dear YKTD. If I were you I would have taken off the trip before saying that

no it is not.

It's a long-running meme, nae bother

>Scottish Muslim tripfag

Can't wait to see your mugshot in the Daily Mail.

Won't be the worst

this is the best political compass
2nd best is the one that calls libertarians nonces
3rd is the spongebob one
9st is any one that unironically tries to defend a square

swilling that ideology

Everyone knows he lives in Newport, Wales

>No denial
Can you explicitly confirm that you're a Muslim?

Do you think that the UK should be policed under Sharia law?

Will you disavow ISIS?

American education here. Is there really a chance you guys won't leave the EU? I thought you guys had a vote six months ago? Is there really no plan yet?

I've answered this before

I'm not a Muslim, I don't think the UK should be policed under Sharia law and of course I disavow ISIS though treating them like they're some sort of organised movement and not a bunch of Mossad-funded mercenaries is daft

Inb4 taqqiya

He's not really a Muslim r-right?

I wasn't in the last thread
I looked and didn't see him say that

>Do you think that the UK should be policed under Sharia law?
this is a meme question to be fair.

it's like asking Americans "is this a christian country" then going THEY WANT TO ELECTROCUTE THE FAGS on them

still fuck muslims
(like george galloway BDUMCH)

Ill put it simple for you burger,

Will trump be president in A months time or will the Electors block it. Whichever is your answer Yes or no?

in the navy
you can set your mind at ease
in the navy
you can sail the seven seas

(it's actually a funny story.)

I'm gonna loose 10kg in 4 weeks, wish me luck

>Comparing an official Presidential election to a glorified opinion poll

Is Buttercunt an acceptable name for a cat

are you the bicycling guy from the other day

>has absolutely none of Christianity's saving graces and all of its downsides
And yet you think the Islamic revival that's supposedly coming would be a good thing?

I'm getting mixed messages here

Not necessarily a good thing, but an inevitable thing, and the closest thing to "conservatism" the West will ever see again

Maybe after a century or so it'll mellow out like Christianity did and then degenerate and die soon afterwards but liberals keep thinking they'll be able to do what they did to Christianity to Islam immediately and they're wrong

We're going to be technically "out" but will still
>have to follow EU law
>pay the EU
>accept immigrants

We definitely will leave the EU in technical terms. But there's a possibility we'll end up with a "soft Brexit" in which we keep certain elements. It'll be up to the MPs, and they're massively pro-EU, so...

>All those brits rushing to help a supposedly stranded NZ guy

He's just parroting Hitchens again. Peter says the same thing.

How many books have you read in your lives?

Why are the japanese such an awful race?

Haven't read any but I want to try


I bet the jews invented this

Lack of empathy

Free Palestine

Dont know whether to play a nighttime ow comp or not

if you believe in yourself you can do it

they're backstabbing conniving subhumans.

come to na servers lad i'll carry you straight down to 2000

Just got called a Jew in the natsoc general lads

>tfw didn't gain a single pound over christmas

>my organs hurt

What did you do lad

I was being Jewish lad

(actually I just asked a question and they sperged out)


>the alt-right

When you've just cum but keep fapping they're called the vinegar strokes becuase it's the same motion as puting vine

Wait i'm in the wrong thread

>Young "Conservatives"

How does he have three thousand followers

You've got to admit though, they are distinctly more white than Labour groups


Traitors are worse than an enemy

if this fag is american i'm gonna be triggered

>young UKIP

>that power stance on the left


>anyone associated with the Conservative party is a traitor
Your hatred of the Tories can be pathological sometimes

play ow with me cunt

the scariest thing in the world isn't that it's too late

it's that you're approaching the tipping point. it's not too late if you start SOON.

but you don't know where to start.

so you know that in future regret is approaching


What the fuck is that specimen on the right

Martin Schkreli

YKTD doesn't do rationality. He does live on a depressing Welsh street that looks like death so who can blame him?

quintessentially british

>May: God gives me confidence to do the right thing and my faith guides me
>Papers: What a Christian patriot! Surely this woman can lead us to the promised land

>Leadsom: God gives me confidence to do the right thing and my faith guides me



All three are qt3.14s tbqhwy


Quote fun watching Labour disintegrate, isn't it?

Sargon BTFO

Also he spams gay niggers on his own twitter.

Not really when all of their pre-Corbyn ideas are accepted consensus in every single party

I don't like the treat-politics-like-a-football-game, "Yes, Labour and the Tories fundamentally agree on 99% of issues, and in some ways (spying, budget cuts for our Armed Forces) the Tories are worse, but I support the Blue Team and if I don't the Red Team will win, so fuck that" mentality

Seeing Blairites get chucked out of Labour and seeing it become the biggest party in Britain and the biggest social democratic party in all of Europe just because of a left-wing backlash against neoliberal economics and watching them get BTFO during the EU vote was nice though

Doesn't Sup Forums hate him


>>The media finally catches on - Voters are now divided based on cultural attitudes, not economics
Fuck identity politics

The Cold War's over mong

Yes good goy the only thing that matters is money

How do you cope with wagecuckoldry lads?

Can hear my drunk neighbour beating his wife.

I should prank call pizza to them lol


Did I say that? Economics, the constitution and LOCAL ISSUES are more important. Money is just a method of exchange nothing more.

Oh yeah

What happened, backlash?


Anyone still here


What do you mean by "identity politics"


No, this is your dream


Focusing on cultural issues to get people to define themselves in ever more divisive and vague ways rather than cooperating. Culture can change on a whim which is why society seems so fractured. People are too wrapped up in their social media bubble. It's all about manufacturing neat little identities to comfort everyone.

It's cancerous liberal individualism. It's not some inherently left wing thing either, loads of corporations and businesses support all these LGBT initiatives, mass immigration, EU membership etc.


Oh I see

I assumed that you were some kind of CIVIC


>It's cancerous liberal individualism. It's not some inherently left wing thing either, loads of corporations and businesses support all these LGBT initiatives, mass immigration, EU membership etc
>Being economically liberal makes you right-wing

Again, the Cold War is OVER

Here he's using "right-wing" in the economic sense you autist

>tfw waking up at 4am

wtf does yktd stand for?

>tfw waking up at 6pm