BUILD THE.... eh?

BUILD THE.... eh?

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Now they're all dead
The only good kind of spics

Still, the wall can slow down the eurocucks simulator

That's not a big wall

that's illegal ya now

H-hes fast!

>t. United States, the global pariah

by 30 seconds? lmao

that's not a big ladder

The fuck is up with that ladder?

This is why beltfed firearms are a thing.

and the liberals that defecate at the sight of a gun are going to stop us?


>Graffiti: "Tear down this wall, Mr. Obama

Guess it'll need to be ten feet higher, then.

4 U

We just need to do whatever the Hungarians are doing. It probably involves guns.

>During the month of September 2015 there was a total number of 138,396 migrant entries, and by the first two weeks of November the average daily number of intercepted migrants decreased to only 15, which is a daily reduction of more than 4,500.

I lol'd because the China flag made that post perfect

That's not a wall...this is a wall.
Under budget and ahead of schedule.

the wall does not matter.

What matters is right now anybody catched crossing the border and claiming to be a refugee is let go inside the fucking country. never to be heard from again when the judge finally calls his bullshit.

stop that and you will have "built the wall"

>walls are useless because people can climb over them XD
I guess you should just not have a front door on your house because people could break in anyways right?

>hires illegals
>comes under budget
>work on mexican side of border entire time
>seal themselves out

>Because there is not going to be any people on the other side about to arrest them and send them back.

>Not shown: The Israeli soldiers on the other side of the wall swearing at them in Hebrew while pointing rifles at them.

Posed photographs are worthless and only tell the story the photographer wants them to tell.


Yeah it's scary that the lines on a parking lot are more effective borders. Not everything needs to be a 50 foot sheer concrete wall topped with c-wire and guard towers.

>lines on a parking lot

Thats the berlin wall you fucking retard, look at the arabic writing

I don't understand, what happens if they come with planks or something?

Kekd hard my fellow leaf

The wall would extend past ground level

uh yeah thats what happens when you try to climb over a protected border. should have been shot as soon as he jumped down

think more like the walls around the vatican city, but even higher, deeper underground, far more guarded and completed funded by the mexican government.

this was truly a limp dicked effort on your end, dumb shit.

Now what if they put razor wire at the base on the other side of the wall. How would they get over?

What about the 25' drop on the otherside? That is bound to brake some ankles.

Fuck off retard.
Walls proven to work.

>everyone climbs up
>pull ladder to top
>lower on other side
>obtain american citizenship

You forgot to show the other side of the wall

The incline is very very long and the depth is like 3 stories


Doesn't look like Mexico tbqh fampai

>english letters
>arab writing
>actual wall

where is this and why are you memeing against my mexico

Drones + a few squads, with support of some ready emergency teams will do the trick.

Then you build a ho-ho, which is like a ha-ha, only deeper.

china banter and thanks for the flag, just started the collection


>not leaf

fuck off.


Destroying federal property with the intention to invade is illegal. Defending the nation from invaders is legal or illegal depending on how cucked your country is.

the incline is on the other side, so you have an extra 6 feet to try and dismount from

How bad is mexico that these fuckers are climbing walls with barbed wire?




Wait when did (((you))) come back?

When everyone voted against them

You know what? My local lake is flooding due to high rains. I'm not going to bother building sandbag walls around my home though because a few drops can still get through.

*against their departure

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. Watching this guy's campaign crash and burn is fucking hilarious. But in all seriousness, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!

10/10 pretty gud copypasta

He has already stated wall would be higher than that meaning it would require the transportation of a much larger ladder to the wall for both scaling up and descending on the other side.

It has already been discussed that drone technology would be monitoring the border giving several more orders or magnitude of coverage than currently exists. How are you going to haul 30+ feet of ladder without cover and not be seen?

This leaves tunneling as the next most viable option. Seismographs will be able to detect and triangulate the position of any tunnel that isn't dug extremely deep and extremely slowly. This technology is cheaper and easier to implement than the aerial drones.

The next most viable path is by sea, however this is already monitored by aerial and underwater drone technologies.

Which means the biggest vulnerability in the entire wall system will be corrupt monitoring staff taking bribes to help conceal the detection of small aircraft.

>silent alarm goes off as soon as they even step within 20 yards of the wall
>a border patrol truck filled with assault rifle and machine gun-wielding Trump supporters less than 5 minutes away speeds towards the breach location
>another silent arm goes off when the barbed wire on top of the wall is cut
>two more trucks with K9 units and a helicopter with snipers speeds towards the breach location
>one of the snipers mistakes a sombrero for a missile launcher and orders everyone to open fire

Where are the Machine gun nests, drones, and and infrared sensors?

That is one sad wall. We need to make it great again.

That is some hot degeneracy. Would smash that octopussy even though all the warning signs are there

The wall is not the solution, you have to shut down their work opportunities and their children's education. Dont even rent them a house.


A lot of anti-wall types say that "a wall won't stop ALL illegal immigrants from coming into the US. Since we can't stop 100% of them, it means we should stop 0% of them."

That is so fallacious. Of course a wall isn't going to stop 100% of illegal immigrants from coming to the US. There will still be overstaying visas and people tenacious enough to cross the wall.

While a wall won't stop 100% of illegal immigrants from entering the US, it might stop a large percentage of them, say like 70%. I do have faith that come January, Trump will make America a less hospitable place for illegal immigrants to take advantage of us.

there's something weird going on with her vag,

Actually it's quite legal.


So is ILLEGAL immigration. If you break the law, you get punished.

>the wall won't work
>blah blah blah insert here leftist propaganda blah blah